IP.Download Manager 1.2.0 Beta 1 آماده دریافت


خوب ورژن جدید دانلود منیجر شرکت قدرمتند IPS آمد

با امکانات فراوان

نظیر ویرایش بخش ها و ادیت فایل ها به صورت سریع و ای جاکس و ....

New Features and Changes since IP.Download Manager 1.1.3

* Estimated download times popup
* Lightbox integration for screenshots (optional)
* Reversed page titles on file information pages (SEO suggestion from James)
* When editing file, indicate that the file is still present
* Optionally add individual custom fields to auto-generated topics
* Ability to search custom fields
* AJAX-enabled progress meter for uploads (Requires PHP 5.2 and APC to be installed on the server)
* Portal plugin: random files
* Portal plugin: top downloads
* Search by title/description/both option (does not apply to soundex search method)
* Search results show the category a file is located in
* Ability to email download link
* ACP: Transfer file ownership feature
* Ability to change categories a custom field applies to from custom field management screen
* Category multi-mod (move/delete/hide/unhide)
* Comments feature updated to be more fully featured (ala Gallery)
* Store name, member id, and time of broken file report
* Updated file rating to match topic rating
* Added ability to configure which groups can link to remote files
* Added task/configuration to auto-prune logged downloads over set number of days old
* Added bulk import options (directory and zip)
* Converted to a component from a module
* General skin and source file updates to improve resource usage
* General ACP interface updates

این نسخه همان قیمت 60$ است که باید خریداری کنید

برای دانلود هم باید به client area خود بروید .... البته کسی تو ایران نداره هنوز به غیر از من :D !


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