Brilliant Database V3.1 Pro(ساختن ديتا بيس)!!


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ديتا بيس بلد نيستي بسازي :( اصلا نگران نباش من هم بلد نيستم بسازم :lol:

مهم اينه كه برنامه Brilliant Database V3.1 Pro هم مي دونه ديتا بيس چيه و هم مي تونه بسازه 8O :lol:


اين هم يك نرم افزار يكم تخصصي
ديتا بيس مي سازه و تا 4گيگ ديتا بيس رو هم پشتيباني مي كنه 8O 8O

اين هم توضيحاتش :wink: و بازهم به زبون شيرين انگليسي:

Brilliant Database is the software that allows you to create a database without having any special knowledge or skills. Using it you can easily design your own: 

* Forms. There are 22 various fields to work with texts, dates, formulas, images, etc; 
* Report Styles. Print catalogs, reports, lists, business cards, envelops, etc; 
* Queries. You can use 12 rules and visual editor to inquire important data from a database; 
* Mathematical Formulas. Automate all mathematical calculation in your database; 
* Toolbars. Add new buttons, menus, hot-keys and configure all actions; 

Each database created using Brilliant Database supports tree-like and relation structure, files attachments, 4Gb databases, import/export and more... 

Here is only the list of features that a database created via the software will have: 

* A really user-friendly interface. Working with tables, forms or lists is as easily as you can imagine; 
* A Tree-like structure allows you to group and organize the records using folders; 
* You can attach any files to your database (photos, sounds, music, documents etc); 
* The Links between the records allow you to group your items; 
* Using the rules in the query editor, you can easily create any report, e.g.: "How much money did I spend on my DVDs last year?"; 
* The Icons can be imported into the database from any format; 
* Drag-and-Drop feature is supported. You can easily move the folders and items or attach files; 
* Records can be easily converted from one format to another; 
* A handy way of working with images is implemented in the software. Brilliant Database can paste images from the clipboard, get them from a scanner (camera) and import from any graphical file. Also there is an internal converter into the low-size jpeg format; 
* Performance optimization allows you to work with large databases (up to 4Gb) just as easily as it would be with smaller databases; 
* Quick sorting. You can sort records by any field, simply clicking on the column header. 
* You can import and export data from the following formats: Ms. Access (*.mdb), Ms. Excel (*.xls), Lotus (*.wks, *.wk1, *.wk3, *.wk4); 
* Easy caption and header renaming. This feature allows you to configure the program to your tastes and for your personal needs, e.g. you can rename the field "Manufacturer" to "Author". 
* Backup. Even if your computer suddenly freezes or turns off, your data will not be lost. 
* Security. All information is encoded, even if you do not lock the database with a password; 
* All query results (generated by a report or by a search) can be copied into a special window making operation with the important data much more comfortable; 
* Maximum database size is 4GB (over 100 millions records). . 
* There is a Recycle Bin, similar to the one in the Microsoft Windows. 
* Title field feature. When you work with records using the list view, it allows you to show the records by any field. 

Technical characteristics 

* Field Types: 16 (label, text, password, number/formula, image, date, time, e-mail, URL, relational field, list, multi-line text, image, flag, multi-select list, file) 
* Maximum field number on one form: 2000 
* Maximum sheet number on one form: 64 
* Maximum form number in one database: 32 
* Maximum database size: 4Gb 
* Maximum record number: limited only by the database size 
* Maximum folder number: limited only by the database size 
* Maximum record number in one folder: 2048 
* Maximum folder number in one folder: 256 
* Maximum attachment size: 32Mb 
* Maximum attachment number in one record: 64 
* Maximum icon number: 256 
* Maximum picture number: 256 
* Maximum query number: 32 
* Maximum report style number: limited only by the database size 
* Maximum toolbar button number: limited only by the database size

البته من سعي كردم تمام توضيحاتش رو بدم و لي خوب اگه خواستيد توضيحات بيشتري در مورد اين برنامه كسب كنيد اين وب سايتش هست :wink: خوبه يك نگاهي بكنيد :roll:

خوب حالا مي رسيم به لينك دانلودش: حجم برنامه هم زياد نيست (3.79mb)

كركش رو هم پيوست كردم :wink:

اميدوارم زياد دري بري نگفته باشم

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مجيد( 8O )


آقا مجيد ممنون ! اين برنامه برنامه ي بسيار به درد بخوريه خيلي دنبال همچين برنامه اي ميگشتم!


mizsia گفت:
آقا مجيد ممنون ! اين برنامه برنامه ي بسيار به درد بخوريه خيلي دنبال همچين برنامه اي ميگشتم!
خوب الحمدالله :wink:
بالاخره تونستيم يك چيزي لينك بديم كه بدرد يكي بخوره 8)

با تشكر
مجيد( 8O )

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