كمك براي پيدا كردن سورس بازي tic-tac-toe


New Member
[align=center:03372ead92]با سلام.كسي مي تونه يه لينك از يه سورس كد ساده براي بازيtic-tac-toe كه تو صف حه 4*4 باشه به من بده؟[/align:03372ead92]
سلام من اين سورس رو تو سايت hot scrip پيدا كردم ولي زبانش آلماني بود و خودم فارسيش كردم.
<SCRIPT name = "JavaScript">
function variables(){
    t = 1;
    change = 1;    
    empty1 = -1;
    empty2 = -1;
    empty3 = -1;
    empty4 = -1;
    empty5 = -1;
    empty6 = -1;
    empty7 = -1;
    empty8 = -1;
    empty9 = -1;
    whogoesnow = "نوبت نفر اول"

function win(){
  if   (empty1==empty2 && empty2==empty3 && empty3==0 ||
empty4==empty5 && empty5==empty6 && empty6==0 ||    
        empty7==empty8 && empty8==empty9 && empty9==0 ||
        empty1==empty4 && empty4==empty7 && empty7==0 ||
        empty2==empty5 && empty5==empty8 && empty8==0 ||
        empty3==empty6 && empty6==empty9 && empty9==0 ||
        empty1==empty5 && empty5==empty9 && empty9==0 ||
        empty3==empty5 && empty5==empty7 && empty7==0 ){
        alert ("نفر دوم برد");          
  if   (empty1==empty2 && empty2==empty3 && empty3==1 ||
empty4==empty5 && empty5==empty6 && empty6==1 ||    
        empty7==empty8 && empty8==empty9 && empty9==1 ||
        empty1==empty4 && empty4==empty7 && empty7==1 ||
        empty2==empty5 && empty5==empty8 && empty8==1 ||
        empty3==empty6 && empty6==empty9 && empty9==1 ||
        empty1==empty5 && empty5==empty9 && empty9==1 ||
        empty3==empty5 && empty5==empty7 && empty7==1 ){
        alert ("نفر اول برد");

function turnchange(t){
  if (change == 1)  {
    if (t == 0){
        t = 1;
        whogoesnow = "نوبت نفر اول " 
    else {
        t = 0;
	whogoesnow = "نوبت نفر دوم " 
  else {
    t = t;
  change = 1  
  return (t); 

function changing(clicked){
if (clicked == 1){            
   spot = empty1 ;}
if (clicked == 2){
   spot = empty2 ;}
if (clicked == 3){
   spot = empty3 ;}
if (clicked == 4){
   spot = empty4 ;}
if (clicked == 5){
   spot = empty5 ;}
if (clicked == 6){
   spot = empty6 ;}
if (clicked == 7){
   spot = empty7 ;}
if (clicked == 8){
   spot = empty8 ;}
if (clicked == 9){
   spot = empty9 ;}

if (spot == -1){
   if (t == 0){
      xo = "  O  " ;	       	          
      spot = 0             
   else {
      xo = "  X  "  ;              
      spot = 1	     
   if (clicked == 1){            
      empty1 = spot;}
   if (clicked == 2){
      empty2 = spot ;}
   if (clicked == 3){
      empty3 = spot ;}
   if (clicked == 4){
      empty4 = spot ;}
   if (clicked == 5){
      empty5 = spot ;}
   if (clicked == 6){
      empty6 = spot ;}
   if (clicked == 7){
      empty7 = spot ;}
   if (clicked == 8){
      empty8 = spot ;}
   if (clicked == 9){
      empty9 = spot ;}
else {
   if (spot == 0){
       xo = "  O  ";}
   if (spot == 1){
       xo = "  X  ";}
   change = 0
return (xo) ;

function change_b1(form){	
    clicked = 1;    
    changing(clicked) ;     
    t = turnchange(t) ;  
    form.b1.value = xo; 
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow        
function change_b2(form){	
    clicked = 2;
    changing(clicked) ;   
    form.b2.value = xo;    
    t = turnchange(t) ;
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow      

function change_b3(form){	
    clicked = 3;
    changing(clicked) ;
    form.b3.value = xo;         
    t = turnchange(t) ;    
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow 

function change_b4(form){	
    clicked = 4;
    changing(clicked) ;
    form.b4.value = xo;    
    t = turnchange(t) ;    
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow     

function change_b5(form){	
    clicked = 5;
    changing(clicked) ;
    form.b5.value = xo;    
    t = turnchange(t) ;
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow     

function change_b6(form){	
    clicked = 6;
    changing(clicked) ;
    form.b6.value = xo;    
    t = turnchange(t) ;
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow     

function change_b7(form){	
    clicked = 7;
    changing(clicked) ;
    form.b7.value = xo;    
    t = turnchange(t) ; 
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow    

function change_b8(form){	
    clicked = 8;
    changing(clicked) ;    
    form.b8.value = xo;    
    t = turnchange(t) ;
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow 

function change_b9(form){	
    clicked = 9;
    changing(clicked) ;
    form.b9.value = xo;    
    t = turnchange(t) ;
    form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow  

