1000 سورس ویژوال بیسیک


Well-Known Member
اولین سورس را از پوشه VB6 and Make Exe هزار سورس انتخاب می کنم که دو تا پوشه دارد با نامهای :
Exe Creator
دومی دو پروژه دارد.
اولی را اینجا بحث می کنیم.
نویسنده گفته :

This application will create an extremely small executable file that will run in console mode on any x86 machine. It might even run on a toaster. :p

یعنی این فایل exe در toaster (برشته کننده نان) هم اجرا میشه ولی من toaster نداشتم تا امتحان کنم.
کل کد اینه:
Private Sub cmdCreate_Click()
Call MakeEXE
End Sub

Private Sub MakeEXE()
Dim tempInt As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Open txtOutput.Text For Binary Access Write As #1

'// Put some stuff in the file so the cpu knows what to do
'basically just some assembly machine code.//
Put #1, 1, 180
Put #1, 2, 9
Put #1, 3, 186
Put #1, 4, 9
Put #1, 5, 1
Put #1, 6, 205
Put #1, 7, 33
Put #1, 8, 195
Put #1, 9, 32

'// Insert your message //
For i = 1 To Len(txtBody.Text)
    tempInt = Asc(Mid(txtBody.Text, i, 1))
    Put #1, i + 9, tempInt
Next i

'// Put the footer //
Put #1, Len(txtBody.Text) + 10, 36
Close #1
MsgBox "EXE Compiled and Linked.", vbInformation, "Finished."

Exit Sub

MsgBox "There was an error.", vbCritical, "Error"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
MsgBox "Please do not vote for this, just please leave a comment. This code was written by me, but the idea was from Vbmew (http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=2232&lngWId=3), so please check it out!", vbInformation, "About"
End Sub

نتیجه اجرا:
چیزی که در نگاه اول بدون بررسی کدها من دیدم این بود که در درایو C یک فایل ساخته شد که از داخل کامنت پرومپت اجرا میشد و چیزهایی که در برنامه وی بی داخل تکست باکس وارد کرده بودیم را نشان می داد.
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
از پوشه دوم پست قبلی پروژه اولی خطا داد. بماند برای بعد.
دومی اجرا شد.


کد فرم و ماژول آن این است:

'If you are going to use this in a app, you must
'first contact me at [email protected], and you
'have to credit me on the application's box, and/or
'about box

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo UsrCancel
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Executable Files|*.exe|"
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist

If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
Text1 = CommonDialog1.FileName
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
On Error GoTo UsrCancel
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Filter = "All Files|*.*|"
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist

If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
Text2 = CommonDialog1.FileName

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
'check something first...
If Len(Text1) = 0 Or Len(Text2) = 0 Then 'assure that the 2 textboxes are not empty
    Exit Sub
End If

If Dir(Text1) = "" Or Dir(Text2) = "" Then
    MsgBox "One or all of the files you entered do not exist!", vbCritical, "Error"
    Exit Sub
End If
'if everything is ok continue...

AddToSelfExtract Text1, Text2, Text3

MsgBox "Done!", vbInformation, "Done!"

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
On Error GoTo UsrCancel
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Executable Files|*.exe|"
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNCreatePrompt Or cdlOFNOverwritePrompt

If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
Text3 = CommonDialog1.FileName

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
End Sub

'If you are going to use this in a app, you must
'first contact me at [email protected], and you
'have to credit me on the application's box, and/or
'about box

Sub AddToSelfExtract(SelfExtract As String, WhatFile As String, SaveAs As String)

Dim iFreeFile As Integer
Dim iFreeFile2 As Integer
Dim sBuffer As String
Dim sBefore As String

iFreeFile = FreeFile

Open SelfExtract For Binary As iFreeFile
    sBefore = String(LOF(iFreeFile), Chr(0))
    Get iFreeFile, , sBefore
Close iFreeFile

Open SaveAs For Output As iFreeFile
    iFreeFile2 = FreeFile
    Open WhatFile For Binary As iFreeFile2
        sBuffer = String(LOF(iFreeFile2), Chr(0))
        Get iFreeFile2, , sBuffer
        Size = LOF(iFreeFile2)
        Size = String(10 - Len(Size), "0") & Size
        Print #iFreeFile, sBefore & sBuffer & Size
    Close iFreeFile2
Close iFreeFile

End Sub
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
پوشه بعدی که VB6 and Shell است

دو پروژه دارد به نامهای :

اولی بی خطا اجرا شد. با تصویر و کد زیر(فقط یک فرم دارد):


Option Explicit

' Shfileop sample from BlackBeltVB.com
' http://blackbeltvb.com
' Written by Matt Hart
' Copyright 1999 by Matt Hart
' This software is FREEWARE. You may use it as you see fit for
' your own projects but you may not re-sell the original or the
' source code. Do not copy this sample to a collection, such as
' a CD-ROM archive. You may link directly to the original sample
' using "http://blackbeltvb.com/shfileop.htm"
' No warranty express or implied, is given as to the use of this
' program. Use at your own risk.
' This program shows how to implement the SHFileOperation API.
' You can use it to delete, move, or copy multiple or single files,
' and it can send files to the recycle bin.

