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من ميگم نره تو ميگي بدوش!!!
جوون آگه راست ميگي افكت گلوله ي ماتريكس رو با مكس بساز
من مطمعنم كه با ماياس
قصد توهين نداشتم - ببخشيد كمي تند حرف زدم
دوست عزيز بايد بگم اگه مايا از پس جلوه هاي ويژه فيلم ماتريكس بر ميومد تيم جلوه هاي ويژه براي قسمت دو و سه از تري دي مكس استفاده نميكردن
البته براي اثبات اين حرف فقط كافيه بري توسايت
براي افكت گلوله ي ماتريكس هم چندتا آموزش براي مكس دارم كه هرچي سعي كردم نشد به پستم پيوست كنم ولي نوشته خاليش رو براتون ميگذارم
[align=left:5c1b17da1d]Tutorial: Matrix-Like Bullet Effect
This one was done real quick, I was more trying to get the bullet texture right than the effect behind it.
1. Load a 2D picture as background, to do this, click on rendering > environment > none > bitmap > choose a pict
it's easier to use a big garden).
2. Now we need to see it the viewport, to do this, press alt-B, then in background source check "Use Environment
Background", then check "Display Background".
3. Make a cone, with radius 1 the same as the bullet back one, and radius 2 four-five times bigger.
4. Put around 20 segments in each.
5. Apply a twist modifier to the cone, (about 2000, but it depends on the size and the number of segments of the c
to look a bit like this: "()()()()()()()", like balls one after the others.
6. Now open the material editor, short key is M. Take a new material, and in the refraction map, put 100, then click
"none" on the right of refraction, and choose "Thin Wall refraction" (use reflect/refract if you got an older version of
7. Now apply the material to the cone.
8. Select the bullet, press Alt-A, click on the cone, play with the parameters so the bullet is aligned with the cone.
9. Render! You can play with the parameters if you want to get a better effect.[/align:5c1b17da1d]
[align=left:5c1b17da1d]Matrix 2
1. Create a bullet and superspray (trail). Link the spray to the back of the bullet. Superspray settings: off axis spre
plane spread = 180, use rate = 10, speed = 3, life = 30, variation = 5, size = 10, variation = 10, check facing partic
2. Animate the bullet so that the particles follow the bullet nicely.
3. Assign a 'blend' material to the particles and name it "bullet trail". Under material 1, check face map, set specul
Add noise to bump and check turbulence. Assign thin wall refraction to refraction. Name it "bullet refraction". Unde
2, check face map, set specular level = 0, set opacity = 0. Name it "nothing". Add particle age to mask.
4. Under environment, assign a bitmap to the background. Render.
The matrix bullet effect is cool and yet doing it in max is not difficult after all. Depending on the type of background
need to tweak the thin wall refraction and bump map parameters to make the refraction more pronounced. This ef
has the potential of making heat wave especially from that of the exhaust of the engine. Another try:[/align:5c1b17da1d]
[align=left:5c1b17da1d]Matrix 3
For this tutorial, You will need 3D Studio Max 3 and up, a plugin called Ghost Trails and a plan as y
twice (once for camera, and again for the FX).
A word about Ghost Trails; No plugin has been more valuable to me than this simple, two command
is in the fact that it behaves like a particle system although it resembles a mesh. It is truly amazing co
For MAX 4, 5, and 6, you can use the following link to grab Ghost Trails for your own use. It's super
click here to download! Currently, for MAXr3, you'll have to do an internet search for v1.00.
The improvments in this Bullet Time Bullet Trail v.2 tutorial would not have been possible without
experimentation and devotion of earlier 3D Kingdom Moderator, Trickskit. Thanks Drew.
If you're one of the 40.000+ readers who suffered through Bullet Time Bullet Trail v.1, you should
also tricky but better. Where v.1 was geometry at its most confusing, v.2 is based in a particle syst
easily animated and procedural-like! V.2 is far superior but still requires planning your camera and mo
Once again, I remind you that you're attempting a budgetted version of Hollywood (ESC) FX. The resu
CPU's instead of a render farm; so keep your scene as light as possible when you can. And now, with
and no B.S...
To recreate the picture above, you need the following four objects as typed all in the Front Viewport.
- Sphere r=20 (Instancer) in Front Viewport with XForm Modifier.
Reduce Z-Axis to 40% to create the disk.
- Cylinder (Bullet) with an r=8.5 with one hieght segment but three to five cap segments. h=30
Convert to Editable Mesh, and Soft Select (use judgment) front vertex to make bullet front.
Click to enlarge
Bring together the inner most faces on back of Bullet with Scale and leave SubObjects selected.
- PArray (Trail) and Pick the cylinder as the emitter (Use Selected SubObjects).
- Circle (GT) with r=40 and apply Ghost Trails to it as a modifier (new to your list of "More" modifiers).
Link GT to follow the 'back' (flat side) of the cylinder.
<< TRAIL >>
- Speed .01 and Birth Rate to 1.0 and no divergence.
- Grow for 35 to 45 but no fading out. Just Life at 50 to 55. Display until 101.
