Maxon Cinema 4D 14

Amin 4D

مدیر انجمن <A href="
سلام سلام به تمامی دوستداران دنیای سه بعدی، بلاخص دوستداران نرم افزار Cinema 4D.


دیشب مطلع شدیم ورژن جدید توی راهه، یه ورژن دوست داشتنی دیگه، با یه سری قابلیت های جدید و خوشحال کننده.
اول پیشنهاد می کنم این ویدئو رو دانلود کنید و یه کم با قابلیت های جدید Cinema 4D آشنا بشید:

جالبرتین قابلیت افزوده شده به Cinema 4D جدید قابلیت Digital Sculpting هستش. این ویدئو رو ببینید برای دیدن توضیحات Digital Sculpting :

تو لینک زیر هم می تونید قابلیت های جدید رو ببینید کامل:

البته تو اولین فرصت سعی می کنم براتون شرح بدم کامل قابلیت های جدید و امکانات جدید و تغییرات توی این ورژن رو.

اینم توضیحات به زبان اصلی از سایت خود Maxon:

Easy to Use and Easy to Learn, Stable, Fast and State-of-the-Art Technology

There's a reason why these terms are included for each Release - and this tradition continues with Release 14! These are the qualities upon which customers have always been able to count and they continue to guarantee the satisfaction of MAXON customers and CINEMA 4D users.


Organic modeling is made easy with the fully-integrated Sculpting system in CINEMA 4D Studio Release 14 and BodyPaint 3D. Transform any base mesh into virtual clay, shaping it with tools like pull, pinch, smooth, knife or scrape. Advanced symmetry tools allow you to mirror a single stroke along multiple axes, and even radial fashion. Fine details can be added with stamps and stencils, and you can apply masks to limit the sculpt to specific regions. You can even organize your sculpt project in a hierarchical layer system, and modify mask and strength options for each layer. Finally, directly texture, animate and render your sculpted mesh, or easily bake it into a low-poly mesh with displacement and normal maps.



Model faster and more accurately with new interactive workplane modes, dynamic guides and a completely redesigned snapping system. Easily align your workplane to any world axis, the camera or the current selection, then snap to the grid or adjust global coordinates based on the workplane orientation. Draw linear or planar guides directly in the view, or snap to dynamic guides generated around each component. You can also easily select objects or components by simply painting over them with the right-mouse button pressed.



Accelerate your animation workflow with enhancements to cameras, dynamics and character tools in CINEMA 4D R14. Quickly morph between camera positions and create dynamic camera animations with the Motion Camera system. Gain greater realism and control over dynamics in CINEMA 4D Broadcast and Studio with aerodynamic forces, plastic springs and breaking connectors, as well as enhanced Xpresso control over dynamics. Give life to your characters with updated rigs and enhanced capabilities of the Character Object.



Achieve greater rendering realism and compositing control with CINEMA 4D R14. Simulate wood grain, weathering effects and normal mapping with new shaders. Enjoy faster, more accurate GI calculations with Multiple Importance Sampling and radiosity maps. And, you have even more control over your renderings with color grading in the Picture Viewer and as a post effect, and you can optimize your compositing workflow with the position pass.



R14 offers amazing enhancements to exchanges with key applications like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects and Nuke. Now you can manipulate 3D objects, lights and textures directly in Adobe Photoshop. New options have been added for exchanging your 3D scene with After Effects. And, a new seamless connection to NUKE has been added that automatically creates your multi-pass composite, through multi-layer OpenEXR support.



Work faster and smarter with numerous enhancements to the workflow and interface in CINEMA 4D R14. You’ll enjoy the more attractive and responsive 3D view with new object highlighting and outlining, and improved OpenGL shadows. Easily access commands and add tags using the new spotlight-style Commander. New composition helpers have been added to arrange your scene based on grids or golden spirals, and you can easily choose the focal distance with the new camera focus picker. Arabic speakers will especially enjoy the CINEMA 4D interface in their native language including a specially-designed right-to-left layout mode.​

Amin 4D

مدیر انجمن <A href="
[h=1]All New Features of CINEMA 4D Release 14[/h]
Modeling, Workflow, Interface & Picture Viewer