    hwnd As Long
    wFunc As Long
    pFrom As String
    pTo As String
    fFlags As Integer
    fAnyOperationsAborted As Boolean
    hNameMappings As Long
    lpszProgressTitle As String '  only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS
End Type

Private Declare Function SHFileOperation Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHFileOperationA" (lpFileOp As SHFILEOPSTRUCT) As Long

' // Shell File Operations

Const FO_MOVE = &H1
Const FO_COPY = &H2
Const FO_DELETE = &H3
Const FO_RENAME = &H4
Const FOF_SILENT = &H4                      '  don't create progress/report
Const FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = &H10             '  Don't prompt the user.
Const FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE = &H20          '  Fill in SHFILEOPSTRUCT.hNameMappings
                                      '  Must be freed using SHFreeNameMappings
Const FOF_FILESONLY = &H80                  '  on *.*, do only files
Const FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = &H100            '  means don't show names of files
Const FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR = &H200            '  don't confirm making any needed dirs

Const PO_DELETE = &H13           '  printer is being deleted
Const PO_RENAME = &H14           '  printer is being renamed
Const PO_PORTCHANGE = &H20       '  port this printer connected to is being changed
                                '  if this id is set, the strings received by
                                '  the copyhook are a doubly-null terminated
                                '  list of strings.  The first is the printer
                                '  name and the second is the printer port.
Const PO_REN_PORT = &H34         '  PO_RENAME and PO_PORTCHANGE at same time.

Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
    If Check1(2).Value = 0 Then
        Check1(3).Enabled = False
        Text2.Enabled = False
        Check1(3).Enabled = True
        Text2.Enabled = True
    End If
End Sub

'  no POF_ flags currently defined

'  implicit parameters are:
'       if pFrom or pTo are unqualified names the current directories are
'       taken from the global current drive/directory settings managed
'       by Get/SetCurrentDrive/Directory
'       the global confirmation settings

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim lResult As Long, SHF As SHFILEOPSTRUCT
    SHF.hwnd = hwnd
    SHF.wFunc = FO_DELETE
    SHF.pFrom = Text1.Text
    If Check1(0).Value = 0 Then SHF.fFlags = SHF.fFlags + FOF_ALLOWUNDO
    If Check1(1).Value = 0 Then SHF.fFlags = SHF.fFlags + FOF_NOCONFIRMATION
    If Check1(2).Value = 0 Then
        SHF.fFlags = SHF.fFlags + FOF_SILENT
        If Check1(3).Value Then SHF.fFlags = SHF.fFlags + FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS
        SHF.lpszProgressTitle = Text2.Text
    End If
    lResult = SHFileOperation(SHF)
    If lResult Then
        MsgBox "Error occurred!"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Move (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2, (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2
End Sub


دومی هم اجرا شد.با عکس و کد فرم و ماژول و کلاس ماژول زیر:


' File: vbshell.frm
' Copyright 1998 Andrew S. Dean

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdAddNotepadShell_Click()

   fCreateShellGroup "VBShell Demo"
   CreateShellLink "VBShell Demo", "Run Notepad", "C:\windows\notepad.exe", ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmdAddNotepadStartup_Click()

   ' Add the file to start when Windows starts.
   CreateShellLink "StartUp", "Run Notepad", "C:\windows\notepad.exe", ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmdAddRecentDocs_Click()

   AddToRecentDocs txtRecentDoc.Text

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDeleteAssoc_Click()

  Dim clsFileAssoc As New CFileAssociation
  With clsFileAssoc
     .strExt = txtExt
     .strAppID = txtID
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdGetAssoc_Click()

  Dim strExt As String
  strExt = Text1.Text
  MsgBox GetFileAssociation(strExt)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdGetShellFolder_Click()

  Dim strTemp As String
  strTemp = GetShellFolder(cboShellFolderName.Text)
  MsgBox strTemp

End Sub

Private Sub cmdJunkIt_Click()

   CopyFile txtFilename, "c:\junk.old"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRecycleFile_Click()

  RemoveFile txtFilename.Text

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSetAssoc_Click()

  Dim clsFileAssoc As New CFileAssociation
  With clsFileAssoc
     .strExt = txtExt
     .strAppID = txtID
     .strOpenCommand = txtOpen
     .strExePath = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
     .strFileType = txtFileLabel
     ' .strIcon = "0"
     .strNewFileType = "NullFile"
  End With
  clsFileAssoc.CreateContextMenuItem "foobar", "C:\windows\notepad.exe %1"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Personal"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Desktop"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "NetHood"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Programs"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Start Menu"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "StartUp"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Favorites"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Fonts"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Recent"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Sendto"
   cboShellFolderName.AddItem "Templates"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)

