doste aziz CADArtist
doste aziz, ke ye ketab inja minewisi va nazaraate shakhsito inja migi bedone inke
etelaati dashte bashi, dost daram faghat ino bet begam, bejaye falsafe bafi inja
ye nemoneh kar az khodet inja bezari va onjori saabet koni .MAYA. va har chize
dige ghavi tareh !!! i
man khodam hich vaght nemigam kodom ghavi tare, ama ona ke vaghteshono
vase in on harfa talaaf mikonan omreshon alaki migzareh, va da akhar begam
shoma bazar va sharayete irano ba birone iran hich vaght nemitonid moghayese
konid, dar keshvare azizemon iran shayad hame fekr mikonan, Maya ya 3d Max
ama shoma patono ke biron iran bezarid tazeh ba ye donia dige ashna
mishid va on ini nist ke shoma fekr mikonid, va
man az Germany hastam va be shoma va hame dostaton dar iran migam ke
inja kheyli az ( 3d Max ) kar ha keshideh shodan be tarafe Cinema 4D, va
az beyne .maya va 3d max. Cinema 4d ro entekhab kardan
hala shoma va har kase dige ta sobh biad inja falsafeh bafi kone, va bege
hichi be .maya va ya 3d max. nemirese, .....baleh onja irane va az in harfa ziad mizanan
dar akhar 2. ta pishnahad bet mikonam, avalan 1. nemoneh kar bezar va
injori saay kon harfeto sabet koni
va 2. adresse ye Site bete midam ke bekhoni ke dar jange beyne
maya, 3d max, light-wave, softimage, cinema 4d
kodomeshon barandeh shodeh !!!i
hatman shoma esme Site ` Arts Computer ` ro shenidin ke cheghad maarofe
hala bebinid che natijey gerefteh va kio barandeh elaam kardeh
Cinema 4D R9 wins this Group Test because it has the most to offer for the widest range of 3D work. It’s as capable an architectural visualiser (offering some useful camera perspective tools) as a character animation tool, and the interface is easy on the eye, fast and eminently customisable. The default layouts are excellent, too.
Modelling and its associated workflow is particularly well configured. In addition to an excellent polygon modelling toolset, Cinema 4D also offers spline drawing tools, from which you can derive surfaces in the usual fashion (extrude, lathe, etc). These polygonal surfaces are generated “live”, affording a much greater degree of modelling history. With the Object Manager, you can also group so-called generators that produce geometry with deformers, such as Bend, FFD or Bones.
While not offering as deep a history scheme as Maya or Softimage XSI, the tight integration of all features means that you rarely run into conflicts when animating such hierarchical set-ups. In fact just about all parameters can be keyed, including those used to generate geometry in the first place. This offers a great deal of consistency throughout the program, regardless of the task you’re performing, providing a level playing field for newbies learning the app and pros finding a solution to a production problem.
With Cinema 4D R9, you can have multiple scenes open at once – a feature currently unavailable in any of the other apps on test. It’s a simple feature, but one that gives you lots of extra virtual working space. You can Cut and Paste between open files to modify an object in an empty scene file instead of in its main scene, which is extremely helpful if you’re working on complex jobs.
Overall, Cinema 4D R9 combines ease of use with powerful features and an elegant interface.
nemidonam age englisit khob bashe khodet mikhoni va roshan mishi
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