کمک در فارسی کردن


با سلام من می خواهم این کدا را فارسی کنم
میشه باید چه کار کنم
منظورم است چگونه و باید چه قسمت های را فارسی کنم
/* =============================================================================
* $Revision: 2479 $
* $Date: 2008-01-03 17:24:51 +0100 (Thu, 03 Jan 2008) $
* Vivvo CMS 4.0 
* Copyright 2005-07 SpoonLabs d.o.o.
* http://www.spoonlabs.com, All Rights Reserved
* Warning: This program is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
* reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may
* result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the
* maximum extent possible under the law. For more information about this
* script or other scripts see http://www.spoonlabs.com
* ============================================================================ 

define ('VIVVO_DB_COLLATION', 'utf8_unicode_ci');
define ('VIVVO_LANG_CODE' , 'en-US');

$lang = array(
'LNG_SEARCH_ALL' => 'Search all news',
'LNG_SEARCH_ADVANCED' => 'Advanced search',
'LNG_SEARCH_CAT' => 'Search categories',
'LNG_SEARCH_ALL_CATEGORIES' => 'Search in all categories',
'LNG_SEARCH_KEYWORD' => 'Search by keyword', 
'LNG_SEARCH_USER' => 'Search by Username',
'LNG_SEARCH_USER_NAME' => 'By name',
'LNG_SEARCH_USERGROUP' => 'Usergroup',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION' => 'Search options',
'LNG_SEARCH_POST' => 'Find posts from',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION_2_WEEKS_AGO' => '2 weeks ago',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION_3_MONTHS_AGO' => '3 months ago',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION_6_MONTHS_AGO' => '6 months ago',
'LNG_SEARCH_SITE' => 'Search the site',
'LNG_SEARCH_SORT' => 'Sort results by',
'LNG_SEARCH_STATUS' => 'Search by status',

'LNG_SEARCH_RESULT' => 'found',
'LNG_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'Search results',
'LNG_SEARCH_NO_RESULT' => 'There is no results for your query.',
'LNG_SEARCH_NO_RESULT1' => 'There is no results containing',
'LNG_SEARCH_NO_RESULT2' => ' term. Please, search again.',

'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_AND_OLDER' => 'and older',
'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_CATEGORIES' => 'Search categories (use Ctrl for multiple)',
'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_KEYWORD' => 'Keyword(s)',
'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_POST' => 'Find posts from',

'LNG_SELECT_DAY' => 'Select day',
'LNG_SELECT_MONTH' => 'Select month',
'LNG_SELECT_YEAR' => 'Select year',

'LNG_SORT_BY' => 'Sort by',
'LNG_SORT_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'LNG_SORT_DATE' => 'Date',
'LNG_SORT_TITLE' => 'Title',

'LNG_LOG_IN' => 'Log in',
'LNG_LOG_OUT' => 'Log out',
'LNG_NOT_LOGGED' => 'You have to be logged in to post comments',
'LNG_NO_LOGGED_NO_COMMENT' => 'You have to be logged in to post comments',

'LNG_COMMENT' => 'Comment',
'LNG_COMMENTS' => 'Comments',
'LNG_COMMENT_POST' => 'Post your comment',
'LNG_COMMENT_POSTED' => 'posted',
'LNG_LATEST_COMMENTS' => 'Latest comments',
'LNG_NO_COMMENT_POSTED' => ' - No comments posted',
'LNG_NUM_COMMENT_POSTED' => ' comments posted',
'LNG_COMMENTS_REPORT_INAPPROPRIATE' => 'Report as inappropriate',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_SENT' => 'Inappropriate content reported.',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_FAILD' => 'Mail could not be sent.',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_IP_ADDRESS_AUTHOR_COMMENT' => 'IP address of the person who posted the comment',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_REPORTED_COMMENT_INFO' => 'User who reported the comment',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_MESSAGE_1' => 'Please respond to this post as applicable.',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_MESSAGE_2' => 'This comment is part of this article',

'LNG_CANT_POSTED_COMMENTS' => 'Only registred users!',
'LNG_CANT_POSTED_COMMENTS_BAD_WORDS' => 'You can\'t post this comment beacuse you used the following words:',

'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS' => 'Add your comments',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS_WWW' => 'Your website',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENT_CAPTCHA' => 'Please enter the code you see in the image:',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS_MAIL' => 'Your e-mail address',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS_WAITING' => 'Your comment has been saved and will be visible after moderator\'s approval.',

'LNG_ADDED_COMMENT1' => 'Your comment was posted successfully.',
'LNG_ADDED_COMMENT2' => 'Back to the article page',
'LNG_ADDED_COMMENT3' => 'Your comment has been submitted for approval.', 

'LNG_NO_ARTICLES' => 'There are no articles in selected category.',
'LNG_NO_CATEGORY_ARTICLES' => 'There are no articles in this category',
'LNG_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE' => 'Articles per page',
'LNG_EMAIL__ARTICLE' => 'Email this article',

'LNG_POPULAR_TAGS' => 'Popular tags',
'LNG_NO_TAGS_FOR_ARTICLE' => 'No tags for this article',
'LNG_MY_TAGS' => 'My tags',
'LNG_TAGS_ADD' => 'Add',


'LNG_SUBMIT_BUTTON' => 'Submit',
'LNG_RESET_BUTTON' => 'Reset',
'LNG_MAIL_BUTTON' => 'Subscribe',
'LNG_SEARCH_BUTTON' => 'Search',

'LNG_PLUGIN_CONTACT' => 'Contact us',
'LNG_PLUGIN_SITEMAP' => 'Sitemap',

'LNG_AUTHORS' => 'Authors',
'LNG_AUTHOR_BY' => 'By',
'LNG_AUTHOR_INFO' => 'Author info',
'LNG_AUTHOR_LINK' => 'Provided by',
'LNG_FEATURED_AUTHOR' => 'Featured author',

'LNG_USER_FULL_NAME' => 'Full name',
'LNG_USER_FIRSTNAME' => 'First name',
'LNG_USER_SECONDNAME' => 'Last name',

'LNG_USER_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'LNG_USER_EMAIL' => 'E-mail',
'LNG_USER_INTEREST' => 'Point of interest:',
'LNG_USER_FEED' => 'Author feed',
'LNG_USER_PICTURE' => 'Picture',
'LNG_USER_PUBLISHED' => 'Published articles:',
'LNG_USER_TEXT' => 'Short bio',
'LNG_USER_WWW' => 'Website',

'LNG_USER_ADD' => 'Add user:',
'LNG_USER_ADDED' => 'User added succesfully',
'LNG_USER_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'Username already exists',

'LNG_USER_USERNAME' => 'Username',
'LNG_USER_PASSWORD' => 'Password',
'LNG_USER_FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD' => 'Forgot your password?',
'LNG_USER_FIRSTNAME' => 'Firstname',
'LNG_USER_FIRST_NAME' => 'Firstname',
'LNG_USER_LAST_NAME' => 'Lastname',

'LNG_USER_LOGIN' => 'Log in',
'LNG_USER_LOGOUT' => 'Log out',
'LNG_USER_REMEMBER_ME' => 'Remember me',
'LNG_USER_EMPTY' => 'Username cannnot be empty',
'LNG_USER_SUBMIT' => 'Add user',

'LNG_USER_UPLOAD' => 'File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.',
'LNG_USER_UPLOAD_ERROR' => 'Possible file upload attack!',

'LNG_ADMIN' => 'Admin',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_0' => 'Writer',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_1' => 'Editor',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_2' => 'Admin',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_3' => 'Trusted writer',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_4' => 'Member',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_5' => 'Premium member',

'LNG_RELATED_LINKS' => 'No matching news for this article',
'LNG_RELATED_LINK_POST' => 'posted on',

'LNG_VOTES' => 'votes',
'LNG_VOTES_TOTAL' => 'total',
'LNG_VOTES_RATING' => 'Rating:',
'LNG_RATE_ARTICLE' => 'Rate this article',
'LNG_VOTES_SCRIPT_OK' => 'Thank you for voting for this article.',
'LNG_VOTES_SCRIPT_ALREADY' => 'You already voted for this article!',

'LNG_MOST_POPULAR' => 'Most Popular',
'LNG_MOST_EMAILED' => 'Most E-mailed',
'LNG_MOST_COMMENTED' => 'Most Commented',

'LNG_ALL_NEWS' => 'All news',
'LNG_MORE_NEWS' => 'More news',
'LNG_RELATED_NEWS' => 'Related news',
'LNG_FEATURED_NEWS' => 'Headlines',
'LNG_LATEST_NEWS' => 'Latest additions',