  Select Case UnloadMode
    Case vbAppWindows
         ' If the app is being closed because Windows is being closed,
         ' we write the registry settings that will cause
         ' the program to start up again when Windows starts up.
         Dim lResult   As Long
         Dim hKey As Long
         Dim strRunCmd As String
         strRunCmd = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
         lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", hKey)
         lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, App.EXEName, 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strRunCmd, Len(strRunCmd))
         lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
    Case Else
       ' Just fall through
  End Select
End Sub

'File: vbshell.bas
' Copyright 1998 Andrew S. Dean

Option Explicit

' For adding files to the Recent Documents menu.
Declare Sub SHAddToRecentDocs Lib "Shell32" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String)

'Global Const SHARD_PIDL = 1
Global Const SHARD_PATHA = 2
Global Const SHARD_PATHW = 3

' For adding files to the Recycle Bin, etc.

        hwnd   As Long
        wFunc  As Long
        pFrom  As String
        pTo    As String
        fFlags As Integer
        fAnyOperationsAborted As Boolean
        hNameMappings         As Long
        lpszProgressTitle     As String '  only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS
End Type

Declare Function SHFileOperation Lib "Shell32" Alias "SHFileOperationA" (lpFileOp As SHFILEOPSTRUCT) As Long

' SHFileOperation wFunc settings
Public Const FO_COPY = &H2
Public Const FO_DELETE = &H3
Public Const FO_MOVE = &H1
Public Const FO_RENAME = &H4

' SHFileOperation fFlag settings
Public Const FOF_ALLOWUNDO = &H40
Public Const FOF_FILESONLY = &H80
Public Const FOF_SILENT = &H4

' Registry functions
Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001

Public Const REG_SZ = 1   ' String data type

Public Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
' Reg Key Security Options
Public Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000
Public Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1
Public Const KEY_SET_VALUE = &H2
Public Const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = &H4
Public Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10
Public Const KEY_CREATE_LINK = &H20
Public Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL = &H1F0000


Declare Function RegCreateKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
      Alias "RegCreateKeyA" _
      (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpctstr As String, _
      phkey As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
      (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" _
      Alias "RegSetValueExA" _
      (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, _
      ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, _
      lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegDeleteKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
      Alias "RegDeleteKeyA" _
      (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubkey As String) _
      As Long
Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" _
        Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" _
        (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubkey As String, _
        ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, _
        phkResult As Long) As Long

Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" _
      Alias "RegQueryValueExA" _
      (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszValueName As String, _
      ByVal lpdwReserved As Long, lpdwType As Long, _
      lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long
' Definition of lpdwReserved modified by adding BYVAL

' From VB5 Setup Kit
Declare Function OSfCreateShellLink Lib "VB5STKIT.DLL" Alias "fCreateShellLink" (ByVal lpstrFolderName As String, ByVal lpstrLinkName As String, ByVal lpstrLinkPath As String, ByVal lpstrLinkArguments As String) As Long
Declare Function OSfCreateShellGroup Lib "VB5STKIT.DLL" Alias "fCreateShellFolder" (ByVal lpstrDirName As String) As Long
Declare Function OSfRemoveShellLink Lib "VB5STKIT.DLL" Alias "fRemoveShellLink" (ByVal lpstrFolderName As String, ByVal lpstrLinkName As String) As Long

Sub Main()
  If Command() <> "" Then
    Dim CurChar As String
    Dim CmdLine As String
    Dim CmdLineLen As Long
    Dim NumArgs As Integer
    Dim InArg As Integer
    Dim PosInStr As Integer
    Dim strMsg As String
    Dim ArgArray() As String
    'Get command line arguments.
    CmdLine = Command()
    CmdLineLen = Len(CmdLine)
    ' Initialize counters and flags
    NumArgs = 0
    InArg = False
    ReDim ArgArray(NumArgs)
    ' Go thru command line one character at a time.
    ' We assume that a Space or Tab character is used as the delimiter.
    For PosInStr = 1 To CmdLineLen
        CurChar = Mid(CmdLine, PosInStr, 1)

        'Test for space or tab.
        If (CurChar <> " " And CurChar <> vbTab) Then
            'Neither space nor tab. Test if already building argument.
            If Not InArg Then
                'Begin new argument.
                NumArgs = NumArgs + 1
                InArg = True
            End If
            'Add character to end of current argument.
            ArgArray(NumArgs - 1) = ArgArray(NumArgs - 1) & CurChar
            'Found a space or tab. Set InArg flag to False.
            InArg = False
            ReDim Preserve ArgArray(NumArgs)
        End If
    Next PosInStr
    Dim I As Integer
    For I = 0 To NumArgs - 1
      strMsg = strMsg & "> " & ArgArray(I) & vbCrLf
    Next I
    MsgBox "Command line arguments: " & vbCrLf & strMsg
  End If

