Forum Web Server+key


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Forum Web Server


يك نرم افزار توپ براي شبكه هاي محلي (هلو :wink: )
با اين نرم افزار شما مي تونيد يك وب سرور داشته باشيد با تموم امكانات تو مايه هاي اپاچي
البته اين كارش نيست ها شما مي تونيد روي لوكاهاستتون (دستگاهتون )يك وب سرور بسازيدو يوزرهايي تعريف كنيد و با ايمليشون پسورد بديدو يكسري كارهاي ديگه ......
اه :( من خوب نمي تونم توضيح بدم اين توضيح انگليسيش خيلي بهتر

Forum Web Server allows you to create your own Web-Base bulletin board on the internet. 

Forum Web Server is a Windows 2000/XP program that allows you to setup a bulletin board system and photo/file exchange web service. It offers a built in http engine, internal database engine, integrated HTML/Script pages, user management interface, message board engine, short message center and a secure file Upload/Download option as well as a photo album engine. The server is completely standalone and does not rely on other applications. The board is easy to install and configure. 

Everyone agrees, a Web Interface is the best interface for users. Users just need to click and move their mouse. Accomplishing all this you would need to create a Web-Base application, install a http-server such as Apache or IIS, then install and configure a Database server such as Oracle or MySQL and then edit some HTML/SCRIPT pages. This is way too much work and way too difficult 

Forum Web Server has it's own built in http engine, database engine,integrated HTML/Script pages, powerful user management engine, message board engine and secure file Sharing engine, does not rely on other applications. Users just need to install Forum Web Server and no other software. All without additional configuration. 

Forum Web Server provide Message Board and Photo Gallery, it allow remote user post and share any messages and any type photos. When a user upload a picture file remotely, Forum Web Server creates a Pic Thumb, so you can build a Internet photo album easy. 


Windows 2000/XP 
12MB hard disk space 
IP Connection (http Proxy is NOT supported, behind a router/firewall and Cable/DSL/FTTB+LAN user ) 
POP3 mail (MSN,AOL,Hotmail,and other Webmail email is NOT supported) 
Pentium 1 Class PC Recommended 

What is Web Froum Server included? 
Powerful user manager 
Forum Web Server's powerful user manager allows remote visitors to create their own accounts remotely with any Web Browser. Forum Web Server System administrators can flag the account as "Guest", "User" or "PowerUser". When a new user creates their new account (through their Web Browser), they must enter a real existing Email address. The system then generates a new random password and emails it to the original Email Address that the User used to request the Account. 

Powerful file manager 
Forum Web Server offers a secure file sharing engine. System administrators can build private rooms to share private messages and files. Users that have valid and individualized access to these rooms can Browse, Download or Upload files at their own leisure. Users can create their own individual rights to the files that they have uploaded. Visitors downloading files must answer a customized question (created by file owner/up loader) in order to retrieve the file. 

Operating System independent 

Forum Web Server is Operating System Independent. The Forum Web Server runs on a windows Environment, however; from a Client side, it is available to any Windows, Mac, Linux or Unix environment. With a Web Browser, remote Users can share any type of files and/or Messages. 

Why use Forum Web Server? 

It is easy to create 

Forum Web Server Feature 
Include a powerful, flexible, http/1.1 compliant web server 
Implements the latest protocols, including http/1.1 (RFC2616) 
No need any other database server and CGI server 
Support user login and create new user accout from browser 
Support search all newsgroups

اين سايتش:

اگه مثل من با اين توضيحات زياد نفهميدي كه برنامه چيكار مي كنه بهتره برنامه رو دانلود كني
حجمش هم خيلي كمه حدود 1.75مگابايت است.
اين هم لينك دانلودش:

اين هم سريالش:
name:  magid
key: 8783605651093390671778518

يا اين يكي:
name: majidonline
key:  381972919092857938251394832


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مجيد( 8O )
آقا اين چرا اسمش با كارش فرق مي كنه ... ولي با حاله .. بازم ايول آقا مجيد...


behrouzstar گفت:
آقا اين چرا اسمش با كارش فرق مي كنه ... ولي با حاله .. بازم ايول آقا مجيد...
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آقا بهروز اسمش كه خوبه چون با اين نرم افزار مي تونيد يك Forum بسازيد و كنترلش كنيد
:wink: :wink:

با تشكر
مجيد( 8O )

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