آموزش:طراحی Button حرفه ای و قسمتی از هدر سایت

1.New set

Create a new set aka "Folder" and call it "Navigation"

2.Rectangle select
Select a the colours light grey and dark grey and then make a rectangle selection that is roughly 150% bigger then the button you intend to make.


3.Inverse the Selection

Now go to select > modify > smooth, enter 3. Then select > inverse, press delete, then select > inverse.
4.Duplicate the layer

Proceed to make a duplicate of your layer, and then choosing the original (which is below your duplicate) press Ctrl+u and decrease the lightness some around -10, then move your layer down 5 pixels or so.

5.Resize the button

Finally click on the duplicate layer, press ctrl+e and then press ctrl+t to resize down to the apporiate size of the button you wish to create:

6.Add layer style

Now to give extra depth, add an outerglow:

and a stroke:

7.Create a dotted line

Now you'll need to create a dotted line, an easy way is creating a new layer, making a 1x1 pixel box fill it and duplicate it. Make a line of grey then another line of white, and place on the button as so:
*Note this is zoomed in on the button itself*

8.Positioning the dots

After positioning the dots, you may want to change the lightness of the button by pressing ctrl+u it should look something like this:

9.Creating small arrow.

Now you need to make a small arrow. Create a new layer, above all of your current button layers, then using polygonal marquee tool:

you will need to hold shift and make a small arrow.
10.Add layer style

Position the arrow to the left of dotted line and add the following outerglow:

The last step is adding some text, with a dropshadow of:

Congratulations you should have something like this!

این از آموزش Button حرفه ای و در ادامه آموزش قسمتی که Button ها و Header در اون جا میگیره
البته من Button بالا رو به کار بردم با کمی تغیرات جالب شد.

1.ew document

Make a new document. I used 600x120 for this tutorial. Leave the background white for the time being
2.Marque Tool selection

Make a New Layer. Grab the Rectangular Marque Tool and make a thin selection at the top from the left to the right:

Fill it in with a dark medium red/maroon color. I used #C92F2F.
3.apply line

Using the Line Tool apply a black 1px line under the red thin rectangle you just created:

Using the Line Tool again make another line under the black line you just created. Use a nice soft grey. I used #CCCCCC. You wont be able to see it now, but you will in a few more steps.

4.make thin rectangle

Make a New Layer and use the Rectangular Marque Tool to make another thin rectangle:

Fill the selection in with any color you wish. Now right click the layer and go to Blending Options. Click on Gradient Overlay and apply these settings:

you should have something like this:

Ok now that the detailed part of the header is complete we can now apply the simpler detailing.

5.Marque Tool selection

Make a New Layer and select the Rectangular Marque Tool again and make a selection like below:

Fill it in with a light toned grey. I used #D2D2D2


6.Blending Options

Now right click the layer and go to Blending Options. Select Inner Shadow and apply these settings:

Now you got something like this:

7.Marque Tool selection

Make a selection with the Rectangular Marque Tool like below

Now press CNTRL+U. We are now going to change the color so it gives the grey a different toned feel instead of just a solid color.

Now you got something like this:

8.working on the navigation part

Now we can start working on the navigation part. This is pretty simple. We will be using the Marque Tools along with the Line Tool to accomplish the creation of the menu. First make a New Layer. Select the Marque Tool and make a selection like below:

Lets start out with a nice dark color for the menu. I used #121212.

9.makes line

Now its time to get creative and use the Line Tool. Make another New Layer and makes lines like I did below:

Also note for the top horizontal line I used 2px instead of 1px. Ok finish up with your lines and now lets move on to the final steps!
10.dark grey Fill

Make a New Layer. Grab the Rectangular Marque Tool and make a selection like below:

Fill it in with a dark grey. I used #5D5D5D.

11.final touches

Add your final touches, yes this is the part where you.. yourself get creative! Find a nice font to use, make an appealing logo and once your all done show it off to your friends! I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. Here is my final work:

منبع : مرحوم TheDesignWorld
چقدر طولانی شد
ای کاش تو 2تا تاپیک میذاشتم
اگه تو لود شدن عکسا مشکلی بود بگین تو 2تا تاپیک بذارم

hamid ir

Well-Known Member
چرا زبان اصلی؟
اینطوری که همه میتونن تو روز کلی آموزش بزارن

GFX Master

مدیر انجمن گرافیک دو بعدی ومسئول فروشگاه
ببین البرز جان اول اینکه دستت درد نکنه چون اموزش خیلی خوبی بود. بعد هم اینکه حرف بدی که نزدن بچه ها ولی چون اینجا سایت و مرجع فارسی برای گرافیست و وبمسترهاست بهتره که اموزشها هم بصورت ترجمه شده باشه.
من دیگه چیزی نمیزارم.
اگه اون تاپیکو خوب بخونین این افراد ازم خواستن که بزارم
من حتی گفتم که اگه بخواین فقط لینکارو میدم که معرفی شه براتونو خودتون برید از سایتش بخونین ولی بازم خواستن بزارم

در هر صورت حسابی پشیمون شدم و دیگه از این کارا نمی کنم دوستانیم که تمایل دارن لینک 18 سایت که مربوطبه طراحی Layout وب میشه رو پیغام خصوصی بزنن براشون بفرستم.

دستت درد نکنه از آموزش اما ...
هنوز که دیر نشده خوب فارسی بذار
اگه به خاطر حرف بچه ها آموزش انگلیسی میذاری
حالا هم به خاطر همه بیا و فارسی بذار
با تشکر

یه آموزش خیلی طولانی هست که میتونم بگم باهاش تونستم خودم کامل یاد بگیرم
اونو امروز فردا فارسیشو قرار میدم تو یه تاپیک

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