End Sub

' Move a file to the recycle bin.
Function RemoveFile(strFile As String) As Long
  With SHFileOp
     .wFunc = FO_DELETE
     .pFrom = strFile
     .fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO
  End With
  RemoveFile = SHFileOperation(SHFileOp)
End Function

' Copy a file, displaying a progress window.
Function CopyFile(strFileOld As String, strFileNew As String) As Long
  With SHFileOp
     .wFunc = FO_COPY
     .pFrom = strFileOld
     .pTo = strFileNew
  End With
  CopyFile = SHFileOperation(SHFileOp)

End Function

Sub AddToRecentDocs(strFile As String)

   On Error Resume Next
   ' Win 95 does not use UNICODE.  NT uses UNICODE by default.
   ' VB always uses UNICODE internally, but converts as necessary.
   ' This is great because it doesn't add duplicates and it
   ' does not add items that are not valid file names.
   ' It appears that this doesn't work if File Type has
   ' not been defined for the file extension (ie, the
   ' default value of the AppID key has not be set.
   SHAddToRecentDocs SHARD_PATHA, ByVal strFile

End Sub

Sub DeleteKey(szKey As String)
   Dim lResult As String
   Dim hKey    As Long
   If szKey <> "" Then
      lResult = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szKey)
   End If
End Sub

' This routine sets up a file association so that a file
' can be opened by an application by double clicking on the
' file in Explorer.
' A file to use as an empty file will also be registered,
' so that a new file of this type can be created by clicking
' on the new menu in Explorer, on the desktop, etc.
Sub SetFileAssociation(strExt As String, strAppID As String, strCommand As String, strEmptyFile As String, strFileLabel As String, strIcon As String)

  ' strExt is the file extension
  ' strAppID is the Application Identifier.
  ' strCommand is the Open Command
  ' strEmptyFile is the file to use to create new files.
  ' strFileLabel is the string displayed in the various New menus.
  ' We want to create
  '  .ext -> AppID
  '      ShellNew
  '            FileName -> strNewValue
  '  AppID -> FileLabel
  ' and then some...

  Dim lResult As Long
  Dim hKey    As Long
  Dim strValueName As String
  lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strExt, hKey)
  Debug.Assert lResult = 0
  'strValueName = ""
  ' lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strAppID, Len(strAppID))
  lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, vbNullString, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strAppID, Len(strAppID))
  Debug.Assert lResult = 0

  If strEmptyFile <> "" Then
     Dim strKey As String
     strKey = strExt & "\" & "ShellNew"
     lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKey, hKey)
     Debug.Assert lResult = 0
     ' This could be either FileName, Command, or Data
     ' It should be an argument of the function.
     strValueName = "FileName"
     lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strEmptyFile, Len(strEmptyFile))
     Debug.Assert lResult = 0
     lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
     Debug.Assert lResult = 0
  End If
  Dim strTemp As String
  lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strAppID, hKey)
  If strFileLabel <> "" Then
     'strValueName = ""
     lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, vbNullString, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strFileLabel, Len(strFileLabel))
  End If
  lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
  strTemp = strAppID & "\shell\open\command"
  lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strTemp, hKey)
  'strValueName = ""
  'lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strCommand, Len(strCommand))
  lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, vbNullString, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strCommand, Len(strCommand))
  lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
  Debug.Assert lResult = 0
  ' Register the default Icon
  If strIcon <> "" Then
    strTemp = strAppID & "\DefaultIcon"
    lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strTemp, hKey)
    strValueName = ""
    ' If the icon was passed in as a number, assume the
    ' DefaultIcon is supposed to be "this.exe,1"
    ' Otherwise, assume the entire file and icon number was used.
    If IsNumeric(strIcon) Then
      strTemp = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe," & strIcon
      strTemp = strIcon
    End If
    lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strTemp, Len(strTemp))
    Debug.Assert lResult = 0
    lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
    Debug.Assert lResult = 0
  End If

End Sub

Function GetShellFolder(szFolder As String) As String
  Dim lResult   As Long
  Dim strKey    As String
  Dim hKey      As Long
  Dim strBuffer As String
  Dim lLen      As Long
  ' A better approach than this (language independent, for example), would be to use
  ' the SHGetSpecialFolderLocation() function, and pass the appropriate CSIDL constant.
  ' CSIDL constants are defined in shlobj.h, a Windows Header File.
  strKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
'  Public Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1
  lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, hKey)
  If lResult <> 0 Then
     GetShellFolder = ""
     Exit Function
  End If
  strBuffer = Space$(1024)
  lLen = Len(strBuffer)
  lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szFolder, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strBuffer, lLen)
  If lResult <> 0 Then
     GetShellFolder = ""
     Exit Function
  End If
  ' Might still want to verify that lLen > 0
  GetShellFolder = Left$(strBuffer, lLen - 1)
End Function