- Adjust the 'Size' from 1.0 to 0.5
- Spin Axis Controls: Direction of Travel/Mblur
- Object Motion Inheritance: 0.0
- Percentage of Particles: 100%
- Uniqueness (New) Seed: Set to zero (0)
Animate BULLET Locally 1000 units in 100 frames with a half way point too at 500 units (frame 50).
- Check that the particle system is emitting somewhat evenly.
- Viewport Display as Ticks for now.
- Instanced geometry and select Instancer (the Sphere with XForm).
- Right click and TrackView Selected...
- Trail > Object(PArray)
You will now use the following buttons: Assign Controller AND Graph View.
What you learn here will be valuable for your later, more professional projects and efforts. Identifying
Bullet Trail is what gave birth to the very idea of a v.2 tutorial. Many hypothesized a Particle System s
to use the power of Controllers.
**Settings may vary!**
Highlight Size Variation and click Assign Controller.
Choose Waveform.
- Settings (Right Click Size Variation > Properties) Period: 12.5 Amplitute: 100 Phase: .3 Verticle Bias
- Move slider to frame 50 or so, Viewport Display (Under Trail's Modifier Tab) as Mesh.
- Observe full trail effect in Left Viewport.
**My computer seemed to randomize the Waveform through the particles...**
**If yours does as well, follow me to the next step, otherwise skip to Materials.**
Click to enlarge
Put Viewport Display back to Ticks from Mesh.
Hightlight Birth Rate and click Assign Controller.
Choose Waveform again.
- Settings are as such: Period: 25.0 Amplitude: 2.0 Phase: 0.0 Verticle Bias: Manual 4.0.
- Note that up to 6 particles are emitted in one frame...
- Return Viewport Display to Mesh and observe Left Viewport (third picture above).
Stronger computers could take Manual 11.0 or even 14.0 but weaker computers will freeze
**Further adjustment will be needed for most projects. Experiement with Seed, and Waveform for Birth
**This additional controller made the Waveform for Size Variation seem more regular for BETA testers
- Render > Environment: Select Checker from the list.
- Click and drag this to the Material Browser in an empty slot; choose Instance and make 10x10 squar
- Select the TRAIL (PArray) and create a Reflect/Refract Material for Refraction @ 100.
- Every Nth frame (1) and Size of 150 Using Environment Map.
- Extended Parameters: Index of Refraction: 1.2
- Assign the Material to the selection (TRAIL).
- Select the Ghost Trail on the Circle (GT) linked to the cylinder (Bullet)
Settings for Ghost Trail are 10 frames longer than PArray's Life!!
PArray MUST have 'Life' shorter than Ghost Trail's 'Frames' so it dies INSIDE the Circle's Trail.
Also make 'Segments' 1/10th of the 'Frames.'
**Example: PArray Life=40 therefore Ghost Trail (GT) Frames=50 and Segments=5**
- Material for Ghost Trail: Diffuse is background environment...
- For now, set it to Checker (10x10) in Environment and Self-Illumination to 100.
- Opacity is Gradient Ramp where beginning is white and later is black;
- Also Angle W should be set to 90.0
- Finally, Check 2-sided, Specular level=0 and Glossiness=0
- Apply Material to selection (GT).
What you see above: Disk face on; Disk at 45 degrees; Disk from the side.
A more complex material for the Trail would have Refraction occuring from the side of each disk an
disk. Following is a more advanced, although flawed, Material that will come close to this property.
Blinn Basic Parameters for Specular Highlights are:
- Specular Level: 50, for highly lighted scenes, lower this to just 5,
- Glossiness: 25.
- Refraction (100) is Falloff
- "Front : Side";
- Type=Perpendicular/Parallel;
- Direction=Local Z-Axis (scroll down the list to find that one).
>>If test render shows a problem, try Local Y or Local X to fix.
- Black Color is the Environment.
- White Color is Reflect/Refract.
- Reflect/Refract is Automatic,
- Use Environment Map" with Size at 150.
- In Automatic settings, select Every Nth Frame: 1
- In the Falloff's Mix Curve you will add two points and mimic the following positions:
Test render a frame (about frame 50) to be sure that Ghost Trail is bigger (radius) than any particle.
**Not happy with trail? Expand the trail ripples by compressing Bullet's animation keys, or extend
something more and remember to also adjust the midpoint.**
- In a new scene, Merge the Bullet(Cylinder) (not the PArray or Circle).
- Create a camera and track the cylinder's movement.
- Remember to let the bullet/cylinder pass out of view at the end.
Avoid letting the camera look straight at the back of the Bullet since this will break the GT fading
- Now there's a background that's new to the first scene we made with the PArray.
- Goto the Material Browser and tell all items to look now at the animation you just made (remembe
background, that's what we're replacing now with the animation).
- At frame 50 Render a test frame to ensure complete replacement.
- Merge the Camera from the animation scene; it should track the cylinder "automatically."
- Make no changes to the camera's movement!!
- Test a few more frames to see if you are happy with the results and then render.[/align:5c1b17da1d]
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