<SCRIPT name = "JavaScript">

<input type = "button" name = "whoseturn" 
 value = "نوبت نفر اول">	 
<tr><td><input type = "button" name = "b1" value = "      "		 onClick =
    <td><input type = "button" name = "b2" value = "      "		 onClick = change_b2(this.form)> 
    <td><input type = "button" name = "b3" value = "      "		 onClick =
<tr><td><input type = "button" name = "b4" value = "      "		 onClick =
    <td><input type = "button" name = "b5" value = "      "		 onClick = change_b5(this.form)> 
    <td><input type = "button" name = "b6" value = "      "		 onClick =
<tr><td><input type = "button" name = "b7" value = "      "		 onClick =
    <td><input type = "button" name = "b8" value = "      "		 onClick = change_b8(this.form)>   
    <td><input type = "button" name = "b9" value = "      "
onClick = change_b9(this.form)> 

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="از اول" onClick="history.go(0)">

اين كپي رايت فارسيش مال خودمه
يا علي


New Member
سلام.خيلي ممنون كه اين سورس داديد اما اين به زبان java script كه تحت وب به درد مي خوره اگه سورس همين بازي به يه زبان vitual رو بديد خيلي خيلي ممنون مي شم در ضمن بازي كه من دنبالشم بازي يه نفره با الگوريتمه .مثل بازي دوز يه نفره كه خودمون با كامپيوتر بازي ميكنيم.


New Member
من سورس n*n را دارم ولي بايستي تا عيد صبر كني چون من الان در تربيت مربي كرج هستم و خونه ام ايلام است اگر رفتم ايلام ميفرستم


Active Member
samira2004 گفت:
[align=center:13ba415200]با سلام.كسي مي تونه يه لينك از يه سورس كد ساده براي بازيtic-tac-toe كه تو صف حه 4*4 باشه به من بده؟[/align:13ba415200]

من اينو حدود 5 سال پيش نوشتم بيس فايل در وب6 برنامه پوسته را خودتون اميدوارم بتونيد درست كنيد
اگر نه مي تونيد سورس آماده را از سايت زير بگيريد


Attribute VB_Name = "AI"
Option Explicit
Public Const MAXVALUE = 1000000000 
Public Const MINVALUE = -1000000000

Public BOARDSIZE As Integer 
Public WinLength As Integer 
Public Plys As Integer 'depth of search
Public BoardArray() As Byte '
Public MoveList() As Integer  
Public AllDone As Boolean 'flag to signal end of game or quit
Private Values() As Long 'value of each combination
Public MoveCount As Long 'number of moves investigated
Public BoardValue As Long 

Private Declare Function GetInputState Lib "user32" () As Long

Public Sub UpdateBoardValue(r%, c%)