Function GetFileAssociation(strExt As String) As String

  Dim hKey      As Long
  Dim strBuffer As String
  Dim strTemp   As String
  Dim lResult   As Long
  lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strExt, 0, KEY_READ, hKey)
  If lResult <> 0 Then
     GetFileAssociation = "Unregistered file extension " & strExt
     Exit Function
  End If
  Dim lLen As Long
  Dim strValueName As String
  strValueName = ""
  Dim lType As Long
  lType = REG_SZ
  strBuffer = Space$(128)
  lLen = Len(strBuffer)
  lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strBuffer, lLen)
  Debug.Print lResult
  Debug.Print lType
  Debug.Print lLen
  'lResult = RegQueryValue(hKey, strValueName, ByVal strBuffer, lLen)
  'lResult = RegQueryValue(hKey, ByVal strValueName, ByVal 0, lLen)
  If lResult <> 0 Then
     MsgBox lResult
     Exit Function
  End If
  strTemp = Mid$(strBuffer, 1, lLen - 1)
  Debug.Print strTemp
  strTemp = strTemp & "\shell\open\command"
  lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strTemp, 0, KEY_READ, hKey)
  If lResult <> 0 Then
     GetFileAssociation = "File type is not associated with a program."
     Exit Function
  End If
  lLen = Len(strBuffer)
  strValueName = ""
  lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strBuffer, lLen)
  strTemp = Mid$(strBuffer, 1, lLen - 1)
  GetFileAssociation = strTemp
End Function

' From VB5 Setup Kit:

' SUB: CreateShellLink
' Creates (or replaces) a link in either Start>Programs or
' any of its immediate subfolders in the Windows 95 shell.
' IN: [strLinkPath] - full path to the target of the link
'                     Ex: 'c:\Program Files\My Application\MyApp.exe"
'     [strLinkArguments] - command-line arguments for the link
'                     Ex: '-f -c "c:\Program Files\My Application\MyApp.dat" -q'
'     [strLinkName] - text caption for the link
'     [fLog] - Whether or not to write to the logfile (default
'                is true if missing)
' OUT:
'   The link will be created in the folder strGroupName

' You can edit these manually with Explorer in the
' Windows\StartMenu\ directory.


Sub CreateShellLink(ByVal strGroupName As String, ByVal strLinkName As String, ByVal strLinkPath As String, ByVal strLinkArguments As String)
    strLinkName = strUnQuoteString(strLinkName)
    strLinkPath = strUnQuoteString(strLinkPath)
    Dim fSuccess As Boolean
    fSuccess = OSfCreateShellLink(strGroupName, strLinkName, strLinkPath, strLinkArguments) 'the path should never be enclosed in double quotes
    If Not fSuccess Then
       MsgBox "Couldn't create link"
    End If

End Sub

' SUB: fCreateShellGroup
' Creates a new program group off of Start>Programs in the
' Windows 95 shell if the specified folder doesn't already exist.
Function fCreateShellGroup(ByVal strFolderName As String) As Boolean
    ReplaceDoubleQuotes strFolderName
    If strFolderName = "" Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim fSuccess As Boolean
    fSuccess = OSfCreateShellGroup(strFolderName)
    fCreateShellGroup = fSuccess
End Function

' SUB: RemoveShellLink
' Removes a link in either Start>Programs or any of its

' immediate subfolders in the Windows 95 shell.
' IN: [strFolderName] - text name of the immediate folder
'                       in which the link to be removed
'                       currently exists, or else the
'                       empty string ("") to indicate that
'                       the link can be found directly in
'                       the Start>Programs menu.
'     [strLinkName] - text caption for the link
' This action is never logged in the app removal logfile.
' PRECONDITION: strFolderName has already been created and is
'               an immediate subfolder of Start>Programs, if it
'               is not equal to ""
Sub RemoveShellLink(ByVal strFolderName As String, ByVal strLinkName As String)
    Dim fSuccess As Boolean
    ReplaceDoubleQuotes strFolderName
    ReplaceDoubleQuotes strLinkName
    fSuccess = OSfRemoveShellLink(strFolderName, strLinkName)
End Sub

' Replace all double quotes with single quotes
Public Sub ReplaceDoubleQuotes(str As String)
    Dim I As Integer
    For I = 1 To Len(str)
        If Mid$(str, I, 1) = """" Then
            Mid$(str, I, 1) = "'"
        End If
    Next I
End Sub

Public Function strUnQuoteString(ByVal strQuotedString As String)
' This routine tests to see if strQuotedString is wrapped in quotation
' marks, and, if so, remove them.
    strQuotedString = Trim(strQuotedString)
    Dim strQUOTE As String
    strQUOTE = """"

    If Mid$(strQuotedString, 1, 1) = strQUOTE And Right$(strQuotedString, 1) = strQUOTE Then
        ' It's quoted.  Get rid of the quotes.
        strQuotedString = Mid$(strQuotedString, 2, Len(strQuotedString) - 2)
    End If
    strUnQuoteString = strQuotedString
End Function

