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منظورم است چگونه و باید چه قسمت های را فارسی کنم
میشه باید چه کار کنم
منظورم است چگونه و باید چه قسمت های را فارسی کنم
/* =============================================================================
* $Revision: 2479 $
* $Date: 2008-01-03 17:24:51 +0100 (Thu, 03 Jan 2008) $
* Vivvo CMS 4.0
* Copyright 2005-07 SpoonLabs d.o.o.
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* ============================================================================
define ('VIVVO_DB_COLLATION', 'utf8_unicode_ci');
define ('VIVVO_LANG_CODE' , 'en-US');
$lang = array(
'LNG_SEARCH_ALL' => 'Search all news',
'LNG_SEARCH_ADVANCED' => 'Advanced search',
'LNG_SEARCH_CAT' => 'Search categories',
'LNG_SEARCH_ALL_CATEGORIES' => 'Search in all categories',
'LNG_SEARCH_KEYWORD' => 'Search by keyword',
'LNG_SEARCH_USER' => 'Search by Username',
'LNG_SEARCH_USER_NAME' => 'By name',
'LNG_SEARCH_USERGROUP' => 'Usergroup',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION' => 'Search options',
'LNG_SEARCH_POST' => 'Find posts from',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION_2_WEEKS_AGO' => '2 weeks ago',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION_3_MONTHS_AGO' => '3 months ago',
'LNG_SEARCH_OPTION_6_MONTHS_AGO' => '6 months ago',
'LNG_SEARCH_SITE' => 'Search the site',
'LNG_SEARCH_SORT' => 'Sort results by',
'LNG_SEARCH_STATUS' => 'Search by status',
'LNG_SEARCH_RESULT' => 'found',
'LNG_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'Search results',
'LNG_SEARCH_NO_RESULT' => 'There is no results for your query.',
'LNG_SEARCH_NO_RESULT1' => 'There is no results containing',
'LNG_SEARCH_NO_RESULT2' => ' term. Please, search again.',
'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_AND_OLDER' => 'and older',
'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_CATEGORIES' => 'Search categories (use Ctrl for multiple)',
'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_KEYWORD' => 'Keyword(s)',
'LNG_SEARCH_FORM_POST' => 'Find posts from',
'LNG_SELECT_DAY' => 'Select day',
'LNG_SELECT_MONTH' => 'Select month',
'LNG_SELECT_YEAR' => 'Select year',
'LNG_SORT_BY' => 'Sort by',
'LNG_SORT_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'LNG_SORT_DATE' => 'Date',
'LNG_SORT_TITLE' => 'Title',
'LNG_LOG_IN' => 'Log in',
'LNG_LOG_OUT' => 'Log out',
'LNG_NOT_LOGGED' => 'You have to be logged in to post comments',
'LNG_NO_LOGGED_NO_COMMENT' => 'You have to be logged in to post comments',
'LNG_COMMENT' => 'Comment',
'LNG_COMMENTS' => 'Comments',
'LNG_COMMENT_POST' => 'Post your comment',
'LNG_COMMENT_POSTED' => 'posted',
'LNG_LATEST_COMMENTS' => 'Latest comments',
'LNG_NO_COMMENT_POSTED' => ' - No comments posted',
'LNG_NUM_COMMENT_POSTED' => ' comments posted',
'LNG_COMMENTS_REPORT_INAPPROPRIATE' => 'Report as inappropriate',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_SENT' => 'Inappropriate content reported.',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_FAILD' => 'Mail could not be sent.',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_IP_ADDRESS_AUTHOR_COMMENT' => 'IP address of the person who posted the comment',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_REPORTED_COMMENT_INFO' => 'User who reported the comment',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_MESSAGE_1' => 'Please respond to this post as applicable.',