'LNG_BACK' => 'Back',
'LNG_PAUSE' => 'Pause',
'LNG_FORWARD' => 'Forward',

'LNG_SU' => 'Su',
'LNG_MO' => 'Mo',
'LNG_TU' => 'Tu',
'LNG_WE' => 'We',
'LNG_TH' => 'Th',
'LNG_FR' => 'Fr',
'LNG_SA' => 'Sa',
'LNG_MONTH_1' => 'January',
'LNG_MONTH_2' => 'February',
'LNG_MONTH_3' => 'March',
'LNG_MONTH_4' => 'April',
'LNG_MONTH_5' => 'May',
'LNG_MONTH_6' => 'June',
'LNG_MONTH_7' => 'July',
'LNG_MONTH_8' => 'August',
'LNG_MONTH_9' => 'September',
'LNG_MONTH_10' => 'October',
'LNG_MONTH_11' => 'November',
'LNG_MONTH_12' => 'December',

'LNG_CODE' => 'Code',

'LNG_TO' => 'To',
'LNG_BCC' => 'Bcc',
'LNG_MESSAGE' => 'Message',
'LNG_YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Your email address',
'LNG_CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => 'Confirm password',
'LNG_EMAIL_FRIEND' => 'Email to a friend', 

'LNG_SIGN_UP' => 'Register',

'LNG_MAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Email address', 

'LNG_MORE_HEADLINES' => 'Other headline news',
'LNG_HEADLINE_LINK' => 'Full story',
'LNG_FULL_STORY' => ' Full story ',
'LNG_VISIT_WEBSITE' => ' Visit website ',
'LNG_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT' => 'Download attachment',
'LNG_CLICK_ACCESS_LINK' => 'Click the following to access the sent link',

'LNG_RESTRICTED_ACCESS' => 'Restricted access.',
'LNG_RESTRICTED_ONLY_REGISTERED' => 'Only registered members can view this article.',
'LNG_RESTRICTED_ONLY_PREMIUM' => 'Only premium memebers can view this article.',

'LNG_IMAGE' => 'Image',
'LNG_INCORRECT_CAPTCHA' => 'Incorrect image code.',

'LNG_TAG' => 'Tag',
'LNG_TAGS' => 'Tags',

'LNG_ARCHIVE' => 'Archive',
'LNG_ARCHIVE_INCLUDE' => 'include archive',
'LNG_ARCHIVE_NAVIGATE' => 'Navigate archive',
'LNG_ARCHIVE_SEARCH' => 'Search archive',

'LNG_ADD_FAVORITES' => 'Add to favorites',
'LNG_PRINT_VERSION' => 'Print version',

'LNG_GO'=> 'Go',
'LNG_GO_HOME' => 'Home',
'LNG_SET_HOMEPAGE' => 'Set as homepage',
'LNG_SITEMAP' => 'Sitemap',
'LNG_SECTIONS' => 'Sections',
'LNG_PLAIN_TEXT' => 'Plain text',
'LNG_SITE_ADMINISTRATION' => 'Site administration',
'LNG_CLOSE' => 'close',
'LNG_DISPLAYING' => 'displaying',
'LNG_TOTAL' => 'total',
'LNG_PAGE_NOT_FOUND' => 'The page cannot be found',
'LNG_FONT_SIZE' => 'Font size:',
'LNG_TIMES_READ' => 'times read',

//Close site
'LNG_SITE_CLOSED' => 'The Site is temporarily closed.',
'LNG_SITE_CLOSED_REASON' => 'Reason for closing',
'LNG_SITE_CLOSED_VISIT_LATER' => 'Please, visit later',


'LNG_INFO_FORGOT_PASSWORD_INFO' => 'Please enter your username or email address provided during registration. If your username or email address exist in our database, you will receive instructions how to reset your password.',
'LNG_INFO_FORGOT_PASSWORD_NOTICE' => 'You should receive instructions for reseting password shortly.',
'LNG_INFO_FORGOT_PASSWORD__HAS_BEEN_SUCCESSFULLY_CHANGED' => 'Your password has been successfully changed.',

//Articles action
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_VOTE_SUCCESS' => 'Thank you for voting.',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_E_MAIL_TO_A_FRIEND_SENT_SUCCESS' => 'Email to <MAIL_TO> sent successfully.',

//Comments action
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Your comment was added.',
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_REPORTING_SUCCESS' => 'Inappropriate content reported.',

'LNG_INFO_USER_REGISTER_SUCCESS' => '<strong>Success! Thank you for signing up!</strong><br /><br />You may now take advantage of the advanced features of our web site. Within the next few minutes, you\'ll recieve a confirming email message. To completely activate your account you must click on the link contained in this email message that you will be receiving.<br /><br /><em>Please note:</em> If the confirming email doesn\'t show up, please look in your "spam" box or "junk mail" box in case it has been mistakenly diverted.',
'LNG_INFO_USER_CONFIRM_SUCCESS' => 'Your registration was completed successfully',

'LNG_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL' => 'Dear <FULLNAME>,<br />Thank you for signing up! Click or copy and paste this URL to your browser to activate your account:<br /><br /><ACTIVATION_URL><br /><br />Please note that your activation code is NOT your password.<br /><br />Thank you for using our service<br /><br />Best regards,<br /><WEBSITE_NAME><br /><WEBSITE_URL>',

'LNG_NO_ENTRIES' => 'There were no entries found that match your criteria.',
'LNG_ALLERADY_LOGGED_IN' => 'Already logged in',


'LNG_ERROR_2032' => 'Wrong email - Your email',
'LNG_ERROR_2033' => 'Unable to update the article after sending the email',
'LNG_ERROR_2034' => 'Wrong email - To',
'LNG_ERROR_2035' => 'Article does not exist',
'LNG_ERROR_2036' => 'Only registered users can send email',

'LNG_ERROR_2201' => 'You IP address is banned.',
'LNG_ERROR_2202' => 'Flood protection.',
'LNG_ERROR_2203' => 'Can\'t insert comment in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2204' => 'CAPTCHA is wrong.',
'LNG_ERROR_2205' => 'You have to be logged in to post comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2206' => 'Posting comments is not allowed.',
'LNG_ERROR_2219' => 'This comment does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2220' => 'You must be logged in to report.',
'LNG_ERROR_2221' => 'Please enter your comment.',

'LNG_ERROR_2701' => 'Username already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2702' => 'Invalid e-mail address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2703' => 'Email address already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2704' => 'Invalid username.',
'LNG_ERROR_2705' => 'Username already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2706' => 'Password must contain minimum 6 characters.',
'LNG_ERROR_2707' => 'Password does not match.',
'LNG_ERROR_2708' => 'Can\'t insert user in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2709' => 'You can not register because you are already logged in.',
'LNG_ERROR_2710' => 'Invalid confirmation data.',
'LNG_ERROR_2711' => 'Can\'t confirm your profile.',
'LNG_ERROR_2712' => 'You must specify either user name or e-mail address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2713' => 'Invalid activation key.',
'LNG_ERROR_2750' => 'Invalid username or password.',
'LNG_ERROR_2751' => 'You are an inactive user.'



Well-Known Member
ّبسیار ساده هست کافیه متنی رو که بین دو تا ' ' هست فارسی کنید بطور مثال
'lng_search_all' => 'search All News',
می شه
[COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#dd0000]'lng_search_all' [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]=> [/COLOR][COLOR=#dd0000]'جستجو همه اخبار'[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700],[/COLOR][/COLOR]
آخرین ویرایش:


با سلام
از پاسخ شما متشکرم
راستی اگر این کدا را پاک کنم چه طور است مشکلی نیست
/* =============================================================================
* $Revision: 2479 $
* $Date: 2008-01-03 17:24:51 +0100 (Thu, 03 Jan 2008) $
* Vivvo CMS 4.0 
* Copyright 2005-07 SpoonLabs d.o.o.
* http://www.spoonlabs.com, All Rights Reserved
* Warning: This program is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
* reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may
* result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the
* maximum extent possible under the law. For more information about this
* script or other scripts see http://www.spoonlabs.com
* ============================================================================ 


خب معلومه دیگه هیچی !!