'File: CFileAss.cls
'      CFileAssociation class for VB
' Copyright 1998 Andrew S. Dean

Option Explicit

' Public properties for the FileAssociation Class.
Public strExt               As String  ' .txt
Public strAppID             As String  ' txtfile
Public strOpenCommand       As String  ' C:\windows\notepad.exe %1
Public strFileType          As String  ' Text Document
Public strIcon              As String  ' c:\windows\notepad.exe,0
Public strNewFileType       As String  ' NullFile, FileName, Command (or Data)
Public strNewFileCommand    As String
Public strExePath           As String  ' c:\windows\notepad.exe

'  Creates
'  .ext -> AppID
'      ShellNew
'            FileName -> strNewValue
'  AppID -> FileLabel
'      shell
'            open
'                  command -> strOpenCommand
' and then some...
' Of course robust error handling should be added!
Public Function CreateAssociation() As Long
  If strExt = "" Or strAppID = "" Then
     CreateAssociation = 1
     Exit Function
  End If

  Dim lResult      As Long
  Dim hKey         As Long
  Dim strValueName As String
  Dim strKey       As String
  ' Create
  '   .ext -> AppID
  lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strExt, hKey)
  lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, vbNullString, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strAppID, Len(strAppID))
  ' Create
  '    .ext
  '         ShellNew
  '                FileName  -> strNewFile
  ' Don't handle the Date file type yet...
  If strNewFileType = "NullFile" Or strNewFileType = "Command" Or strNewFileType = "FileName" Then
     strKey = strExt & "\" & "ShellNew"
     lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKey, hKey)
     ' This could be either NullFile, FileName, Command, or Data
     strValueName = strNewFileType
     If strValueName = "NullFile" Then
        strNewFileCommand = ""
     End If
     lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strNewFileCommand, Len(strNewFileCommand))
     lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
  End If
  ' Create
  '    AppID  -> FileLabel
  lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strAppID, hKey)
  If strFileType <> "" Then
      lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, vbNullString, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strFileType, Len(strFileType))
  End If
  lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
  ' this block should be a separate routine, to make it easy
  ' to add multiple commands.
  ' Create
  '     AppID
  '         shell
  '            open
  '               command -> strOpenCommand
'  strKey = strAppID & "\shell\open\command"
'  lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKey, hKey)
'  lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strOpenCommand, Len(strOpenCommand))
'  lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
  Me.CreateContextMenuItem "open", strOpenCommand
  ' Register the default Icon
  ' Should we make the icon exe,0 by default?
  If strIcon <> "" Or strExePath <> "" Then
    strKey = strAppID & "\DefaultIcon"
    lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKey, hKey)
    ' If the icon was passed in as a number, assume the
    ' DefaultIcon is supposed to be "this.exe,1"
    ' Otherwise, assume the entire file and icon number was used.
    Dim strTemp As String
    If strIcon = "" Then
       strTemp = strExePath    ' If no icon was specified, use the default icon from the exe.
    ElseIf IsNumeric(strIcon) Then
      strTemp = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe," & strIcon
      strTemp = strIcon
    End If
    lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, vbNullString, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strTemp, Len(strTemp))
    lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
  End If
  CreateAssociation = 0

End Function

' Create a context menu for an existing file association.
' Typical call would be
'    .CreateContextMenuItem( "open", "c:\windows\notepad.exe %1"
'    .CreateContextMenuItem( "print", "c:\windows\notepad.exe /p %1"
Public Sub CreateContextMenuItem(strText As String, strCommand As String)

  Dim strKey  As String
  Dim hKey    As Long
  Dim lResult As Long
  Debug.Assert strAppID <> ""
  strKey = strAppID & "\shell\" & strText & "\command"
  lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKey, hKey)
  lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, vbNullString, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strCommand, Len(strCommand))
  lResult = RegCloseKey(hKey)
End Sub

' Delete an existing file association
' with minimal error checking
' Note that on NT, this will fail because
' NT does not cascade deletes.  You will need to
' query subkeys, and delete them before deleting
' a key.
Public Function DeleteAssociation() As Long

  If strExt = "" Or strAppID = "" Then
     DeleteAssociation = 1
     Exit Function
  End If
  Dim lResult As Long
  On Error GoTo DeleteAssociation_EH
  lResult = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strExt)
  lResult = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strAppID)
  DeleteAssociation = 0
  Exit Function
  MsgBox "Deleting the keys for " & strExt & " and " & strAppID & " failed.  If you are running NT, you will need to delete all child keys before deleting a parent key."
End Function
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
بنا به ضرورت این 1000 سورس را فعلا کنار می گذاریم و به بررسی موضوع کار با فایلها و دایرکتوری ها می پردازیم.

در این سایت:
راجع به این قضیه بحث هایی شده.

می خواهم برنامه هایی را با دستورات این سایت یا سایتهای دیگر بسازم.


