34 Brushes برای برنامه Zbrush

mahoo painter

مدیر انجمن گرافیک وکتور


34 براش برای برنامه زبراش
ZBrush Brushes Set 1

We are proud to offer 78 brushes to use with ZBrush and Mudbox completely free! Simply click on the brush you wish to download and save it to your computer, the files are all .PSD and 256px by 256px in size.

Import them into ZBrush, or open the brush up in Photoshop in which you can actually drag the texture layer around to find a better area of texture.

Inside of each .PSD file are 3 different Vignettes which you can turn on or off to change the shape of the brush: Circle, Oval and Square are currently the shapes available but feel free to add your own shapes if necessary.

We suggest saving the thumbnails below as well, to drop into the same folder so you can quickly see what each brush looks like. Simply right-click on each image and "Save Picture As..." (images below are not fullsize)

Set One: Click here to DOWNLOAD all the .PSD and .JPG files at once. 24mb (.ZIP)
Set Two: Click here to View set two

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