کد بین /* کد */ مربوط میشه به توضیحات !! (تو خیلی از زبان های برنامه نویسی )


Well-Known Member
فکر نمی کنم مشکل پیش بیاد .شما ویرایشش کنید به نام خودتون که فارسی کردید


ببخشید این کد چه طور میشه فارسی کرد
/* =============================================================================
* $Revision: 2578 $
* $Date: 2008-02-22 15:55:20 +0100 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008) $
* Vivvo CMS 4.0 
* Copyright 2005-07 SpoonLabs d.o.o.
* http://www.spoonlabs.com, All Rights Reserved
* Warning: This program is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
* reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may
* result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the
* maximum extent possible under the law. For more information about this
* script or other scripts see http://www.spoonlabs.com
* ============================================================================ 

$lang = array(
'LNG_ADMIN_WELCOME' => 'Welcome',
'LNG_ADMIN_CONTROL_PANEL' => 'Admin control panel',
'LNG_ADMIN_REMEMBER_ME' => 'Remember me',
'LNG_ADMIN_FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD' => 'Forgot your password?',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE' => 'Choose language',
'LNG_ADMIN_INSTALL' => 'Install',
'LNG_ADMIN_UNINSTALL' => 'Uninstall',
'LNG_ADMIN_INSTALLER_WARNING' => 'WARNING: Delete "install" folder!',
'LNG_ADMIN_HOME' => 'Home',
'LNG_ADMIN_VIEW_LIVE_SITE' => 'View live site',
'LNG_ADMIN_PREFERENCES' => 'Preferences',
'LNG_ADMIN_MAINTENANCE' => 'Maintenance',
'LNG_ADMIN_HELP' => 'Help',
'LNG_ADMIN_LOGOUT' => 'Logout',
'LNG_ADMIN_LOGIN' => 'Login',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUBMIT' => 'Submit',
'LNG_ADMIN_YES' => 'Yes',
'LNG_ADMIN_NO' => 'No',
'LNG_ADMIN_NAME' => 'Name',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL' => 'Email',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD' => 'Add',
'LNG_ADMIN_EDIT' => 'Edit',
'LNG_ADMIN_DELETE' => 'Delete',
'LNG_ADMIN_CONFIRM_DELETE' => 'Confirm delete',
'LNG_ADMIN_SAVE' => 'Save',
'LNG_ADMIN_REVERT' => 'Revert',
'LNG_ADMIN_PREVIEW' => 'Preview',
'LNG_ADMIN_INFO' => 'Info',
'LNG_ADMIN_PUBLISH' => 'Publish',
'LNG_ADMIN_AND' => 'and', 
'LNG_ADMIN_ON' => 'on',
'LNG_ADMIN_IN' => 'in',
'LNG_ADMIN_WITH' => 'with',
'LNG_ADMIN_SELECT' => 'Select',
'LNG_ADMIN_SELECTED' => 'Selected',
'LNG_ADMIN_SIZE' => 'Size',
'LNG_ADMIN_ALL' => 'All',
'LNG_ADMIN_INVERT' => 'Invert',
'LNG_ADMIN_SELECT_ACTION' => 'Select action',
'LNG_ADMIN_SET_STATUS' => 'Set status',
'LNG_ADMIN_STATUS' => 'Status',
'LNG_ADMIN_MOVE_TO' => 'Move to...',
'LNG_ADMIN_SORT_BY' => 'Sort by',
'LNG_ADMIN_SORT_ORDER' => 'Sort order',
'LNG_ADMIN_PENDING' => 'Pending',
'LNG_ADMIN_ACTIVE' => 'Active',
'LNG_ADMIN_INACTIVE' => 'Inactive',
'LNG_ADMIN_SOFT_DELETE' => 'Soft delete',
'LNG_ADMIN_HEADLINE' => 'Headline',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARCHIVED' => 'Archived',
'LNG_ADMIN_FEATURED' => 'Featured',
'LNG_ADMIN_CREATED' => 'Created',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_NEW' => 'Add new',
'LNG_ADMIN_TREE' => 'Tree',
'LNG_ADMIN_PRIVILEGIES' => 'Privileges',
'LNG_ADMIN_VIEW' => 'View',
'LNG_ADMIN_ABSTRACT_IMAGE' => 'Abstract image',
'LNG_ADMIN_ABSTRACT' => 'Abstract',
'LNG_ADMIN_ROOT' => 'Root',
'LNG_ADMIN_PUBLIC_ACCESS' => 'Access mask',
'LNG_ADMIN_ATTACHMETN' => 'Attachment',
'LNG_ADMIN_DEFAULT' => 'Default',
'LNG_ADMIN_DEFAULT_ORDER' => 'Default order',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAY_ORDER' => 'Display order',
'LNG_ADMIN_DATE' => 'Date',
'LNG_ADMIN_TITLE' => 'Title',
'LNG_ADMIN_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'LNG_ADMIN_ASC' => 'Asc',
'LNG_ADMIN_DESC' => 'Desc',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH' => 'Search',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_NOW' => 'Search now',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_FILTERS' => 'Search filters',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_TAGS' => 'Search tags',
'LNG_ADMIN_SAVE_FILTER' => 'Save filter',
'LNG_ADMIN_FILTER_NAME' => 'Filter name',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_STATUS' => 'Search status',
'LNG_ADMIN_PROMOTE_TO' => 'Promote to...',
'LNG_ADMIN_KEYWORDS' => 'Keyword(s)',
'LNG_ADMIN_TITLES_ONLY' => 'Titles only',
'LNG_ADMIN_EXACT_NAME' => 'Exact name',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_POST' => 'Find posts from',
'LNG_ADMIN_ANY_DATE' => 'Any date',
'LNG_ADMIN_YESTRDAY' => 'Yesterday',
'LNG_ADMIN_A_WEEK_AGO' => 'A week ago',
'LNG_ADMIN_2_WEEKS_AGO' => '2 weeks ago',
'LNG_ADMIN_A_MONTH_AGO' => 'A month ago',
'LNG_ADMIN_3_MONTHS_AGO' => '3 months ago',
'LNG_ADMIN_6_MONTHS_AGO' => '6 months ago',
'LNG_ADMIN_A_YEAR_AGO' => 'A year ago',
'LNG_ADMIN_AND_OLDER' => 'and older',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_IN_ALL_CATEGORIES' => 'Search in all categories',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_NAME' => 'SE friendly name (no white spaces)',
'LNG_ADMIN_QUICK_LINK' => 'Quick link',
'LNG_ADMIN_QUICK_LAUNCH' => 'Quick launch',
'LNG_ADMIN_LINK' => 'Link',
'LNG_ADMIN_TAGS' => 'Tags',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOTAL' => 'Total',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAYING' => 'Displaying',
'LNG_ADMIN_DELETE_IMAGE' => 'Delete image',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_TITLE' => 'Search within articles',
'LNG_ADMIN_DASHBOARD' => 'Dashboard',
'LNG_ADMIN_OPTIMIZED' => 'optimized',
'LNG_ADMIN_NOT_OPTIMIZED' => 'not optimized',
'LNG_ADMIN_REPAIRED' => 'repaired',
'LNG_ADMIN_NOT_REPAIRED' => 'not repaired',
'LNG_ADMIN_ERROR_BACKING_UP_TABLE' => 'not repaired: Error backing-up table',
'LNG_ADMIN_DETAILS' => 'Details',

'LNG_ADMIN_ROWS' => 'Rows',
'LNG_ADMIN_OF_TABLE' => 'of table',
'LNG_ADMIN_WERE_SUCCESSFULY_BACKED_UP' => 'were successfully backed up',
'LNG_ADMIN_GZIPPED_FILE_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED' => 'Gzipped file could not be created.',
'LNG_ADMIN_GZIPPED_FILE_WAS_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED' => 'Gzipped file was successfully created.',
'LNG_ADMIN_INSTRUCTIONS' => 'instructions',
'LNG_ADMIN_NOTHING_TO_DO' => 'Nothing to do.',
'LNG_ADMIN_STARTING_CREATE_A_FULLTEXT_INDEX_AT' => 'Starting create a full-text index at',
'LNG_ADMIN_DONE' => 'Done',
'LNG_ADMIN_RELATED_IS_FULL' => 'Related is full',
'LNG_ADMIN_FINISHED_AT' => 'finished at',

'LNG_ADMIN_REVIEW_PENDING_ARTICLES' => 'Review pending articles',
'LNG_ADMIN_APPROVE_NEW_COMMENTS' => 'Approve new comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_USEFUL_LINKS' => 'Useful links',

'LNG_ADMIN_RSS_LINKS' => 'Please visit this page',
'LNG_ADMIN_LATEST_NEWS' => 'Latest news',
'LNG_ADMIN_WEBSITE_STATS' => 'Website statistics',
'LNG_ADMIN_SYSTEM_STATS' => 'System statistics',
'LNG_ADMIN_TODAY_STATS' => 'Today statistics',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHART_STATS' => 'Chart stats',