یک پروژه می سازیم و یک دکمه روی فرم و کد زیر را داریم:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Dir$("C:/MYFILE.txt") = "" Then
MsgBox "The file was not found. Please try again!"
End If
End Sub

این کد یعنی گشتن به دنبال فایل MYFILE.txt در درایو C .
اگر نباشد مسیج باکس پیغامش را می دهد.

فایده این سوری به گفته سایت اینه که مثلا شما قراره یک دیتابیس را باز کنید. اگه اونجا نباشه برنامه خطا میده ولی با این کد میشه قبلش فهمید که هست یا نه.

حالا می خواهیم از یک پوشه dir بگیریم. البته فایل های با پسوند txt را.
یک پروژه بسازید و یک دکمه و یک لیست باکس به فرم اضافه کنید و کد زیر:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim sNextFile As String

sNextFile = Dir$("C:/*.txt")

While sNextFile <> ""
    List1.AddItem sNextFile
    sNextFile = Dir$

End Sub

که با زدن دکمه فایلهای مسیر مذکور که txt باشند در لیست باکس لیست می شوند.


دستور کپی فایل از جایی به جایی:

'The following line copies a file while changing its name :
FileCopy "C:\TEST.txt", "C:\BACKUP\TEST-BACK.txt"

که با اجرای کد بالا فایل از مسیر اولی با نام جدید در مسیر دومی کپی می شود.

برای جایی هم که فایل اگزه است یعنی کنار فایل اگزه من از خودم دستور زیر را نوشتم:

FileCopy App.Path + "\\TEST.txt", "C:\BACKUP\TEST-BACK.txt"

البته قبلش پروژه را در جایی از هارد ذخیره کردم و فایل اگزه را هم از منوی فایل همان جا ذخیره کردم. یعنی مکان خودم را در هارد مشخص کردم و فایل TEST.txt وقتی آنجا بود کار کپی انجام میشد و اگر نبود خطای زمان اجرا می داد.
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
70 سورس وی بی(چند تایی که من دانلود کردم اکثرا بی خطا اجرا شد) :


شامل :

New Source Code:

Typing and display text in reverse at real time

Easy Source Code:

Typing and display text in reverse at real time
Yet another tic tac toe program
Copying files from one place to another showing the windows move box
Letting the user click to draw with another line joining them together
Shows the memory available with additional information
Moves the form to the position clicked
Shows whether the user is connected by the internet not using a modual
Shows the amount of space avalible on the system in percentages
Detects which color mode the computer is in eg High color.
Delete a sub directory
This is a simple scribbler!
A better Version of tic tak a toe- Requested about 90 + times finally here
Tic tak a toe
Resizing forms
This is an advanced scroll system
Advanced password system including countdown.
Gradually changing text from blue -> Black 
Finding text in a text box
What is in your clipboard text or picture
Deleting files
The program beeps if you go past a line
Formatting numbers so eg before 12345678 now 123,456,678.
Moving a form
A Visual Basic Game which uses random numbers
Loading multi entries from a file
Playing AVI Video's
Pop up box after 10 sec's (V.simple)
Dragging files onto form
Store some information to a file
Close another application
Make a program that senses any key presses
Tell the percentage of power in a battery
Make the computer shutdown log off etc
A very simple password checker
Load another application

Harder Source Code:

A complete game of pacman including level editor and other options
More developed alladvantage program has more options and works better.
Simular to the windows based clock. ( Analog )
3D maze game - has amazing graphical display
Makes Alladvantage think you are active and only
3D line drawrings moving
Removes the icon on the toolbar of the form
Replace the text from one letter to another
Scroll though picture boxe using scroll bars
Query excel in to doing a sum
Convert Visual Basic code into HTML code.
Copying files from one place to another showing the windows move box
Letting the user click to draw with another line joining them together
Shows the memory available with additional information
Creates Windows shortcuts
Detects how long windows has been running for
Get the build of your windows and your operating system details.
Is user connected to internet?
Simplified version of VBMail sends email
A Visual Basic FTP Program
Get your current ip address
Any Internet Based Chat System
Virtual Pinball source code
How to browse though dial up connection details or stealing dial up passwords
Space invaders
Rotating some text
This program notes what programs are running
This tells the user what the mouse's status is
Where is your Cd rom drive located?
Quick view of clipart files
Counting down in hour's, min's and second's
Mapping NETWORK drives
Opening the Start bar
Have a calendar for life!
This program watches directories and reports if they have been changed in any way
Make the computer open the cd-rom drive
This makes Windows registry keys!
Time Expired Program
Show an icon on the systray
Show what all the fonts installed on your computer look like!
Make a picture box move with the press of a button
Save images, edit images etc etc a complete utility! 
Add some text to a file
Maximize another application
Disable CTRL + ALT + DEL
Move mouse to position
Set Wallpaper of Background
Get current exe loaded on computer.
Colour calculator
An example of a 3d object movement strings
Get Microsoft Word to spell check textboxes
Have a form with a hole in it
Get your windows password username
Tool Bar, Status Bar, Menu bars, Examples
Phone Book
Make a form have no close button
Make a form ONTOP
Hide the task bar
Make a popup application box
Moving the mouse and recording the exact height and width it was clicked on
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
1000 سورس ویژوال بیسیک....
برای کسانی که سرعت پایین تری دارند دو پوشه از سورسها را کم کردم تا حجم دانلود از 65 مگا به 20 مگا برسد.
و لینکش را در تاپیک (( آموزش مصور ويژوال بيسيك visual basic در مجيد آنلاين )) در پست 222 قرار دادم.