'LNG_REPORT_COMMENT_MESSAGE_2' => 'This comment is part of this article',
'LNG_CANT_POSTED_COMMENTS' => 'Only registred users!',
'LNG_CANT_POSTED_COMMENTS_BAD_WORDS' => 'You can\'t post this comment beacuse you used the following words:',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS' => 'Add your comments',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS_WWW' => 'Your website',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENT_CAPTCHA' => 'Please enter the code you see in the image:',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS_MAIL' => 'Your e-mail address',
'LNG_ADD_COMMENTS_WAITING' => 'Your comment has been saved and will be visible after moderator\'s approval.',
'LNG_ADDED_COMMENT1' => 'Your comment was posted successfully.',
'LNG_ADDED_COMMENT2' => 'Back to the article page',
'LNG_ADDED_COMMENT3' => 'Your comment has been submitted for approval.',
'LNG_NO_ARTICLES' => 'There are no articles in selected category.',
'LNG_NO_CATEGORY_ARTICLES' => 'There are no articles in this category',
'LNG_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE' => 'Articles per page',
'LNG_EMAIL__ARTICLE' => 'Email this article',
'LNG_POPULAR_TAGS' => 'Popular tags',
'LNG_NO_TAGS_FOR_ARTICLE' => 'No tags for this article',
'LNG_MY_TAGS' => 'My tags',
'LNG_TAGS_ADD' => 'Add',
'LNG_SUBMIT_BUTTON' => 'Submit',
'LNG_RESET_BUTTON' => 'Reset',
'LNG_MAIL_BUTTON' => 'Subscribe',
'LNG_SEARCH_BUTTON' => 'Search',
'LNG_PLUGIN_CONTACT' => 'Contact us',
'LNG_PLUGIN_SITEMAP' => 'Sitemap',
'LNG_AUTHORS' => 'Authors',
'LNG_AUTHOR_BY' => 'By',
'LNG_AUTHOR_INFO' => 'Author info',
'LNG_AUTHOR_LINK' => 'Provided by',
'LNG_FEATURED_AUTHOR' => 'Featured author',
'LNG_USER_FULL_NAME' => 'Full name',
'LNG_USER_FIRSTNAME' => 'First name',
'LNG_USER_SECONDNAME' => 'Last name',
'LNG_USER_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'LNG_USER_EMAIL' => 'E-mail',
'LNG_USER_INTEREST' => 'Point of interest:',
'LNG_USER_FEED' => 'Author feed',
'LNG_USER_PICTURE' => 'Picture',
'LNG_USER_PUBLISHED' => 'Published articles:',
'LNG_USER_TEXT' => 'Short bio',
'LNG_USER_WWW' => 'Website',
'LNG_USER_ADD' => 'Add user:',
'LNG_USER_ADDED' => 'User added succesfully',
'LNG_USER_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'Username already exists',
'LNG_USER_USERNAME' => 'Username',
'LNG_USER_PASSWORD' => 'Password',
'LNG_USER_FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD' => 'Forgot your password?',
'LNG_USER_FIRSTNAME' => 'Firstname',
'LNG_USER_FIRST_NAME' => 'Firstname',
'LNG_USER_LAST_NAME' => 'Lastname',
'LNG_USER_LOGIN' => 'Log in',
'LNG_USER_LOGOUT' => 'Log out',
'LNG_USER_REMEMBER_ME' => 'Remember me',
'LNG_USER_EMPTY' => 'Username cannnot be empty',
'LNG_USER_SUBMIT' => 'Add user',
'LNG_USER_UPLOAD' => 'File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.',
'LNG_USER_UPLOAD_ERROR' => 'Possible file upload attack!',
'LNG_ADMIN' => 'Admin',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_0' => 'Writer',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_1' => 'Editor',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_2' => 'Admin',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_3' => 'Trusted writer',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_4' => 'Member',
'LNG_USER_GROUP_5' => 'Premium member',
