اينو برام ترجمه كنيد !در مورد فلش ه


سلام اونهايي كه در زبان ماهرند اينو برام ترجمه كنيد
The snowing effect we are going to discuss here is similar to the effect being used in Our Flash Form and Flash Menu. A bit of actionscripts are required for the effect.

Step 1

First of all, you need to creating the snow object.

On your main stage, draw a few strokes so that it look like the following (acutally, you can draw whatever shape you like):

Then convert it into a picture component (and name it as "obj").

Step 2

While you are still at the main stage (with the "obj" on your stage), select the picture and convert it to a movie clip (name it as "ani_clip"). Open the "ani_clip" component for editting (you should see the "obj" picture in the first frame). Insert a key frame at frame 15. Select frame 1 and move the "obj" picture up a bit. Then select frame 15 and move the "obj" picture down a bit. Tween the animation from frame 1 to frame 15, so it looks like the snow object is falling. (add acceleration and roation if you like). Then move frame 1 to frame 2 (such that frame 1 is empty afterwards). Insert 1 blank frame at frame 1. The final time line shoul look like the lower layer as shown in the figure below:

Step 3

Now, you need to insert a new layer to the time line. In the first frame of the new layer, insert the following actionscript:

function start_play(clip)
rectw = 550; // size of the main stage
recth = 400;

// rand size and position
xpos = random(rectw-20) + 10;
ypos = random(recth-20) + 10;
xyscale = random(25) + 25;

setProperty(clip, _x, xpos);
setProperty(clip, _y, ypos);
setProperty(clip, _xscale, xyscale);
setProperty(clip, _yscale, xyscale);


// random delay
threshold = 25;
num = random(30);
if(num > threshold) {

Convert the second frame to a key frame and put the following actionscaipts to it:


Ok, the "ani_clip" is done. Lets move back to the main stage.

Step 4

On the main stage, first select the the "ani_clip" and give it an instance name "ani_clip". Then select frame 1, and add the following actionscript to it:

for(i=1; i<30; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip("ani_clip", "ani_clip" + i, i);

Test your movie....That's it! Easy?

(You may want to set the alpha of the "obj" picture in the "ani_clip" to make some fade-in / fade-out effect)


اين متن يه افكت رو آموزش داده.... متن كه خيلي سادست.... امتحام مي كنم اگه كار كرد باشه ... كاملا ترجمه مي كنم


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