نسخه جدید از برنامه PDF Grabber 4.0 که برای تبدیل PDF فارسی به فایل Word می باشد
به کمک این نرم افزار میتوانید فایلهای PDF فارسی را موفقیت بیش از 90 درصد به فایل WORD تبدیل کنید
PdfGrabber 3.0 - PdfGrabber converts PDF files into multiple formats, i.e. Pdf to Excel, Pdf to RTF or Pdf to Word, PDF to Text, PDF to DXF/CAD, PDF to XML. It permits the handling and processing of PDF contents in other applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or AutoCAD. Adobe Acrobat does not have to be installed. The software offers a range of possibilities and features such as an efficient export profile administration, automatic monitoring of input directories and various command line options. PdfGrabber is more than convincing with its easy operability, comprehensive features and is offered in three different versions
Size : 4.50 MB
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