'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_ARTICLES_POSTED' => 'articles posted',
'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_ARTICLE_VIEWS' => 'article views',
'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_COMMENTS_POSTED' => 'comments posted',
'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_REGISTERED_MEMBERS' => 'registered members',

'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_DB_SIZE' => 'Database size',

'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_ARTICLE_VIEWS' => 'article views',
'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_COMMENTS_POSTED' => 'comments posted',
'LNG_ADMIN_STATS_VISITORS_ON_SITE' => 'visitors on site',

'LNG_ADMIN_BROADCAST_MESSAGE' => 'Broadcast message from admin',
'LNG_ADMIN_BROADCAST_MESSAGE_TYPE' => 'Type your message',


این هم قسمت دوم کد
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE' => 'Article',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLES' => 'Articles',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_NEW_ARTICLE' => 'Add new article',
//'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_ARTICLE' => 'Add article',
'LNG_ADMIN_EDIT_ARTICLE' => 'Edit article',
'LNG_ADMIN_ALL_ARTICLES' => 'All articles',
'LNG_ADMIN_ITEMS_PER_PAGE' => 'Items per page',
'LNG_ADMIN_NO_ITEMS_MATCHING_SELECTED_CRITERIA' => 'No items matching selected criteria.', 
'LNG_ADMIN_PUBLISHING_DATE' => 'Publishing date',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_RATINGS' => 'Show ratings (rate the article)',
'LNG_ADMIN_PUBLISHING_TO_FEED' => 'Publish to feed',
'LNG_ADMIN_SE_FRIENDLY' => 'SE friendly',
'LNG_ADMIN_MEDIA' => 'Media streaming',

'LNG_ADMIN_PAGES' => 'Pages',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_NEW_PAGE' => 'Add new page',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_PAGE' => 'Add page',
'LNG_ADMIN_EDIT_PAGE' => 'Edit page',

'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_COMMENTS' => 'Show comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_COMMENTS' => 'Enable Vivvo comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_COMMENTS' => 'Comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_ALL_COMMENTS' =>'All Comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_APPROVE' => 'Approve',
'LNG_ADMIN_UNAPPROVE' => 'Disapprove',
'LNG_ADMIN_APPROVED' => 'Approved',
'LNG_ADMIN_UNAPPROVED' => 'Unapproved',

'LNG_ADMIN_CATEGORY' => 'Category',
'LNG_ADMIN_ALL_CATEGORIES' => 'All categories',
'LNG_ADMIN_CATEGORIES' => 'Categories',
'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_CATEGORIES' => 'Search categories (use ctrl for multiple)',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_NEW_CATEGORY' => 'Add new category',
'LNG_ADMIN_EDIT_CATEGORY' => 'Edit category',
'LNG_ADMIN_CATEGORY_TREE_MESSAGE' => 'Drag and drop items to change their positions on the tree. Click on a category or subcategory name to access edit options on the right-hand side.',
'LNG_ADMIN_CATEGORY_NAME' => 'Category name',
'LNG_ADMIN_PARENT_CATEGORY' => 'Parent category',
'LNG_ADMIN_NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES' => 'Number of articles',
'LNG_ADMIN_CUSTOM_LAYOUT' => 'Custom layout (overrides default)',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_CUSTOM_LAYOUT' => 'Article custom layout (overrides default)',
'LNG_ADMIN_CUSTOM_TITLE' => 'Custom title',
'LNG_ADMIN_CUSTOM_THEME' => 'Custom theme (overrides default)',
'LNG_ADMIN_USE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT' => 'Use system default',
'LNG_ADMIN_INHERIT' => 'Inherit',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_IN_NAVIGATION' => 'Show in navigation',
'LNG_ADMIN_REDIRECT_LINK' => 'Redirect link',

//Categories tooltips
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_CATEGORY_NAME' => 'The name as it appears in site navigation.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_SE_FRIENDLY' => 'Name appearing in browser navigation bar.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_PARENT_CATEGORY' => 'Choose from dropdown, or leave &quot;Root&quot; if this is Top-level category.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_NO_OF_ARTICLES' => 'Default number of articles for display within category.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_ACCESS_MASK' => 'Defines who can access the content of this category.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_CUSTOM_LAYOUT' => 'Choose the most appropriate template/layout for this category (if you wish to override default settings).',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_CUSTOM_ARTICLE_LAYOUT' => 'Choose the layout for articles within this category (if you wish to override default settings).',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_CUSTOM_THEME' => 'Choose the skin/theme for this category (if you wish to override default settings).',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_SHOW_IN_NAV' => 'Defines if the selected category will show up in website&rsquo;s navigation among other categories.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_REDIRECT_LINK' => 'A URL where this category will redirect to – even outside the current domain or website.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_ABSTRACT_IMAGE' => 'Thumbnail image displayed next to category name.',

'LNG_ADMIN_FIRST_NAME' => 'First name',
'LNG_ADMIN_LAST_NAME' => 'Last name',
'LNG_ADMIN_FULLNAME' => 'Full name',
'LNG_ADMIN_USER' => 'User',
'LNG_ADMIN_USERS' => 'Users',
'LNG_ADMIN_USERNAME' => 'Username',
'LNG_ADMIN_PASSWORD' => 'Password',
'LNG_ADMIN_RETYPE_PASSWORD' => 'Retype password',
'LNG_ADMIN_EDIT_USER' => 'Edit user',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_USER' => 'Add user',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADD_NEW_USER' => 'Add new user',
'LNG_ADMIN_PICTURE' => 'Picture',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHORT_BIO' => 'Short bio',
'LNG_ADMIN_STAFF' => 'Staff',
'LNG_ADMIN_MEMBERS' => 'Members',

'LNG_ADMIN_SEARCH_IN_ALL_GROUPS' => 'Search in all groups',
'LNG_ADMIN_REG_DATE' => 'Reg. Date',
'LNG_ADMIN_ALL_USERS' => 'All users',

'LNG_ADMIN_PLUGINS' => 'Plug-ins',
'LNG_ADMIN_A_LIST_OF_ALL_PLUGINS_CURRENTLY_REGISTRED_TO_THE_SYSTEM' => 'A list of all plug-ins currently registered to the system.',
'LNG_ADMIN_LIST_OF_ALL_PLUGINS' => 'List of all plugins',
'LNG_ADMIN_TO_PURCHASE_AND_DOWNLOAD_MORE_PLUGINS' => 'To purchase and download more plug-ins, please visit <a href="http://anonym.to/?http://www.vivvo.net/plugins.php" target="_blank">Vivvo Plug-in Directory</a>.',

//Templates - Css
'LNG_ADMIN_TEMPLATES' => 'Templates',
'LNG_ADMIN_CSS' => 'Css',
'LNG_ADMIN_TEMPLATE_INFO_MESSAGE' => 'Disclaimer :<br />The following elements of code should not be modified unless you are fully proficient in HTML/CSS.<br />Spoonlabs technical staff shall not be held responsible for fixing any problems that may arise are a result of inexpert changes to the Vivvo code.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TEMPLATES' => 'Templates',
'LNG_ADMIN_EDITING'=> 'Editing',
'LNG_ADMIN_DUPLICATE_THIS_FILE' => 'Duplicate this file',
'LNG_ADMIN_DUPLICATE' => 'Duplicate',
'LNG_ADMIN_ORIGINAL_TEMPLATE_FILE' => 'Original template file',
'LNG_ADMIN_FILE_IS_NOT_WRITEBLE' => 'File is not writable. Please fix this problem',
'LNG_ADMIN_NO_BACKUP_FOR_THIS_FILE' => 'No backup for this file',
'LNG_ADMIN_TEMPLATE_FILE_HAS_BEEN_CHANGED' => 'Template file has been changed!!!',