Dim i%, player%, j%, wl%
Dim v&
Dim pcnt%, ocnt%

v& = 0
wl% = WinLength - 1
player% = BoardArray(r%, c%)
'check all possible vertical lines that include r%,c%
For i% = r% - wl% To r%
    If (i% >= 0) And ((i% + wl%) <= BOARDSIZE) Then
        pcnt% = 0
        ocnt% = 0
        For j% = i% To i% + wl%
            Select Case BoardArray(j%, c%)
                Case player%
                    If j% <> r% Then pcnt% = pcnt% + 1
                Case 0
                Case Else
                    ocnt% = ocnt% + 1
            End Select
        Next j%
        If ocnt% > 0 Then
            If pcnt% = 0 Then v& = v& + Values(ocnt%) 'get points for denying opponent
            If pcnt% = wl% Then GoTo BreakOnWin 'if line wins game, then break
            v& = v& + Values(pcnt% + 1) - Values(pcnt%) 'get points for increasing length
        End If
    End If
Next i%
'check all possible horizontal lines that include r%,c%
For i% = c% - wl% To c%
    If (i% >= 0) And ((i% + wl%) <= BOARDSIZE) Then
        pcnt% = 0
        ocnt% = 0
        For j% = i% To i% + wl%
            Select Case BoardArray(r%, j%)
                Case player%
                    If j% <> c% Then pcnt% = pcnt% + 1
                Case 0
                Case Else
                    ocnt% = ocnt% + 1
            End Select
        Next j%
        If ocnt% > 0 Then
            If pcnt% = 0 Then v& = v& + Values(ocnt%) 'get points for denying opponent
            If pcnt% = wl% Then GoTo BreakOnWin
            v& = v& + Values(pcnt% + 1) - Values(pcnt%) 'get points for increasing length
        End If
    End If
Next i%
'check diagonals from top left to bottom right
For i% = 0 To wl%
    If ((c% - i%) >= 0) And (((c% - i%) + wl%) <= BOARDSIZE) And ((r% - i%) >= 0) And (((r% - i%) + wl%) <= BOARDSIZE) Then
        pcnt% = 0
        ocnt% = 0
        For j% = 0 To wl%
            Select Case BoardArray(r% - i% + j%, c% - i% + j%)
                Case player%
                    If i% <> j% Then pcnt% = pcnt% + 1
                Case 0
                Case Else
                    ocnt% = ocnt% + 1
            End Select
        Next j%
        If ocnt% > 0 Then
            If pcnt% = 0 Then v& = v& + Values(ocnt%) 'get points for denying opponent
            If pcnt% = wl% Then GoTo BreakOnWin
            v& = v& + Values(pcnt% + 1) - Values(pcnt%) 'get points for increasing length
        End If
    End If
Next i%
'check diagonals from bottom left to top right
For i% = 0 To wl%
    If ((c% - i%) >= 0) And (((c% - i%) + wl%) <= BOARDSIZE) And ((r% + i%) - wl% >= 0) And (((r% + i%)) <= BOARDSIZE) Then
        pcnt% = 0
        ocnt% = 0
        For j% = 0 To wl%
            Select Case BoardArray(r% + i% - j%, c% - i% + j%)
                Case player%
                    If i% <> j% Then pcnt% = pcnt% + 1
                Case 0
                Case Else
                    ocnt% = ocnt% + 1
            End Select
        Next j%
        If ocnt% > 0 Then
            If pcnt% = 0 Then v& = v& + Values(ocnt%) 'get points for denying opponent
            If pcnt% = wl% Then GoTo BreakOnWin
            v& = v& + Values(pcnt% + 1) - Values(pcnt%) 'get points for increasing length
        End If
    End If
Next i%
If player% = 2 Then v& = -v&  'player 2 likes small boardvalues
BoardValue = BoardValue + v&
Exit Sub
If player% = 2 Then BoardValue = MINVALUE Else BoardValue = MAXVALUE
End Sub

Public Sub InitMoveList()
'load movelist in such a way that centre moves are first in list
Dim r%, c%, i%, n%, v%, lasti%
Dim lv&
ReDim movevalue(1, (BOARDSIZE + 1) * (BOARDSIZE + 1)) As Integer
'uses a kind of linked list structure.
'movevalue(0,x) is the value for square x
'movevalue(1,x) is the index of the next square

'also init the values table
lv& = 0
ReDim Values(WinLength) As Long
For i% = 0 To WinLength
    Values(i%) = lv&
    lv& = lv& * 10 + 1
Next i%

n% = 1
movevalue(1, 0) = 0
For r% = 0 To BOARDSIZE
    For c% = 0 To BOARDSIZE
        v% = (Abs(r% - BOARDSIZE \ 2) + 1) * (Abs(c% - BOARDSIZE \ 2) + 1)
        movevalue(0, n%) = v%
        i% = movevalue(1, 0)
        lasti% = 0
        Do While i%
            If v% < movevalue(0, i%) Then 'insert
                movevalue(1, n%) = i%
                movevalue(1, lasti%) = n%
                Exit Do
            End If
            lasti% = i%
            i% = movevalue(1, i%)
        If i% = 0 Then 'no insertion, add to end
            movevalue(1, n%) = 0
            movevalue(1, lasti%) = n%
        End If
        n% = n% + 1
    Next c%
Next r%
i% = movevalue(1, 0)
n% = 0
While i%
    MoveList(n%, 0) = i% - 1
    MoveList(n%, 1) = 0  'not picked
    i% = movevalue(1, i%)
    n% = n% + 1
End Sub

Public Function AlphaBetaSearch(ByVal ply%, ByVal limit&, ByVal player%, bestmove&) As Long
'returns the value of the board
'aborts if the branch it is searching is worse than the limit
Dim best&, i&, n&, v&, move&
Dim r%, c%, otherplayer%
Dim lastbv&

