آخرين ورژون 10 Mandrakelinux از برنامه هاي خوب Linux است


Active Member
اينم آخرين ورژون Mandrakelinux از برنامه هاي خوب Linux است شايد در ايران خوب شناخته نشده باشد ولي يكي لز بهترين اوپراتيو سيستمها ي Linux است

اينم سايتش


از توي قسمت دانلود خود سايت كمي دانلود برنامه گيج كننده است





Active Member
fooladi گفت:
رايگانه ؟ سريال نمي خواد؟

من تا حالا با لينوكس كار نكردم . مشتاق شدم اينو امتحان كنم.

البته فقط براي كاربران مجيد ان لاين گفتم رايگان كردند
فقط بخاطر شما گفتم سرعتش هم زياد كردن كه سريع دان لود كنيد


اين نسخه اي كه شما براي داونلود گذاشتيد -Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download- چه فرقي با Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download دارد؟

لينك زير تعداد زيادي mirror براي نسخه official (رسمي) ارايه شده:


كه البته بعد از ورود I'm already a member of the Club or plan on registering soon, please send me to the download page
رو انتخاب كنيد واسه ديدن لينكها.

هنوز من مطمپن نشدم واسه شماره سريال :cry:


فرق اونا اينه :
The differences between Official and Community releases

Thanks to all the community and their great feedback, Mandrakelinux 10.0 'Community' was a great basis in order to release the stable and supported 10.0 'Official'. We will now officially support Mandrakelinux 'Official' on Mandrakeexpert but 'Community' may be updated thanks to 'Distribution', 'Contrib' and 'update' 10.0-Community mirrors (the list is now available)

The Community branch is designed for those who need the very latest features at the soonest opportunity, regardless of potential glitches.

Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official is the new default stable and supported distribution. Our 10.0 Official Milestone is similar to a Mozilla Suite 1.7 that should be soon the stable Mozilla development path. 
Updates will be available as usual into the related updates section (Mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.0) or through MandrakeUpdate. 
This is the distribution we recommand for any individuals, institutions, companies... 

However, if you would like, on top of having the latest Mandrakelinux stable distribution with security updates directly merged into the packages, to have the exciting feelings to be able to also have access to the latest new versions of some packages, but without the risk and potential instability of the Mandrakelinux Cooker development version, you are welcome to use the Mandrakelinux 10.0 Community version available inside Mandrakelinux/devel/10.0/. But be warned, security updates are merged into the packages, but also some bugfixes or new versions which may add, from time to time, a touch of instability, but, hey, isn't that a great feeling? 

Remember that the Mandrakelinux 10.0 Community is a still evolving and not officially supported distribution on Mandrakeexpert. 
Moreover, we recommend not to install Community packages on an Official version. First this will void your support contract, and second this is not aimed to be.

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