'LNG_RELATED_LINKS' => 'No matching news for this article',
'LNG_RELATED_LINK_POST' => 'posted on',
'LNG_VOTES' => 'votes',
'LNG_VOTES_TOTAL' => 'total',
'LNG_VOTES_RATING' => 'Rating:',
'LNG_RATE_ARTICLE' => 'Rate this article',
'LNG_VOTES_SCRIPT_OK' => 'Thank you for voting for this article.',
'LNG_VOTES_SCRIPT_ALREADY' => 'You already voted for this article!',
'LNG_MOST_POPULAR' => 'Most Popular',
'LNG_MOST_EMAILED' => 'Most E-mailed',
'LNG_MOST_COMMENTED' => 'Most Commented',
'LNG_ALL_NEWS' => 'All news',
'LNG_MORE_NEWS' => 'More news',
'LNG_RELATED_NEWS' => 'Related news',
'LNG_FEATURED_NEWS' => 'Headlines',
'LNG_LATEST_NEWS' => 'Latest additions',
'LNG_BACK' => 'Back',
'LNG_PAUSE' => 'Pause',
'LNG_FORWARD' => 'Forward',
'LNG_SU' => 'Su',
'LNG_MO' => 'Mo',
'LNG_TU' => 'Tu',
'LNG_WE' => 'We',
'LNG_TH' => 'Th',
'LNG_FR' => 'Fr',
'LNG_SA' => 'Sa',
'LNG_MONTH_1' => 'January',
'LNG_MONTH_2' => 'February',
'LNG_MONTH_3' => 'March',
'LNG_MONTH_4' => 'April',
'LNG_MONTH_5' => 'May',
'LNG_MONTH_6' => 'June',
'LNG_MONTH_7' => 'July',
'LNG_MONTH_8' => 'August',
'LNG_MONTH_9' => 'September',
'LNG_MONTH_10' => 'October',
'LNG_MONTH_11' => 'November',
'LNG_MONTH_12' => 'December',
'LNG_CODE' => 'Code',
'LNG_TO' => 'To',
'LNG_BCC' => 'Bcc',
'LNG_MESSAGE' => 'Message',
'LNG_YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Your email address',
'LNG_CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => 'Confirm password',
'LNG_EMAIL_FRIEND' => 'Email to a friend',
'LNG_SIGN_UP' => 'Register',
'LNG_MAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Email address',
'LNG_MORE_HEADLINES' => 'Other headline news',
'LNG_HEADLINE_LINK' => 'Full story',
'LNG_FULL_STORY' => ' Full story ',
'LNG_VISIT_WEBSITE' => ' Visit website ',
'LNG_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT' => 'Download attachment',
'LNG_CLICK_ACCESS_LINK' => 'Click the following to access the sent link',
'LNG_RESTRICTED_ACCESS' => 'Restricted access.',
'LNG_RESTRICTED_ONLY_REGISTERED' => 'Only registered members can view this article.',
'LNG_RESTRICTED_ONLY_PREMIUM' => 'Only premium memebers can view this article.',
'LNG_IMAGE' => 'Image',
'LNG_INCORRECT_CAPTCHA' => 'Incorrect image code.',
'LNG_TAG' => 'Tag',
'LNG_TAGS' => 'Tags',
'LNG_ARCHIVE' => 'Archive',
'LNG_ARCHIVE_INCLUDE' => 'include archive',
'LNG_ARCHIVE_NAVIGATE' => 'Navigate archive',
'LNG_ARCHIVE_SEARCH' => 'Search archive',
'LNG_ADD_FAVORITES' => 'Add to favorites',
'LNG_PRINT_VERSION' => 'Print version',
'LNG_GO'=> 'Go',
'LNG_GO_HOME' => 'Home',
'LNG_SET_HOMEPAGE' => 'Set as homepage',
'LNG_SITEMAP' => 'Sitemap',
'LNG_SECTIONS' => 'Sections',
'LNG_PLAIN_TEXT' => 'Plain text',
'LNG_SITE_ADMINISTRATION' => 'Site administration',
'LNG_CLOSE' => 'close',
'LNG_DISPLAYING' => 'displaying',
'LNG_TOTAL' => 'total',
'LNG_PAGE_NOT_FOUND' => 'The page cannot be found',
'LNG_FONT_SIZE' => 'Font size:',
'LNG_TIMES_READ' => 'times read',
//Close site
'LNG_SITE_CLOSED' => 'The Site is temporarily closed.',
'LNG_SITE_CLOSED_REASON' => 'Reason for closing',
'LNG_SITE_CLOSED_VISIT_LATER' => 'Please, visit later',
'LNG_INFO_FORGOT_PASSWORD_INFO' => 'Please enter your username or email address provided during registration. If your username or email address exist in our database, you will receive instructions how to reset your password.',
'LNG_INFO_FORGOT_PASSWORD_NOTICE' => 'You should receive instructions for reseting password shortly.',