If AllDone Then Exit Function

If ply% Then 'not at bottom of recursive branch yet...
    n& = (BOARDSIZE + 1&) * (BOARDSIZE + 1&) - 1&
    If player = 1 Then
        best& = MINVALUE
        otherplayer% = 2
        best& = MAXVALUE
        otherplayer% = 1
    End If
    'check all possible moves from this location...
    For i& = 0 To n&
        If GetInputState() Then DoEvents
        If MoveList(i&, 1) = 0 Then
            r% = MoveList(i&, 0) \ (BOARDSIZE + 1&)
            c% = MoveList(i&, 0) Mod (BOARDSIZE + 1&)
            'we've selected a move...
            MoveList(i&, 1) = player        '...so remove it from list...
            BoardArray(r%, c%) = player     '...and update board...
            lastbv& = BoardValue            '...but save the old boardvalue for later
            UpdateBoardValue r%, c%         'calculate the new boardvalue
            If Abs(BoardValue) = MAXVALUE Then 'break since win was found
                v& = BoardValue
                v& = AlphaBetaSearch(ply% - 1, best&, otherplayer%, move&) 'and recursively follow branch
            End If
            If AllDone Then Exit For
            'return board and movelist to original state
            BoardValue = lastbv&
            BoardArray(r%, c%) = 0
            MoveList(i&, 1) = 0
            If v& = best Then 'insert a bit of randomness
                If Rnd() < 0.3 Then
                    bestmove& = i&
                End If
            End If
            If player = 1 Then ' Pick largest
                If v& > best& Then
                    best& = v&
                    bestmove& = i&
                End If
                If v& > limit Then 'we are past the limit, meaning there is no point exploring this branch further
                    Exit For
                End If
            Else 'Pick smallest
                If v& < best& Then
                    best& = v&
                    bestmove& = i&
                End If
                If v& < limit Then
                    Exit For
                End If
           End If
        End If
    Next i&
    AlphaBetaSearch = best&
Else  'we are at the bottom of the branch. Just return the board value
    MoveCount = MoveCount + 1
    AlphaBetaSearch = BoardValue
End If
End Function

Function VictoryCheck() As Integer
'checks for victory. Returns 1 or 2 for player 1 or 2 or 0 if no one won.
Dim r%, c%, i%, pl%, r1%, c1%, r2%, c2%, j%, wl%

wl% = WinLength - 1

For r% = 0 To BOARDSIZE
    For c% = 0 To BOARDSIZE
        If r% <= (BOARDSIZE - wl%) Then 'calculate vertical
            pl% = 0
            i% = 0
            For r1% = r% To r% + wl%
                Select Case BoardArray(r1%, c%)
                Case 0 'nothing
                Case 1
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 1
                        i% = 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                Case 2
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 2
                        i% = 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                End Select
            Next r1%
            If i% = WinLength Then
                VictoryCheck = pl%
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        If c% <= (BOARDSIZE - wl%) Then 'calculate horizontal
            pl% = 0
            i% = 0
            For c1% = c% To c% + wl%
                Select Case BoardArray(r%, c1%)
                Case 0 'nothing
                Case 1
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 1
                        i% = 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                Case 2
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 2
                        i% = 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                End Select
            Next c1%
            If i% = WinLength Then
                VictoryCheck = pl%
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        If (r% <= (BOARDSIZE - wl%)) And (c% <= (BOARDSIZE - wl%)) Then 'diag1
            i% = 0
            pl% = 0
            For j% = 0 To wl%
                Select Case BoardArray(r% + j%, c% + j%)
                Case 0 'nothing
                Case 1
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 1
                        i% = 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                Case 2
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 2
                        i% = 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                End Select
            Next j%
            If i% = WinLength Then
                VictoryCheck = pl%
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        If (r% <= (BOARDSIZE - wl%)) And (c% >= wl%) Then  'diag2
            i% = 0
            pl% = 0
            For j% = 0 To wl%
                Select Case BoardArray(r% + j%, c% - j%)
                Case 0 'nothing
                Case 1
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 1
                        i% = 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                Case 2
                    Select Case pl%
                    Case 0
                        pl% = 2
                        i% = 1
                    Case 2
                        i% = i% + 1
                    Case 1
                        i% = 0
                        Exit For
                    End Select
                End Select
            Next j%
            If i% = WinLength Then
                VictoryCheck = pl%
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    Next c%
Next r%
VictoryCheck = 0
End Function

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