[MT] مشكل در نصب MT بر روي localhost


New Member
من مشکلی در نصب MT در localhost دارم. لطفا منو راهنمایی کنید: :oops:
زمانی که اینو http://localhost/blog/mt-load.cgi از IE اجرا میکنم این پیغام رو میده: :wink:

Unsupported driver MT::ObjectDriver::DBM: Can't locate DB_File.pm in @INC (@INC contains: d:\inetpub\wwwroot\blog\extlib d:\inetpub\wwwroot\blog\lib D:/Inetpub/Perl/lib D:/Inetpub/Perl/site/lib .) at d:\inetpub\wwwroot\blog\lib/MT/ObjectDriver/DBM.pm line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at d:\inetpub\wwwroot\blog\lib/MT/ObjectDriver/DBM.pm line 9.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 3) line 1.

برای اینکه بدونم کی به کیه من اینو http://loaclhost/blog/mt-check.cgi هم اجرا کردم! همه چی درسته الا این قسمت: :wink:


The following modules are used by the different data storage options in
Movable Type. In order run the system, your server needs to have at least
one of these modules installed.

Your server does not have DB_File installed. DB_File is
required if you want to use the Berkeley DB/DB_File backend.
Please consult the installation instructions for help in
installing DB_File.

Your server does not have DBD::mysql installed. DBI and
DBD::mysql are required if you want to use the MySQL database
backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help
in installing DBD::mysql.

Your server does not have DBD::pg installed. DBI and DBD::pg
are required if you want to use the PostgreSQL database
backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help
in installing DBD::pg.

Your server does not have DBD::SQLite installed. DBI and
DBD::SQLite are required if you want to use the SQLite database
backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help
in installing DBD::SQLite.

خب برای این منظور من DBI و DBD-mysql رو هم دانلود کردم :oops: اما در نصب اونا با مشکل مواجه میشم! :( وقتی که این فرمان:

ppm< install d:\MT\MODULES\DBIppm

اجرا میکنم بعد از حدود 3 دقیقه پیغام زیر رو میده و نصب نمی شه!
searching for 'd:\MT\MODULES\DBIppm' returned no resulte. try a broader search first.

من MT رو روی سرور نصب کردم اما روی localhost با مشکل مواجه شدم! خلاصه آقا MT نصب کردن من هم داستانی.

PHP 4.3.4
MT 2.65

ايشالا يه روزي بتونم جبران كنم! :oops:


Well-Known Member
سلام.آقا نمي دونم از اين باشه يا نه ولي MT با سرور ويندوزي مشكل داره. امكان داره از اون باشه.


سلام!منم مشكل دارم ولي روي لوكال هاسته!ويندوزه!از راهنماي شما آقا كامبيز استفاده كردم الان اين ارور رو مي ده
Server error!
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.

Error message:
Premature end of script headers: mt.cgi

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 500
02/11/04 14:27:15
Apache/2.0.48 (Win32) PHP/4.3.4

چي كار كنم؟


حالا مشكل رفع شده اينو مي ده
Got an error: Can't locate MT/App/CMS.pm in @INC (@INC contains: D:/xampp/perl/lib D:/xampp/perl/site/lib . D:/xampp/apache/ D:/xampp/apache/lib/perl) at D:/xampp/htdocs/modperl/mt/mt.cgi line 19.
xamppمن کامله!27 مگ هست!

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