'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_FORM' => 'Show form',
'LNG_ADMIN_HIDE_FORM' => 'Hide form',
'LNG_ADMIN_CLOSE_SITE' => 'Close site',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_SITE' => 'Check this option if you want to close down the website temporary for maintanance.',
'LNG_ADMIN_CLOSE_SITE_REASON' => 'Reason for closing',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_SITE_REASON' => 'The message that users will see when trying to access the site.',
'LNG_ADMIN_LAYOUT' => 'Layout',
'LNG_ADMIN_MODULES' => 'Modules',
'LNG_ADMIN_OTHER' => 'Other',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_LIST_LATEST_NEWS' => 'Article list - Latest news',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_LIST_LATEST_NEWS_INFO_BOX' => 'Define display options for "Latest news" section that should reflect latest added stories, or sorted stories.',
'LNG_ADMIN_NUMBER_OF_NEWS' => 'Number of news',
'LNG_ADMIN_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS' => 'Number of columns',
'LNG_ADMIN_SELECT_CATEGORIES_FOR_HOMEPAGE' => 'Select categories for homepage',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_LIST_HEADLINES' => 'Article List - Headlines',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_LIST_HEADLINES_INFO_BOX' => 'Define display options for "Headlines" section that should reflect top story, or stories placed on hot spot of your website home page.',
'LNG_ADMIN_USE_ROTATION_HEADLINES_BOX' => 'Use rotating headlines box (for more than one headline)',
'LNG_ADMIN_ROTATION_TIME' => 'Rotation time',
'LNG_ADMIN_MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORDS' => 'Max. number of words',
'LNG_ADMIN_NEWS_TICKER' => 'News ticker',
'LNG_ADMIN_NEWS_TICKER_INFO_BOX' => 'The ticker control displays selected news titles on home page of your website.',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAY_NEWS_TICKER' => 'Display news ticker',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_FROM_CATEGORIES' => 'Choose from categories',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAY_ONLY_HEADLINE_NEWS' => 'Display only headline news',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_POPULAR' => 'Summary - Most popular',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_POPULAR_INFO_BOX' => 'Stories that were viewed the most, either overall or only for the previous day.',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_MOST_POPULAR_BOX' => 'Show most popular box',
'LNG_ADMIN_MOST_POPULAR_BOX_COUNTER' => 'Most popular box counter',
'LNG_ADMIN_OVERALL' => 'Overall',
'LNG_ADMIN_TODAY' => 'Today',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_EMAILED' => 'Summary - Most emailed',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_EMAILED_INFO_BOX' => 'Stories that were "sent to a friend" most often',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_MOST_EMAILED_BOX' => 'Show most emailed box',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARCHIVE' => 'Archive',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARCHIVE_INFO_BOX' => 'Use Archive if you have large amount of articles for optimized performance and speed of your website.',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_ARCHIVE_VIEW' => 'Enable archive view',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_CALENDAR' => 'Show calendar',
'LNG_ADMIN_SECTION_NAVIGATION' => 'Sections - Navigation',
'LNG_ADMIN_SECTION_NAVIGATION_INFO_BOX' => 'Choose how do you want your website navigation displayed: vertical (in section box), horizontal (in Top-level menu), or both. ',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAY_DHTML' => 'Display horizontal navigation (DHTML menu)',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAY_BOX_SECTION' => 'Display vertical navigation (sections box)',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_SUBCATEGORIES_IN_NAVIGATION' => 'Show subcategories in navigation',
'LNG_ADMIN_NONE' => 'None',
'LNG_ADMIN_ONE_LEVEL' => 'One level',
'LNG_ADMIN_FULL' => 'Full',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_LIST_MORE_NEWS' => 'Article List - More news',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_LIST_MORE_NEWS_INFO_BOX' => 'This section displays the latest titles from selected categories.',
'LNG_ADMIN_CATEGORIES_FOR_MORE_NEWS' => 'Categories for "More news"',
'LNG_ADMIN_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_FOR_MORE_NEWS' => 'Number of columns for "More news"',
'LNG_ADMIN_NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES_PER_CATEGORY' => 'Number of articles per category',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_COMMENTED_AND_LATEST_COMMENTS' => 'Summary - Most commented &amp; Latest comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_COMMENTED_AND_LATEST_COMMENTS_INFO_BOX' => 'Most commented stories and most recently posted comments to the website.',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_LATEST_COMMENTS_BOX' => 'Show "latest comments" box',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_COMMENTED' => 'Summary - Most commented',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MOST_COMMENTED_INFO_BOX' => 'Stories that were commented most often',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_COMMENTED_BOX' => 'Show most commented box',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAY_AUTHOR' => 'Display authors',
'LNG_ADMIN_DISPLAY_AUTHOR_INFO_BOX' => 'Allow authors to have viewable page, hence display box for random information about one of the staff members (writer, editor or admin).',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_AUTHOR_PAGE' => 'Enable author page',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_FEATURED_AUTHOR_BOX' => 'Show featured author box',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_FEATURED_AUTHOR_BOX_ADMIN' => 'Show Admins in featured author box',
'LNG_ADMIN_ARTICLE_OPTIONS' => 'Article options',
'LNG_ADMIN_CATEGORY_OPTIONS' => 'Category options',
'LNG_ADMIN_COMMENTS_OPTIONS' => 'Comments options',
'LNG_ADMIN_GENERAL_OPTIONS' => 'General options',
'LNG_ADMIN_PAGE_ELEMENTS' => 'Page elements',
'LNG_ADMIN_IMAGE_SIZE' => 'Image size',
'LNG_ADMIN_PREFERENCES_ARTICLES_INFO_BOX' => 'Default system-wide options for new articles. They can be overridden for individual article entries.',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_LAYOUT' => 'Choose layout',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_RATINGS_RATE_THE_ARTICLE' => 'Show ratings (rate the article)',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_DATE' => 'Show date',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_AUTHOR' => 'Show author',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_AUTHOR_INFO' => 'Show author info',
'LNG_ADMIN_RELATED_ARTICLES' => 'Related articles',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_RELATED_ARTICLES' => 'Show "Related articles"',
'LNG_ADMIN_RELATED_CATEGORY' => 'Relevance: category',
'LNG_ADMIN_RELATED_TAGS' => 'Relevance: tags',
'LNG_ADMIN_RELATED_TEXT' => 'Relevance: text',
'LNG_ADMIN_MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORDS_FOR_ARTICLE_SUMMARY' => 'Max. number of words for article summary',
'LNG_ADMIN_PREFERENCES_CATEGORIES_INFO_BOX' => 'Default system-wide options for categories, including private and public access.',
'LNG_ADMIN_NEW_CATEGORY_PUBLIC_ACCESS' => 'New category access mask',
'LNG_ADMIN_SHOW_ARTICLES_FROM_SUBCATEGORIES_ON_MAIN_CATEGORY_PAGE' => 'Show summaries from subcategories on main category page',
'LNG_ADMIN_PREFERENCES_COMMENTS_INFO_BOX' => 'Default comment tools, used mainly for preventing comment spam.',
'LNG_ADMIN_MUST_BE_MEMBER_TO_POST_COMMENT' => 'Must be member to post comment',
'LNG_ADMIN_MODERATE_COMMENT' => 'Moderate comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_REPORT_INAPPROPRIATE_COMMENTS' => 'Report inappropriate comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_FLOOD_PROTECTION' => 'Flood protection',
'LNG_ADMIN_CAPTCHA_FOR_COMMENTS' => 'CAPTCHA (image code) for comments',
'LNG_ADMIN_BAD_WORDS' => 'Bad words (comma separated)',
'LNG_ADMIN_IP_FILTER' => 'Ban IP addresses from posting (allows wildcard mask, e.g. 212.119.1.*)',
'LNG_ADMIN_WEBSITE_TITLE' => 'Website title',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADMIN_EMAIL' => 'Administrator\'s e-mail',
'LNG_ADMIN_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE' => 'Default language',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_MEMBERSHIP_BASED_ACCESS' => 'Enable membership-based access',
'LNG_ADMIN_TEMPLATE_FOLDER' => 'Template folder',
'LNG_ADMIN_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS' => 'Allowed file types for upload (comma separated)',
'LNG_ADMIN_BEGINING_OF_THE_WEEK' => 'Beginning of the week',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
'LNG_ADMIN_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
'LNG_ADMIN_DATA_TIME_FORMAT' => 'Date / Time format',
'LNG_ADMIN_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT' => 'Time zone format',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_ADVANCE_OPTIONS_IN_ADMINISTRATION' => 'Enable advanced options in Administration',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_IMAGE_SIZE' => 'Choose width and height for images and abstracts displayed within full articles and summaries (abstracts).',
'LNG_ADMIN_HEIGHT' => 'height',
'LNG_ADMIN_WIDTH' => 'width',
'LNG_ADMIN_PIXEL' => 'px',
'LNG_ADMIN_LARGE_IMAGE' => 'Article large image',
'LNG_ADMIN_MEDIUM_IMAGE' => 'Article medium image',
'LNG_ADMIN_SMALL_IMAGE' => 'Article small image',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_LARGE_IMAGE' => 'Article summary large image',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_MEDIUM_IMAGE' => 'Article summary medium image',
'LNG_ADMIN_SUMMARY_SMALL_IMAGE' => 'Article summary small image',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_DEFAULT_ARTICLE_LAYOUT' => 'Choose default article layout (system wide)',
'LNG_ADMIN_LAYOUT_CHOOSE_THE_THEME_AND_LAYOUT_FOR_YOUR_SITE' => 'Choose the theme and layout for your site. Main layout styles are divided in several sections – make sure to choose the layout for every respective section, or leave default. This can be overridden for individual sections (like categories, or single article pages) in individual preferences section, usually the left-hand side tab "preferences" in Categories and Articles section.',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_MODULES' => 'Choose the main modules for usage throughout the website. You can override these settings for individual entries, or sections in their respective individual preferences section, usually the left-hand side tab "preferences" in Categories and Articles section.',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_THEME' => 'Choose theme',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_HOME_PAGE_LAYOUT' => 'Choose home page layout',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_LAYOUT' => 'Choose default category layout (system wide)',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_DEFAULT_TAG_LAYOUT' => 'Choose default tag layout',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_LAYOUT' => 'Choose default archive layout',
'LNG_ADMIN_CHOOSE_DEFAULT_SEARCH_RESULT_LAYOUT' => 'Choose default search results layout',
'LNG_ADMIN_GENERAL' => 'General',
'LNG_ADMIN_LAYOUT_MODULES' => 'Layout &amp; modules',
'LNG_ADMIN_STATISTICS' => 'Statistics',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_OPTIONS' => 'Email options',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATES' => 'E-mail templates',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_REGISTER' => 'Register new member template',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FRIEND' => 'Email to a friend template',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FORGOT_PASSWORD' => 'Forgot password template',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_ENABLE' => 'Enable email features (report comment, email to a friend, etc.)',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_FLOOD_CHECK' => 'Email flood check (in seconds)',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_SMTP_PHP' => 'Use PHP mail() function or SMTP ',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_SEND_FROM' => 'Send mail from',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_SEND_TYPE' => 'Send mail type',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_SEND_CC' => 'Send mail CC',
'LNG_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_LIST' => 'Choose email template',
'LNG_ADMIN_PREFERENCES_EMAIL_INFO_BOX' => 'Set default options for outgoing emails – like new user registrations, subscriptions and alerts.',
'LNG_ADMIN_PREFERENCES_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_INFO_BOX' => 'List of available system templates for outgoing emails.',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_TAGS' => 'Enable tags',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_FEED' => 'Enable feed',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_SEARCH' => 'Enable search',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_USER' => 'Enable user',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_PLAINTEXT' => 'Enable plaintext',
'LNG_ADMIN_ENABLE_CACHE' => 'Enable caching',
'LNG_ADMIN_CACHE_TIME' => 'Cache time period',

