Screen Calendar really allows you to put the calendar on your desktop wallpaper choosing the calendar size and transparency. Double-click the calendar to pick any date, add or edit notes. To read your notes fully, just move your mouse over the date cell. So, your PIM is always at hand (it runs in system tray), but it doesn`t require much space, especially if you like to use the hide/show calendar commands.
Also, beginning with version 5.0, you can print your calendar and notes.
Screen Calendar lets you to:
choose any calendar size and place of your screen for active Screen Calendar;
set transparency of calendar;
pick and note any dates and holidays by clicking on a calendar just (move mouse to read your dates notes on calendar);
show half or whole the next month;
select any skins and background images for your desktop or Winamp skins for calendar;
set random background image from folder or image list;
change backgrounds with any time period;
choose the custom type of a calendar representation;
create calendars using any color styles suitable for you;
show or hide calendar;
show weeks numbering;
customise holidays default;
organize your desktop icons variously;
show the current date on the system tray icon;
mark the dates with notes;
postpone the records to next or another day;
print the calendar and notes;
save calendar with background or background image.
Screen Calendar is fully customizable. The program interface is easy and friendly.
OS: Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000
Keywords: print calendar, wallpaper, walpapers, calender, desktop calender, skin, background, random background, pick, note, date, image, Desktop image, ScreenCalendar, desktop wallpaper, Winamp skin
مدير جان مي شه بفرمايين اين قيمت و واژههاي كليدي ديگه چي بيدن ؟؟Saeid_Taheri گفت:دوست من اين كركش خرابه !
من يك لينك ديگه از اين برنامه پيدا كردم ...
Screen Calendar 5.1
توضيحات :
کد:Screen Calendar really allows you to put the calendar on your desktop wallpaper choosing the calendar size and transparency. Double-click the calendar to pick any date, add or edit notes. To read your notes fully, just move your mouse over the date cell. So, your PIM is always at hand (it runs in system tray), but it doesn`t require much space, especially if you like to use the hide/show calendar commands. Also, beginning with version 5.0, you can print your calendar and notes. Screen Calendar lets you to: choose any calendar size and place of your screen for active Screen Calendar; set transparency of calendar; pick and note any dates and holidays by clicking on a calendar just (move mouse to read your dates notes on calendar); show half or whole the next month; select any skins and background images for your desktop or Winamp skins for calendar; set random background image from folder or image list; change backgrounds with any time period; choose the custom type of a calendar representation; create calendars using any color styles suitable for you; show or hide calendar; show weeks numbering; customise holidays default; organize your desktop icons variously; show the current date on the system tray icon; mark the dates with notes; postpone the records to next or another day; print the calendar and notes; save calendar with background or background image. Screen Calendar is fully customizable. The program interface is easy and friendly.
دانلود :2018 Kb (1.97 Mb)
قيمت :$19.95
متناسب با سيستم عاملهاي :
کد:OS: Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000
واژه كليدي :
کد:Keywords: print calendar, wallpaper, walpapers, calender, desktop calender, skin, background, random background, pick, note, date, image, Desktop image, ScreenCalendar, desktop wallpaper, Winamp skin
ولي من فقط لينك برنامه رو دادم نه كرك !alireza_a4 گفت:آقا اين كرك شما بعد از دو هفته هنوز داره ارور مي ده و وداونلود نمي شه
اولش فكر كردم مشكل از سرعته
ولي 2 هفته زور زدم
اگه لينك برنامه رو دادي كه بد ترSaeid_Taheri گفت:ولي من فقط لينك برنامه رو دادم نه كرك !alireza_a4 گفت:آقا اين كرك شما بعد از دو هفته هنوز داره ارور مي ده و وداونلود نمي شه
اولش فكر كردم مشكل از سرعته
ولي 2 هفته زور زدم
من برنامه رو دانلود كردم !alireza_a4 گفت:اگه لينك برنامه رو دادي كه بد ترSaeid_Taheri گفت:ولي من فقط لينك برنامه رو دادم نه كرك !alireza_a4 گفت:آقا اين كرك شما بعد از دو هفته هنوز داره ارور مي ده و وداونلود نمي شه
اولش فكر كردم مشكل از سرعته
ولي 2 هفته زور زدم
اصلا برنامت كار نكرد مدير جان به دادم برس كه خيلي فوريه !!!!!!!!