  • [*=left]Sculpting as a new and completely integrated modeling method with sophisticated brushes, symmetry options, hundreds of presets, masking, layers, incl. levels and object baking
    [*=left]Powerful Camera Calibrator (Camera Matching) tool to reconstruct camera position, rotation and focal length based on images
    [*=left]New, totally reworked premium Snap functionality
    [*=left]Realistic camera motion (filmed by hand or SteadiCam simulation) can be easily created using the Motion Camera tag
    [*=left]With the Camera Morph tag you can animate steplessly between various camera positions, animations and all camera parameters
    [*=left]New powerful Guide objects and tools with integrated snapping functionality for Architecture, construction and technical modeling
    [*=left]Additional Workplane modes and new remarkable Workplane functions
    [*=left]Enhanced OpenGL viewport now with real-time soft shadows
    [*=left]New To Do function
    [*=left]New To Do tag
    [*=left]Task / To Do Manager
    [*=left]Focal length can be adjusted interactively with one click for each camera
    [*=left]The new Commander tool can be used to easily to call up any command
    [*=left]Gradient curves in the Picture Viewer filter
    [*=left]Gradient curves as a post effect
    [*=left]Raycast Selection (polygons, points, Objects, etc.) with RMB
    [*=left]Orthogonal views can be rotated around the orthographic axis
    [*=left]Viewport Object Highlighting: If needed, selected objects or objects to be selected are now highlighted with an outline (to be selected: white; selected: orange)
    [*=left]The length of the animation path (spline) displayed in the Viewport is now in relation to the length of the preview range and fades accordingly
    [*=left]Visibility of individual HUD element options can be switched.
    [*=left]Project preferences can also be saved and loaded as presets
    [*=left]Seamlessly switch from one camera to the next in the Viewport (animated switching)
    [*=left]Null object icons can be assigned custom colors
    [*=left]Various guidelines can be displayed in the camera settings (golden spiral, golden ratio, cross-hair, etc.)
    [*=left]Light source icons can assume the light’s color
    [*=left]Improved export of Cloner object animations
    [*=left]Right-click option menu for primary tools
    [*=left]New work mode for moving and rotating work planes directly
    [*=left]Right-click on axis moves elements in the direction of the camera
    [*=left]Display of sound wave shapes in the Timeline’s FCurve view
    [*=left]New Timeline marker options
    [*=left]Scroll wheel in the Timeline
    [*=left]Tracks for selected objects can be folded or unfolded in the Timeline
    [*=left]The Bump channel’s effect on the reflection can be disabled
    [*=left]New Displacement mode: RGB (XYZ Tangent)
    [*=left]New Brick shader parameter
    [*=left]Vertex Normal coordinates displayed in Structure Manager
    [*=left]Images can be scaled when saved using the Picture Viewer
    [*=left]Automatic selection of image size for optimized playback of animations in the Picture Viewer RAM, so every animation can be played in real-time
    [*=left]New transparency option for the sun
    [*=left]New MoSpline setting
    [*=left]New Multi-Shader parameter (for improved mosaic images)
    [*=left]Interactive, uniform modification of brush size and pressure for all brush tools
    [*=left]New brush size behavior
    [*=left]Displacement Baking
    [*=left]Enhanced MoGraph Multi Shader
    [*=left]Enhanced Brick shader
    [*=left]Enhanced Fresnel 2D preview
    [*=left]Specular Color + Specular channel unified
    [*=left]Gradient GUI: One-click even knot distribution
    [*=left]Enhanced Watermark
    [*=left]Displacement Baking
    [*=left]Picture Viewer enhancements (create stereoscopic images by loading two different pictures)
    [*=left]Highlighting of GUI elements
    [*=left]Bubble help enhancements
    [*=left]Add Point ID to pop-up dialog
    [*=left]Better preview quality for Specular Highlight in Material Editor
    [*=left]Rain Sampler shader: Texture map for rain intensity
    [*=left]Color light icon
    [*=left]Picture Viewer: Auto-sync AB
    [*=left]Create stereo images from AB-Compare
    [*=left]Picture Viewer: Save All loop
    [*=left]Watermark: Add placeholder for HDR threshold
    [*=left]Watermark: Placeholders for camera settings
    [*=left]Watermark: Create some sub-menus in placeholder pop-up menu Watermark: CINEMA 4D version placeholder
    [*=left]Gray out / disable focus dynamics when Focus Control is deactivated
    [*=left]Add additional morph tracks to Camera Morph tag, Multi-Shader improvement: Blend used shader with clone color
    [*=left]Sketch & Toon OMP support for CreateLines
    [*=left]Command for switching layout from right to left (Arabic language)
    [*=left]Arabic localization and interface

  • [*=left]New, improved GI sampling
    [*=left]New GI sampling method, Radiosity Maps
    [*=left]Radiosity Maps for significant acceleration of Q rendering and caching
    [*=left]New GI sampler: Universal
    [*=left]Caustics rendering speedup
    [*=left]Normal textures can now also be baked using high-res objects
    [*=left]Improved integration of objects in Projects illuminated using GI
    [*=left]The Physical Sky is much improved and is now even more realistic.
    [*=left]Complete new high-class 3D Wood shader
    [*=left]New Weathering shader
    [*=left]Brick shader: Add a groove to the gaps
    [*=left]The new Normalizer shader can calculate HQ Normal maps using Bump maps
    [*=left]New Subsurface Scattering mode: Direct
    [*=left]New Subsurface Scattering mode: Single
    [*=left]Global control of Subsurface Scattering subdivision
    [*=left]Enhanced SSS Shader (Direct Mode / Single Scattering)
    [*=left]Global option for disabling Subsurface Scattering for rendering
    [*=left]Combining sky and sun for physically correct rendering