//Preferences tooltips
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_WEBSITE_TITLE' => 'The title appearing in the title bar of your browser.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_META_KEYWORDS' => 'List of META keywords for the home page of your website, an important feature for Search Engines.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_META_DESCRIPTION' => 'META description for the home page of your website, an important feature for Search Engines.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_WEBSITE_LOGO' => 'The logo appearing on the RSS syndication page.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL' => 'E-mail address that system uses to dispatch various notifications and warnings.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE' => 'Default language for website.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_TEMPLATE_FOLDER' => 'Advanced option:\n Choose the template set for your website.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_CHOOSE_THEME' => 'Choose the skin/theme for your website.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_ALLOWED_TYPES' => 'List of file types allowed for upload.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_DATE_TIME' => 'Date/Time format using PHP standard date() formatting rules.',
'LNG_ADMIN_TOOLTIP_ADVANCED_OPTIONS' => 'Use this to enable/disable advanced options in administration.',

'LNG_ADMIN_DATABASE' => 'Database',
'LNG_ADMIN_DATABASE_DOWNLOAD' => 'Download database',
'LNG_ADMIN_DATABASE_RESTORE' => 'Restore database',


'LNG_ADMIN_VIVVO_FOOTER' => 'Vivvo CMS '.VIVVO_VERSION . ' (build '. VIVVO_CODE_REVISION .'), copyright © 2007-2008 Spoonlabs d.o.o.',
'LNG_ADMIN_ADMINISTRATORS_MESSAGE' => 'Administrator\'s message',
'LNG_ADMIN_PRODUCT_INFORMATION' => 'Product Information',
'LNG_ADMIN_CURRENTLY_RUNNING' => 'You are currently running Vivvo CMS',
'LNG_ADMIN_BUILD' => 'build',
'LNG_ADMIN_CLIK_HERE_TO_DOWNLOAD' => 'Click here to download',
'LNG_ADMIN_IMPORTANT_UPDATES' => 'Important updates',


//Articles action
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Add article success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete article success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_EDIT_SUCCESS' => 'Edit article success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_REORDER_SUCCESS' => 'Reorder articles success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_SET_FIELD_SUCCESS' => 'Set fields article success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_DELETE_IMAGE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete image success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_DELETE_DOCUMENT_SUCCESS' => 'Delete document success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_VOTE_SUCCESS' => 'Vote article success',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_E_MAIL_TO_A_FRIEND_SENT_SUCCESS' => 'Email to <MAIL_TO> sent successfully.',

//Categories action
'LNG_INFO_CATEGORY_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Add category success',
'LNG_INFO_CATEGORY_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete category success',
'LNG_INFO_CATEGORY_EDIT_SUCCESS' => 'Edit category success',
'LNG_INFO_CATEGORY_REORDER_SUCCESS' => 'Reorder category success',
'LNG_INFO_CATEGORY_DELETE_IMAGE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete image category success',

//Comments action
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Add comment success',
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete comment(s) success',
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_EDIT_SUCCESS' => 'Edit comment success',
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_SET_FIELD_SUCCESS' => 'Set field comment success',
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_REPORTING_SUCCESS' => 'Inappropriate content reported',

//User action
'LNG_INFO_USER_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Add user success',
'LNG_INFO_USER_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete user success',
'LNG_INFO_USER_EDIT_SUCCESS' => 'Edit user success',
'LNG_INFO_USER_SET_FIELD_SUCCESS' => 'Set field success',
'LNG_INFO_USER_DELETE_IMAGE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete user image success',

//Tag action
'LNG_INFO_TAG_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Tag add success',
'LNG_INFO_TAG_EDIT_SUCCESS' => 'Tag edit success',
'LNG_INFO_TAG_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Tag delete success',

//User filter action
'LNG_INFO_USER_FILTER_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'User filter add success',
'LNG_INFO_USER_FILTER_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'User filter delete success',

'LNG_INFO_PAGE_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Add page success',
'LNG_INFO_PAGE_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Delete page success',
'LNG_INFO_PAGE_EDIT_SUCCESS' => 'Edit page success',

'LNG_INFO_LOGIN_LOGUOUT_SUCCESS' => 'Logout success', 
'LNG_INFO_PREFERENCES_SAVE_SUCCESS' => 'Preferences saved successfully',

'LNG_INFO_FILE_REVERT_SUCCESS' => 'File revert success',
'LNG_INFO_FILE_SAVE_SUCCESS' => 'File save success',
'LNG_INFO_FILE_DUPLICATE_SUCCESS' => 'File duplicate success',
'LNG_INFO_FILE_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'File delete success',
'LNG_INFO_FILE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS' => 'File upload success',


'LNG_ERROR_12' => 'Missing argument(s).',
'LNG_ERROR_13' => 'Bad preferences settings.',

//Login - Logout
'LNG_ERROR_1001' => 'Wrong username or password.',

//Article service
'LNG_ERROR_2001' => 'SE Friendly name already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2002' => 'Can\'t insert article in database',
'LNG_ERROR_2003' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to add new article.',
'LNG_ERROR_2004' => 'You must be logged in to add articles.',
'LNG_ERROR_2005' => 'Can\'t delete selected articles.',
'LNG_ERROR_2006' => 'Can\'t delete selected articles (mass delete).',
'LNG_ERROR_2007' => 'Can\'t delete selected articles.',
'LNG_ERROR_2008' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges for deleting articles.',
'LNG_ERROR_2009' => 'You must be logged in to delete articles.',
'LNG_ERROR_2010' => 'Can\'t set fields (mass set).',
'LNG_ERROR_2011' => 'Can\'t set fields.',
'LNG_ERROR_2012' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to manipulate article options.',
'LNG_ERROR_2013' => 'You must be logged in to manipulate article options.',
'LNG_ERROR_2014' => 'SE Friendly name already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2015' => 'Can\'t update article.',
'LNG_ERROR_2016' => 'Article does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2017' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to edit article.',
'LNG_ERROR_2018' => 'You must be logged in to edit articles',
'LNG_ERROR_2019' => 'Can\'t reorder article',
'LNG_ERROR_2020' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges for re-ordering articles.',
'LNG_ERROR_2021' => 'You must be logged in to re-order articles.',
'LNG_ERROR_2022' => 'Can\'t update article after deleting old image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2023' => 'Article does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2024' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to delete article image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2025' => 'You must be logged in to delete article image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2026' => 'Can\'t update article after deleting attached document.',
'LNG_ERROR_2027' => 'Article does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2028' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to delete attached document.',
'LNG_ERROR_2029' => 'You must be logged for delete article document.',
'LNG_ERROR_2030' => 'Can\'t update article - Vote.',
'LNG_ERROR_2031' => 'Article does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2032' => 'Wrong email - Your email.',
'LNG_ERROR_2033' => 'Unable to update the article after sending the email',
'LNG_ERROR_2034' => 'Wrong email - To',
'LNG_ERROR_2035' => 'Article does not exist.',

