Google Vulnerability A Sign Of Web 2.0 Weakness


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حتما از باگ اخیر جی میل با خبر شده بودید (منتشر نکردم، چون سوء استفاده نشه!!)
به هر حال این باگ ۲-۳ روزه برطرف شده، اما مهم تر از اون مشکلات جدیدی است که به روی توسعه دهندگان web2 باز شده!!

در ادامه این مطلب رو مطالعه کنید بد نیست:

Google, Yahoo, and other Web companies that rely on the fancy Web 2.0 features enabled by JavaScript will most likely continue to respond quickly to security vulnerabilities, although it's less comforting to know that a site known as Googlified was the first to point out the most recent problem. While it's unrealistic for IT managers to stop the use of Web applications, they should be aware of the potential threats to their IT systems and data.

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