  • [*=left]Aerodynamic functions for Rigid and Soft Bodies
    [*=left]Plastic deformation for most Soft Body Springs
    [*=left]Aerodynamic mode for particle modifiers Wind, Friction, Rotation, Gravity and Attractor
    [*=left]Torsion springs and linear springs can be modified or broken elastically
    [*=left]Fixed Connector type can be broken at certain Force or Torque values
    [*=left]Breaking detection
    [*=left]Breaking limits for constraints
    [*=left]Collision can be included or excluded for Dynamics baking
    [*=left]All Dynamics caches can now be baked directly from the Dynamics Body tag
    [*=left]Global air density for aerodynamic Dynamics effects

  • [*=left]Positions Pass for 3D-compatible compositing applications (The Foundry Nuke)
    [*=left]Position Pass: Added Support for different spaces
    [*=left]Position Pass: Added scaling parameter
    [*=left]Position Pass: Added RGB flip options
    [*=left]Position Pass: Change strings
    [*=left]Position Pass: Added invert option for Z axis
    [*=left]Multi-Pass files, including the entire Project file, can now be ouput for The Foundry Nuke
    [*=left]Native CINEMA 4D files can be saved directly from After Effects
    [*=left]Native CINEMA 4D files can be exported from After Effects
    [*=left]CINEMA 4D files can be opened directly in Photoshop
    [*=left]Support for 3D export format Alembic
    [*=left]FBX now also supports splines
    [*=left]Command for saving a Project directly for Melange
    [*=left]Camera options for After Effects export
    [*=left]Light source options After Effects export
    [*=left]Rename AFX plugin files
    [*=left]Photoshop: default camera

  • [*=left]Completely new (GUI) XPresso design
    [*=left]New Node connection: Curved
    [*=left]Antialiasing of XPresso Nodes
    [*=left]Performance View for XPresso Nodes
    [*=left]Parameters controlled by XPresso are marked in the Attribute Manager
    [*=left]Determine in XPresso whether or not dynamics has been triggered in a specific object / tag
    [*=left]XPresso ports can be created via drag & drop
    [*=left]New XPresso Node: Track Operator
    [*=left]Dynamics can now be triggered using XPresso
    [*=left]New Dynamics XPresso Node: Dynamics Connector State
    [*=left]New Dynamic Spring State mode in XPresso
    [*=left]'Trigger By XPresso’for Dynamics Body
    [*=left]Enhanced Attribute Manager (new animation dots show if a parameter is controlled by XPresso)
    [*=left]Bubble help for parameters controlled by XPresso
    [*=left]New ports for the Dynamic Body State Node
    [*=left]Drag DescID to ObjectNode
Character and XRefs

  • [*=left]The XRef object can function as a Generator
    [*=left]Reference Container Active Object List
    [*=left]The timing of animated referenced objects (XRefs) can be influenced in the master Project
    [*=left]Freely placeable XRef object pivot in master Project
    [*=left]Several new XRef Manager commands
    [*=left]Various new XRef options
    [*=left]XRef tag to define which object to display
    [*=left]In addition to other improvements, multiple bone inserts for the Character Component tag
    [*=left]Joint weights can now be applied via Save or Load command
    [*=left]New Clamp option, Fix Axis
    [*=left]New, additional priority for Pose Morph tag
    [*=left]Materials can be assigned to character components
    [*=left]Layers can be assigned to character components
    [*=left]Freeze coordinates in the Character Component tag
    [*=left]Character Component tag Handles can be colored individually
    [*=left]Character enhancements (Flexible Builder)
    [*=left]Elements on layers can be exempted from an XRef master Project when it is loaded
    [*=left]Numerous additional settings for loading characters as well as new template files
    [*=left]Tag to set default state in XRef
    [*=left]XRef Point Modify
    [*=left]Offset for keyframes in XRefs
    [*=left]XRef Manager Include check boxes
    [*=left]XRef Modify options: Points, Mode
    [*=left]Auto proxy switch on render
    [*=left]XRef layer shows icon
    [*=left]XRef Manager menus as commands
    [*=left]Xref: Flush and Object parameter
    [*=left]Project settings for XRef import
    [*=left]Next/Previous Key also jumps to Child objects’ keys
    [*=left]Merge Poses
    [*=left]Pose Morph Symmetry function
    [*=left]Insect Builder - Add Antenna, Add Mandibles
    [*=left]CMotion - Change order in Action List
    [*=left]Builder object naming
    [*=left]Builder layers optional
    [*=left]Export Weights to a file
    [*=left]Character object: Control which components to which a mesh gets bound
    [*=left]Character Builder update dialog
    [*=left]Character Builder bone insert controllers
    [*=left]Character Object / Component tag Handle color now uses object color
    [*=left]P2P Manager / Library
    [*=left]Copy muscle shapes between states
    [*=left]CA / additions to mocap mixamo builder template

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