وایــــــــــــــی خدا، این دیگه چیه!!!


اول از همه تشک میر کنم از آقا احسان به خاطر مجموعه اطلاعاتی که به ما دادن...(که اینم یکیشه:eek:)
فک و مک میاد پایین! خدمتون!:eek:
آین دیگه چیه!!!!:shock:
نر افزاره مدل میکنه برات آبنبات!! 3 سوت! فیلم میگیری از مدلت! روی فیلم نقطه میزاری، سه بعدی مکنـــــــــــــــــه!!!
لینک رو ببینین که اگر نبینین به جان خودم تقصیر خودتونه!
نر افزاره دیوانس! اگر کسی پیدا کرد، خریداریــــــــــــم!:razz:

VideoTrace: Rapid interactive scene modelling from video

VideoTrace is a system for interactively generating realistic 3D models of objects from video—models that might be inserted into a video game, a simulation environment, or another video sequence. The user interacts with VideoTrace by tracing the shape of the object to be modelled over one or more frames of the video. By interpreting the sketch drawn by the user in light of 3D information obtained from computer vision techniques, a small number of simple 2D interactions can be used to generate a realistic 3D model. Each of the sketching operations in VideoTrace provides an intuitive and powerful means of modelling shape from video, and executes quickly enough to be used interactively. Immediate feedback allows the user to model rapidly those parts of the scene which are of interest and to the level of detail required. The combination of automated and manual reconstruction allows VideoTrace to model parts of the scene not visible, and to succeed in cases where purely automated approaches would fail.

The Siggraph paper describing VideoTrace is available here (pdf 6MB), and an avi of the video below which outlines how it works is available here, with a more compressed version here.


There are a number of applications of the VideoTrace technology, including modelling parts of the real world for insertion into virtual worlds. You may want to model your house, in order to put it into Google Earth, or your couch, in order to take it with you into Second Life, for example.

The applications that we're most interested in right now are

* video editing
* architectural / urban modelling
* modeling for virtual environments.


VideoTrace is the result of a collboration between The Australian Centre for Visual Technologies at the University of Adelaide, and The Oxford Brookes Computer Vision Group. The people behind it are

* Anton van den Hengel
* Anthony Dick
* Thorsten Thormaehlen
* Ben Ward
* Philip H. S. Torr

VideoTrace's status

VideoTrace is currently at the prototype stage. We're looking for commercial partners that can develop it to the point whereby we might release it. The first beta test in progress, and we expect to run another in the near future.

If you are interested in this commercial development, or would like to be place on the mailing list so you can be notified of further developments and particularly the release of the final version please email [email protected].

VideoTrace is covered by two patent applications, each of which has been filed both in Australia and the US.
Further directions

We're currently developing further modelling interactions to increase both the power and flexibility of the modelling process. We're working on interactive dense reconstruction, organic shapes, de- and re-linghting for model-based video editing, deformable objects and dynamic scenes, amongst other ideas.

We are particularly interested in teaming with groups who have interesting industry-motivated problems to which VideoTrace might be applied. If you are interested in working with us please email [email protected].
Jobs and such

We're currently advertising for a post-doc to join the team working on VideoTrace, but we'll be looking for suitably skilled software engineers soon too hopefully. The post-doc is advertised here, and if you're interested in the programming positions please email [email protected] and we'll let you know when the positions become available. If you have the right background we're also looking for PhD students to work on this project and a few related ones. This would require that you have a very good honours degree, or an equivalent qualification (like a relevant Masters for instance). Again, please email [email protected] if you are interested.

Wer'e getting quite a lot of coverage on all sorts of media. Cyber Shack Radio did a story on VideoTrace, including an interview with Anton van den Hengel. The show is available on their archive. There is also an interview with Anthon on the 3dtest site. The following is a (random) sub-set of the other sites that have featured VideoTrace:

* Evermotion
* CG Society
* CG Channel
* 3DVF
* Tres D1
* CG Expanse
* Advanced Effects Club
* Polycount
* World3D
* Max Underground
* Shack News
* 3D Station
* Many others


کاربر متخصص انیمیشن
اینم از فکه ما

:eek: :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

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این دیگه چیه؟
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آخرین ویرایش:


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مگه دانلود نمی شه؟
اگه نشه چه فایده
من گریم می گیره:sad:

Divine Love

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ای بابا مصطفی جون
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نشر علم زکات علمه

ما که اینقدر دوستت داریم
لا اقل 4 تا لینکو ازمون دریغ نکن
التماس دعا

Divine Love

Well-Known Member
فرخ جون اين حرفها چيه
من همين امروز صبح اين لينكها رو پيدا كردم


کاربر باتجربه
روح الله جون عجب نرم افزارايي پيدا ميكني ها، آدم شاخ در مياره!!!!
ولي به نظر من نبايد چيز مالي باشه، چون اگه مدلسازيش حرفه اي بود قطعا ميباست آوازه ي بيشتري از نرم افزارهاي ديگه پيدا ميكرد، ولي با اين حال چيز جالبيه، ممنون از تاپيكت


روح الله جون عجب نرم افزارايي پيدا ميكني ها، آدم شاخ در مياره!!!!
من پیدا نکردم! آقا احسان پیدا کردن(یا گروهشون)....
آین آقا احسان هم خیلی بچه گلیه، حیف شما شد که از دستتون رفت...
ما که هنوز خدمتشون میرسیم...


Active Member
حیف شما شد که از دستتون رفت...

آره بابا تا به ما رسید تموم شد
من دریا برم باید یه آفتابه آب با خودم ببرم

یکی به این آقا احسان بگه ما تازه واردا دلمون هواشو کرده


نرم افزار جالبي است ! ممنون از اطلاع رساني
قبلا نرم افزار canoma شركت adobe اين كار رو روي تصاوير ثابت انجام ميداد ولي اين يكي خيلي عاليه

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