'LNG_INFO_FORGOT_PASSWORD__HAS_BEEN_SUCCESSFULLY_CHANGED' => 'Your password has been successfully changed.',
//Articles action
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_VOTE_SUCCESS' => 'Thank you for voting.',
'LNG_INFO_ARTICLE_E_MAIL_TO_A_FRIEND_SENT_SUCCESS' => 'Email to <MAIL_TO> sent successfully.',
//Comments action
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Your comment was added.',
'LNG_INFO_COMMENT_REPORTING_SUCCESS' => 'Inappropriate content reported.',
'LNG_INFO_USER_REGISTER_SUCCESS' => '<strong>Success! Thank you for signing up!</strong><br /><br />You may now take advantage of the advanced features of our web site. Within the next few minutes, you\'ll recieve a confirming email message. To completely activate your account you must click on the link contained in this email message that you will be receiving.<br /><br /><em>Please note:</em> If the confirming email doesn\'t show up, please look in your "spam" box or "junk mail" box in case it has been mistakenly diverted.',
'LNG_INFO_USER_CONFIRM_SUCCESS' => 'Your registration was completed successfully',
'LNG_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL' => 'Dear <FULLNAME>,<br />Thank you for signing up! Click or copy and paste this URL to your browser to activate your account:<br /><br /><ACTIVATION_URL><br /><br />Please note that your activation code is NOT your password.<br /><br />Thank you for using our service<br /><br />Best regards,<br /><WEBSITE_NAME><br /><WEBSITE_URL>',
'LNG_NO_ENTRIES' => 'There were no entries found that match your criteria.',
'LNG_ALLERADY_LOGGED_IN' => 'Already logged in',
'LNG_ERROR_2032' => 'Wrong email - Your email',
'LNG_ERROR_2033' => 'Unable to update the article after sending the email',
'LNG_ERROR_2034' => 'Wrong email - To',
'LNG_ERROR_2035' => 'Article does not exist',
'LNG_ERROR_2036' => 'Only registered users can send email',
'LNG_ERROR_2201' => 'You IP address is banned.',
'LNG_ERROR_2202' => 'Flood protection.',
'LNG_ERROR_2203' => 'Can\'t insert comment in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2204' => 'CAPTCHA is wrong.',
'LNG_ERROR_2205' => 'You have to be logged in to post comments.',
'LNG_ERROR_2206' => 'Posting comments is not allowed.',
'LNG_ERROR_2219' => 'This comment does not exist.',
'LNG_ERROR_2220' => 'You must be logged in to report.',
'LNG_ERROR_2221' => 'Please enter your comment.',
'LNG_ERROR_2701' => 'Username already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2702' => 'Invalid e-mail address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2703' => 'Email address already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2704' => 'Invalid username.',
'LNG_ERROR_2705' => 'Username already exists.',
'LNG_ERROR_2706' => 'Password must contain minimum 6 characters.',
'LNG_ERROR_2707' => 'Password does not match.',
'LNG_ERROR_2708' => 'Can\'t insert user in database.',
'LNG_ERROR_2709' => 'You can not register because you are already logged in.',
'LNG_ERROR_2710' => 'Invalid confirmation data.',
'LNG_ERROR_2711' => 'Can\'t confirm your profile.',
'LNG_ERROR_2712' => 'You must specify either user name or e-mail address.',
'LNG_ERROR_2713' => 'Invalid activation key.',
'LNG_ERROR_2750' => 'Invalid username or password.',
'LNG_ERROR_2751' => 'You are an inactive user.'