چطوری میشه تو وی بی ایمیل فرستاد؟
بهش احتیاج دارم.
چطوری میشه تو وی بی ایمیل فرستاد؟
بهش احتیاج دارم.
dim email
set email = createobject("cdo.message")
with email
.to = "[email protected]"
.subject = "something"
.from = "[email protected]"
end with
Dim objApp as Outlook.Application
Dim objMailMessage as Outlook.MailItem
Set objApp = new Outlook.Application
Set objMailMessage = new Outlook.MailItem
objMailMessage.To = "SenderName"
objMailMessage.subject = "Something"
' This Visual Basic example program sends mail with
' a GIF file attachment.
Private Sub SendMail_Click()
' Create a MailMan instance to send email
Dim mailman As New ChilkatMailMan2
' Unlock the email component
mailman.UnlockComponent "UnlockCode"
' Change this to your SMTP server.
' Depending on your SMTP server, you may not need
' the SMTP login or SMTP password.
mailman.SmtpHost = "smtp.earthlink.net"
mailman.SmtpUsername = "MYUSERNAME"
mailman.SmtpPassword = "MYPASSWORD"
' Create an email for sending
Dim email As New ChilkatEmail2
' Set the email subject and body
email.Subject = "test"
email.Body = "this is a test" & vbCrLf & "line 2" & vbCrLf & "-Bill"
email.AddTo "John Doe", "[email protected]"
email.FromAddress = "[email protected]"
email.FromName = "Bill Doe"
' Add a file attachment to the mail.
email.AddFileAttachment "dude.gif"
' Send mail. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if failed.
success = mailman.SendEmail(email)
If (success = 0) Then
MsgBox mailman.LastErrorText
End If
End Sub