//Category service
'LNG_ERROR_2101' => 'SE Friendly name already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2102' => 'Can\'t insert category in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2103' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to add new category.',
'LNG_ERROR_2104' => 'You must be logged in to admin panel.',
'LNG_ERROR_2105' => 'Can\'t delete category from database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2106' => 'Category does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2107' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to delete category.',
'LNG_ERROR_2108' => 'You must be logged in to delete category.',
'LNG_ERROR_2109' => 'SE Friendly name already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2110' => 'Can\'t update category.',
'LNG_ERROR_2111' => 'Category does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2112' => 'You must have admin privileges for edit category',
'LNG_ERROR_2113' => 'You must be logged for edit category',
'LNG_ERROR_2114' => 'Reorder category - failed',
'LNG_ERROR_2115' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to re-order category.',
'LNG_ERROR_2116' => 'You must be logged in to re-order category.',
'LNG_ERROR_2117' => 'Can\'t update category after deleting image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2118' => 'Category does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2119' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to delete category image.',

//Comment service
'LNG_ERROR_2201' => 'Your IP address is banned.',
'LNG_ERROR_2202' => 'Flood protection.',
'LNG_ERROR_2203' => 'Can\'t insert comment in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2204' => 'CAPTCHA is wrong.',
'LNG_ERROR_2205' => 'You have to be logged in to post comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2206' => 'Commenting feature is disabled.',
'LNG_ERROR_2207' => 'Can\'t delete selected comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2208' => 'Can\'t delete selected comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2209' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to delete comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2210' => 'You must be logged in to delete comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2211' => 'Can\'t update this comment',
'LNG_ERROR_2212' => 'This comment does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2213' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to edit comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2214' => 'You must be logged in to edit comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2215' => 'Can\'t update selected fields.',
'LNG_ERROR_2216' => 'Can\'t update selected fields.',
'LNG_ERROR_2217' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to edit comments\' options.',
'LNG_ERROR_2218' => 'You must be logged in to edit comments\' options.',
'LNG_ERROR_2219' => 'This comment does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2220' => 'You must be logged in to report inappropriate comments.',


این قسمت سوم
//User service
'LNG_ERROR_2301' => 'Wrong email address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2302' => 'Email address already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2303' => 'Invalid username.',
'LNG_ERROR_2304' => 'Password must be minimum 6 characters long.',
'LNG_ERROR_2305' => 'Password does not match.',
'LNG_ERROR_2306' => 'Can\'t insert user in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2307' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to add new user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2308' => 'You must be logged in to add new user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2309' => 'Can\'t delete selected users.',
'LNG_ERROR_2310' => 'Can\'t delete selected user(s).',
'LNG_ERROR_2311' => 'User(s) don\'t exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2312' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privilegies to delete the user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2313' => 'You must be logged in to delete user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2314' => 'Password must be minimum 6 characters long.',
'LNG_ERROR_2315' => 'Password does not match.',
'LNG_ERROR_2316' => 'Wrong email address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2317' => 'Invalid username.',
'LNG_ERROR_2318' => 'Can\'t update user after deleting old image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2319' => 'Can\'t update user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2320' => 'User doesn\'t exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2321' => 'Password must be minimum 6 characters long.',
'LNG_ERROR_2322' => 'Password does not match.',
'LNG_ERROR_2323' => 'Wrong email address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2324' => 'Invalid username.',
'LNG_ERROR_2325' => 'Can\'t update user after deleting old image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2326' => 'Can\'t update user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2327' => 'User doesn\'t exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2328' => 'You can not edit other users\' data.',
'LNG_ERROR_2329' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to edit user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2330' => 'You must be logged in to edit user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2331' => 'Can\'t edit all selected users.',
'LNG_ERROR_2332' => 'Can\'t edit selected user(s).',
'LNG_ERROR_2333' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privilegies to edit user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2334' => 'You must be logged in to edit user.',
'LNG_ERROR_2335' => 'Can\'t update user after deleting image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2336' => 'User doesn\'t exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2337' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to delete user image.',
'LNG_ERROR_2338' => 'You must be logged in to delete user image.',

//Tag service
'LNG_ERROR_2401' => 'Can\'t add tag.',
'LNG_ERROR_2402' => 'Can\'t add tag link.',
'LNG_ERROR_2403' => 'You must be logged in to add new tag.',
'LNG_ERROR_2404' => 'Can\'t delete tag',
'LNG_ERROR_2405' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to delete tag.',
'LNG_ERROR_2406' => 'You must be logged in to delete tag.',
'LNG_ERROR_2407' => 'Can\'t delete tag.',
'LNG_ERROR_2408' => 'You can not delete other users\' tag.',
'LNG_ERROR_2409' => 'You must be logged in to delete tag.',

//User filters
'LNG_ERROR_2501' => 'Can\'t insert user filter in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2502' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to add user filter.',
'LNG_ERROR_2503' => 'Can\'t delete user filter from database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2504' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges for delete user filter.',

//Page service
'LNG_ERROR_2601' => 'SE Friendly name already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2602' => 'Can\'t insert page in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2603' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to add a page.',
'LNG_ERROR_2604' => 'Can\'t delete page.',
'LNG_ERROR_2605' => 'Page doesn\'t exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2606' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to add a page.',
'LNG_ERROR_2607' => 'You must be logged in to add a page.',
'LNG_ERROR_2608' => 'SE Friendly name already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2609' => 'Can\'t edit page.',
'LNG_ERROR_2610' => 'Page doesn\'t exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2611' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to edit a page.',
'LNG_ERROR_2612' => 'You must be logged in to edit a page.',
'LNG_ERROR_2613' => 'Can\'t reorder pages.',
'LNG_ERROR_2614' => 'You don\'t have sufficient privileges to reorder pages.',
'LNG_ERROR_2615' => 'You must be logged in to reorder pages.',

//Login service
'LNG_ERROR_2701' => 'Username already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2702' => 'Invalid e-mail address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2703' => 'Email address already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2704' => 'Invalid username.',
'LNG_ERROR_2705' => 'Username already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2706' => 'Password must contain minimum 6 characters.',
'LNG_ERROR_2707' => 'Password does not match.',
'LNG_ERROR_2708' => 'Can\'t insert user in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2709' => 'You cannot register because you are already logged in.',
'LNG_ERROR_2710' => 'Invalid confirmation data.',
'LNG_ERROR_2711' => 'Can\'t confirm your profile.',
'LNG_ERROR_2750' => 'Invalid username or password.',
'LNG_ERROR_2751' => 'You are an inactive user.',

//File service
'LNG_ERROR_2801' => 'Write fail.',
'LNG_ERROR_2802' => 'File is not writeable.',
'LNG_ERROR_2803' => 'No such file.',
'LNG_ERROR_2804' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2805' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2806' => 'File copy fail.',
'LNG_ERROR_2807' => 'No original file.',
'LNG_ERROR_2808' => 'No such file.',
'LNG_ERROR_2809' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2810' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2811' => 'File copy fail.',
'LNG_ERROR_2812' => 'No such file.',
'LNG_ERROR_2813' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2814' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2815' => 'File delete fail.',
'LNG_ERROR_2816' => 'No such file.',
'LNG_ERROR_2817' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2818' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2819' => 'Upload failed.',
'LNG_ERROR_2820' => 'Upload failed.',
'LNG_ERROR_2821' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',
'LNG_ERROR_2822' => 'You don`t have sufficient privilegies for this action.',

