اين نرم افزار داراي چندين سايت مختلف مي باشد.
اينم توضيحاتش كه از سايت خودش برداشتم
يه نرم الكترونيكي براي طراحي مدارات ديجيتالي و . . .
اگه كسي داره لطف كنه كه شديداٌ بهش نياز دارم.
[align=left:4fa411be47]What is LogicWork
LogicWorks is an interactive circuit design tool intended for teaching and learning digitial logic. No other software tool makes digital design easier, faster or more interactive than LogicWorks. The package gives you the power, speed and flexibility to create and test an unlimited number of circuit elements on-screen. This means that you can study advanced concepts much more quickly and clearly using on-screen simulation than you can by spending time wiring up expensive and damage-prone parts in a lab. LogicWorks is so easy to use that students will be creating and testing circuits in a matter of minutes, instead of spending precious lab time just getting started[/align:4fa411be47]