سلام دوستان ...مرسی بابت پیشنهادات...می خواستم از بلوهاست سرویس بگیرم ...دیدم یک هست اشتراکی جوابگوی من نیست...
Dawson [4:58:09 AM]: Please type your main domain if you have an account with us. Allow me 3 min between answers and I will be right there with you. Thank you.
ali [4:58:09 AM]: hello ... for 10 gig per day download(music+software) and 5 gig hard....and a forums with 2000 users ./// the visitors of my website is about 20000 per day////// do u think can i use the bluehost service without any prublem?
Dawson [4:58:21 AM]: Not really.
[4:58:33 AM]: You will need a dedicated server for that type of usage.
[4:58:38 AM]: Here is a brief list of activities that we do not allow on our servers:
1. File sharing scripts, bit-torrent scripts, proxy scripts, or game servers.
2. Hosting or linking to illegal copies of third-party copyrighted MP3s, videos, movies, anime, software, etc.
3. Promotion of keygens, serials, cracks, etc.
4. Hosting or linking to pornography, escort services, or other content deemed adult related.
5. Corporate or personal backups.
6. Promotion of controlled substances, illegal drugs, or weapons to attack others.
All activities on our servers may be monitored, recorded, and examined by any authorized person, including law enforcement. A complete list of our Terms of Service may be found here:
[4:58:41 AM]: We are currently offering unlimited space for websites, databases, and email accounts. We do not cap how many pages or products (for e-commerce websites) you can have. Our servers do have some limits, though. We allow each web hosting account a maximum of:
- 8 simultaneous IMAP connections
- 500 emails to be sent per hour
- 40 simultaneous PHP connections
- 60 simultaneous MySQL connections
- 8 simultaneous FTP connections
- 450 simultaneous HTTP connections
- 20% of a 1x core CPU power
- 60 seconds of continuous CPU time
- approximately 100,000 files total
ali [4:59:57 AM]: do you have a dedicated server?
Dawson [5:00:09 AM]: We do not, I'm sorry.
duration 02:08
خواهشا سرویسی بهم معرفی کنید که فعلا نیازهای بالا را جوابگو باشه و در صورت نیاز بتونم اون رو روی همین سرور ارتقا بدم... فکر می کنم بهترین گزینه vps باشه....استفاده هایی که می خوام از سرور بکنم در همین چت با بلوهاست اوردم..