//Vivvo File
'LNG_ERROR_5001' => 'Can\'t delete file.',
'LNG_ERROR_5002' => 'The file is not writable.',
'LNG_ERROR_5003' => 'The file does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_5004' => 'Possible file attack.',
'LNG_ERROR_5005' => 'Copy failed.',
'LNG_ERROR_5006' => 'Location image size over limit. Upload failed.',
'LNG_ERROR_5007' => 'Upload failed.',
'LNG_ERROR_5008' => 'Not allowed file type. Wrong file type or no location image.',
'LNG_ERROR_5009' => 'Possible file attack.',

//Vivvo Core
'LNG_ERROR_5101' => 'Can\'t edit preferences.',
'LNG_ERROR_5102' => 'No such preferences.',
'LNG_ERROR_5103' => 'This operation is not allowed.',
'LNG_ERROR_5104' => 'This operation is not allowed.',
'LNG_ERROR_5105' => 'This operation is not allowed.',

//Vivvo Plugin
'LNG_ERROR_5201' => 'Checksum error.',
'LNG_ERROR_5202' => 'The file does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_5203' => 'The file does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_5204' => 'The file does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_5205' => 'The file does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_5206' => 'No such plugin.',


'LNG_DB_Articles_category_id' => 'Category ID',
'LNG_DB_Articles_user_id' => 'User ID',
'LNG_DB_Articles_title' => 'Title',
'LNG_DB_Articles_body' => 'Body',

'LNG_DB_Categories_category_name' => 'Name',

'LNG_DB_Comments_ip' => 'IP Address',
'LNG_DB_Comments_status' => 'Status',

'LNG_DB_Users_email_address' => 'Email address',
'LNG_DB_Users_username' => 'Username',
'LNG_DB_Users_password' => 'Password',
'LNG_DB_Users_activated' => 'Activated',
'LNG_DB_Users_user_type' => 'User type',
'LNG_DB_Users_category_id' => 'Category id',
'LNG_DB_Users_logins' => 'Logins',
'LNG_DB_Users_last_login' => 'Last login',
'LNG_DB_Users_created' => 'Created',

'LNG_DB_Tags_name' => 'Name',

//User filter
'LNG_DB_UserFilters_user_id' => 'User id',
'LNG_DB_UserFilters_section' => 'Section',
'LNG_DB_UserFilters_name' => 'Name',

'LNG_DB_Pages_title' => 'Title',
'LNG_DB_Pages_sefriendly' => 'SE Friendly URL',


'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SUMMARY_WORD_NUMBER' => 'Summary number of words',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_HEADLINES_ROTATION_TIME' => 'Headline rotation time must be in interval 1-9999 sec',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_HOMEPAGE_ARTICLE_LIST_NUMBER' => 'Article list number must be positive number',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_COMMENTS_FLOOD_PROTECTION' => 'Comments flood protection must be positive number or 0',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_GENERAL_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT' => 'General time zone format must be in interval [-720,780]',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS' => 'Allowed extensions must be of valid extension type',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ADMINISTRATORS_EMAIL' => 'Administrators email must be valid email address',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_HEADLINES_IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Headlines image width must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_HEADLINES_IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Headlines image height must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SHOW_RELATED' => 'Article show related must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_SUMMARY_LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Article summary large image - width - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_SUMMARY_LARGE_IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Article summary large image - height - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_SUMMARY_MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Article summary medium image - width - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_SUMMARY_MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Article summary medium image - height - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_SUMMARY_SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Article summary small image - width - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_SUMMARY_SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Article summary small image - height - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Article large image - width - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_LARGE_IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Article large image - height - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Article medium image - width - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Article medium image - height - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Article small image - width - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Article small image - height - must be in interval 1-9999 px',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_HEADLINES_WORD_NUMBER ' => 'Headlines word number must be in interval 1-9999',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SUMMARY_WORD_NUMBER' => 'Article summary word number must be positive number',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_MORE_NEWS_ARTICLE_NUMBER' => 'Number of articles per category must be a positive number',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_TICKER_NUMBER' => 'Number of news in ticker must be a positive number',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_HOMEPAGE_ARTICLE_LIST_COLUMNS' => 'Homepage article list columns must be in interval 1-9',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_MORE_NEWS_COLUMN_NUMBER' => 'Number of columns of more news must be in interval 1-9',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_CATEGORY_PUBLIC_ACCESS' => 'Category public access must be All or Member or Premium member',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_FRIENDY_URL' => 'Friendly url must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_COMMENTS_CAPTHA' => 'Comments captcha must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_COMMENTS_ENABLE' => 'Comments enable must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SHOW_AUTHOR_INFO' => 'Article show author info must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_MOST_POPULAR' => 'Modules most popular must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_MOST_COMMENTED' => 'Modules most comment must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_LAST_COMMENTED' => 'Modules last comment must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_CATEGORIES_SHOW_SUBCATEGORIES' => 'Show summaries from subcategories on main category page must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_PLUGIN_FEED_IMPORTER_FRIENDLY' => 'Plugin feed importer friendly must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_COMMENTS_MEMBER_ONLY' => 'Comments member only must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_PLUGIN_FEED_IMPORTER_STATUS' => 'Plugin feed importer status must be ',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MEMBER_ACCESS' => 'Member access must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_GENERAL_BEGINING_OF_WEEK' => 'General beginig of week must be sunday or monday',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_SECTIONS' => 'Display box sections must be Yes or No', 
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SHOW_RATING' => 'Article show rating must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SHOW_DATE' => 'Article show date must be Yes or No', 
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ARTICLE_SHOW_AUTHOR' => 'Article show author must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_TICKER' => 'Modules ticker must be Yes or No', 
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_TICKER_DISPLAY_HEADLINES' => 'Modules ticker display hedalines must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_MOST_POPULAR_COUNTER' => 'Modules most popular counter must be Overall or Today', 
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_MOST_EMAILED' => 'Modules most emailed must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_ARCHIVE_VIEW' => 'Modules archive view must be Yes or No', 
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_ARCHIVE_CALENDAR' => 'Modules archive calendar must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_COMMENTS_MODERATE' => 'Comments moderate must be Yes or No', 
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_COMMENTS_REPORT_INAPPROPRIATE' => 'Comments report inappropriate must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_ADMIN_ADVANCED' => 'Admin advances must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_HEADLINES_DISPLAY' => 'Modules headlines display must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_FEATURED_AUTHOR' => 'Show featured author box must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_FEATURED_AUTHOR_PAGE' => 'Enable author page must be Yes or No',

'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_ENABLE' => 'Enable email features must be Yes or No ',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_FLOOD_CHECK' => 'Email flood check must be a positive number',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PHP' => 'Must be Send mail - php function mail() or SMTP',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT' => 'SMTP port must be positive number',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_SEND_FROM' => 'Send mail from - wrong email address',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_SEND_TYPE' => 'Send mail type must be Plain text or HTML',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_SEND_CC' => 'Send mail CC - wrong email address',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_EMAIL_SEND_BCC' => 'Send mail BCC - wrong email address',

'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_TAGS' => 'Modules tags must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_FEED' => 'Modules feed must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_SEARCH' => 'Modules search must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_USERS' => 'Modules users must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_MODULES_PLAINTEXT' => 'Modules plaintext must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_CACHE_ENABLE' => 'Cache must be Yes or No',
'LNG_CONF_VIVVO_CACHE_TIME' => 'Cache time must be positive number or 0',

'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_PREPARING_TO_UNINSTALL' => 'Preparing to uninstall',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_UNINSTALL_PLUG_IN' => 'Uninstall plug-in:',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_UNINSTALL_INFO' => 'By uninstalling this plug-in, you will lose all of its data and empty (drop) the database for plug-in if exist.',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_CLIK_HERE_TO_UNINSTALL' => 'Click here to Uninstall the plug-in',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_THE_PLUGIN_WAS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNINSTALLED' => 'The plugin was successfully uninstalled.',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_CLICK_HERE_TO_RETURN_TO_PLUG_IN_HOME_PAGE' => 'Click here to return to Plug-in home page.',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_PREPARING_TO_INSTALL' => 'Preparing to install',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_INSTALL_PLUG_IN' => 'Install plug-in:',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_CLIK_HERE_TO_INSTALL' => 'Click here to Install the plug-in',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_THE_PLUGIN_WAS_SUCCESSFULLY_INSTALLED' => 'The plugin was successfully installed.',
'LNG_PLUGIN_ADMIN_CLICK_HERE_TO_GO_TO_PLUG_IN_PAGE' => 'Click here to go to Plug-in page.'



Well-Known Member
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