اين فرمت قابليت دارد كه فايل هاي حجيم گرافيكي را در خود ذخيره كند
و تا 2گيگا بايت قابليت ذخيره شدن دارد
و در زمان اجرا به سرعت، فايل مورد نظر در برنامه فتو شاپ باز مي شود
و بهترين فرمت براي طراحي بيلبوردها مي باشد
در ضمن قابليت ذخيره فرمت psbبراي سيستم عامل مكينتاش هم مي باشد
و فقط در فتوشاپ 8 قابل استفاده است
Large Document Format (PSB)
Photoshop Recently, many applications have adopted the capability to work with and
save files more than 2GB in size. If you're editing nonlinear video, the need to use
gigantic files makes perfect sense. Image-editing applications like Photoshop have
been slower to adopt support for such huge files, but Photoshop CS has leapt into the
fray with its new Large Document Format (PSB). Finally, you won't need to figure out a
work-around when designing that billboard for the surface of the moon.
و تا 2گيگا بايت قابليت ذخيره شدن دارد
و در زمان اجرا به سرعت، فايل مورد نظر در برنامه فتو شاپ باز مي شود
و بهترين فرمت براي طراحي بيلبوردها مي باشد
در ضمن قابليت ذخيره فرمت psbبراي سيستم عامل مكينتاش هم مي باشد
و فقط در فتوشاپ 8 قابل استفاده است
Large Document Format (PSB)
Photoshop Recently, many applications have adopted the capability to work with and
save files more than 2GB in size. If you're editing nonlinear video, the need to use
gigantic files makes perfect sense. Image-editing applications like Photoshop have
been slower to adopt support for such huge files, but Photoshop CS has leapt into the
fray with its new Large Document Format (PSB). Finally, you won't need to figure out a
work-around when designing that billboard for the surface of the moon.