البته به شکل پوشه پوشه هم در ادامه این تاپیک پست می زنم.
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
پوشه بعدی VB6 and Networking است.

دو تا پروژه داره که هر دو بی خطا اجرا شد.

اولی که نفهمیدم چیه. هر کس بلد بود بگه.

دومی ولی جالب بود. دو تا برنامه بود که یکی میشد سرور و یکی کلاینت. ولی قائدتا اول باید برنامه سرور را اجرا کنید تا کلاینت بتونه بهش کانکت بشه.
در کلاینت ip دیفالتی که داخل کادر هست است یعنی به همان کامپیوتری که داخلش برنامه در حال اجرا هست می خواهد وصل بشه.

وقتی هم که کلاینت به سرور با موفقیت وصل میشه در کلاینت نام سرور میاد و در سرور میگه که کلاینت وصل شد.

وقتی هم که می خواهیم برنامه سرور را اجرا کنیم فایروال ویندوز پیغام می دهد که بلوک کنم این برنامه را یا unblock که unblock را بزنید.

پس اول سرور را اجرا کنید بعد کلاینت را . که بعد وصل شدن کلاینت به سرور ..... کلاینت نام سرور را نشان می دهد و سرور می گه کلاینت وصل شد. و هم جلوی آن می آید.

حالا برای تست در دو کامپیوتر یک نفر باید برنامه سرور را در کامپیوترش اجرا کنه و ip خودش را به من بدهد تا من برنامه کلاینت را اجرا کنم.
برنامه سرور به محض اجرا ip کامپیوتر را می دهد.
آخرین ویرایش:


Active Member
سلام سالك جان
دستت درد نكنه خوشحالم كه هنوز با قدرت به كارت ادامه ميدي
عزيز تو اين همه مثالي كه داري آيا يه مثال هست كه طريقه كار وي بي با store procedure ها و پارامترهاي ورودي و خروجي رو داشته باشه اگه داشتي ممنون ميشم اينجا بذاري
موفق باشي


Well-Known Member
سلام نیما جان.

ممنونم که به من روحیه دادید.
چیزی راستش پیدا نکردم. اگر دیدم می فرستم.
آخرین ویرایش:


New Member
سلام saalek عزیز
این تاپیکت هم مثل قبلی ها خیلی عالیه
فقط اگه می شه زود تر برو سر vb6 and sql

ول واقعا به خاطر این همه فهالیت خسته نباشی .


Well-Known Member
پوشه بعدی VB6 and SQL است.

با سلام. ممنون از لطفت. من این قسمت را آپلود کردم.

این دانلود شامل دو پوشه است. در یکی از پوشه ها یک پروژه داریم با نام SQLGenerator که با موفقیت و بی خطا اجرا شد. به نظرم کوئری ساز است. یعنی با انتخابهایی که شما روی فرم می کنید یک کوئری ساخته می شود.
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
پوشه بعدی VB6 and Icons است.

شامل 6 تا 8 پروژه است.

اولی در پوشه A Systray Icon Example قرار دارد. بی خطا اجرا شد. یک فرم کوچک دارد با یک دکمه. وقتی دکمه را می زنیم فرم پایین می رود ولی نه روی تاسک بار بلکه آیکونی کنار ساعت کامپیوتر قرار می گیرد که با کلیک چپ روی آن یک منو باز می شود برای دو عمل بازیابی و بستن برنامه.

دومی هم بی خطا اجرا شد ولی نفهمیدم چی بود قضیه. باشه برای بعد.
سومی هم بی خطا اجرا شد. محیطی مثل paint بود برای نقاشی.
چهارمی یک ادیتور آیکون است و می توانید با آن آیکونهای مورد علاقه خود را بسازید و save کنید.
پنجمی هم انگار مثل قبلی یک آیکون ادیتور است. فرقش با قبلی را خودتان بررسی کنید.
ششمی هم همین طور.
هفتمی هم با یک سیستم دیگه آیکون ادیتور است.
هشتمی که خودش باز یک فایل زیپ است همان اولی است انگار.
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-Known Member
آه خدای من!
دو سال بود ویژوال بیسیک کار نکرده بودم.
این کار شما انگیزه ای دوباره داد تا چیزایی که فراموش کردم رو مرور کنم.
واقعا ممنون:)

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