Hot : دانلود پلاگین RandomControl MaxLive 2.0.2 - 3Ds Max 2011-2012-2013 64x & 32x


مسئول بخش برنامه ها و مسائل گرافیک سه بعدی
RandomControl MaxLive 2.0.2 - 3Ds Max 2011-2012-2013 64x & 32x

سلام به تمامی دوستان بعد از کلی جستجو توی این سایت های مسخره ی پولی که 9 تا از دهتاشون میگفتم فایل پاک شده
این نرم افزار رو پیدا کردم و دانلود کردم .

هر وقت فایل حذف شد بگین تا دوباره آپلود کنم .

خب برسیم به توضیحات :

این همون ARION که با قدرتی چند برابر روی تری دی مکس نصب میشه و تقریبا مثل Vray RT میمونه

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مراحلی که برای نصب و ریجستر کردنش رو میگه انجام میدم ولی با این حال مینویسه که هنوز ریجستر نشده و کار نمیکنه .
ممنون .


مسئول بخش برنامه ها و مسائل گرافیک سه بعدی
با سلام خدمت دوستان .
من تو ریجستر کردن این پلاگین مشکل دارم اگه کسی بتونه کمکم کنه ممنون میشم .
مراحلی که برای نصب و ریجستر کردنش رو میگه انجام میدم ولی با این حال مینویسه که هنوز ریجستر نشده و کار نمیکنه .
ممنون .
هنوز کرک سالم نیومده هروقت اومد چشم میگذارم


مسئول بخش برنامه ها و مسائل گرافیک سه بعدی
سلام.ممنون از لطفت.
همچین پلاگین مالی نیست.اشتباه بزرگ رندوم کنترل بود که فرای رو از چرخه خارج کرد و هیچ وقت آریون مخصوصا تو کارهای اکستریور به گرد پای فرای نمیرسه.
باید دید در سدد جبران هست یا نه

صد در صد باهات موافقم
هیچ کدوم اینها هنوز به فرای نمی رسن
نامرد ها یک کاری کردن تو ورژن های جدید دیگه .fry اکسپورت نمیکنه یا rcs رو فرای کار نمیکنه و یکمی این کار رو سخت میکنه
ولی من هنوز هم طرفدار فرایم


مسئول بخش برنامه ها و مسائل گرافیک سه بعدی
you have to read the rules first
and then we can help you

read the rules : :green:

Thank God you choose to visit the site Mjydanlayn. Go to maintain order and safety rules and restrictions imposed by users that have adhered to by all users is required. By accepting these Terms of Membership Mjydanlayn authorities have the right to do that in case of violation, the violator to edit submissions or in the event of infringement heavy Profile of offending to be blocked.

General terms and policies Mjydanlayn:

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    [*=left] This set of rules for all users Go ranging from ordinary users, especially managers and binding.
    [*=left] Go for the high value accorded to its active users, the less active users rigor will apply.
    [*=left] The purpose of setting up associations Mjydanlayn only help users solve technical problems in areas such as two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphic design issues, design, programming, software, multimedia, and other specialized and general computer science . Due to the limited activity of the association, may not bring up any topic Mjydanlayn and other professional matters and other issues will not be accepted.
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    Laws of the Association as an important topic or topics listed above all other topics are always visible. For instance in the Flash community at the polls and Gallery Photoshop Forum
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    An example of a suitable title:

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      [*=left] How do I draw the shape of the curve in Photoshop
      [*=left] Students in the Visual Basic application program code GPA
      [*=left] Problem in displaying the page header blog
      [*=left] Error occurs when you turn on the computer
      [*=left] Consultation to select the graphics card

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    [*=left] B4 - If you have several questions that are not closely related, they're in separate threads.
    When you ask a question on a topic, you can select one as detailed, so that you have one as inappropriate, such as' a few questions about Photoshop "universal.Submission far less clear cut use of specified Your question is not the issue.

    For example, if the "How to Use the Brush Tool in Photoshop" and "how to save psd file in Photoshop" questions, each in a separate thread and as appropriate in the questions and requests raised in Photoshop Forum out.
    [*=left] B5 - a topic in a forum, only a copy, just ask, even if they seem to be related to multiple forums.
    For example, if you want to introduce your blog, a forum just introduce blogs and websites to create topics. Even if the material is not to advertise his blog related hardware Hardware Forum create topics.
    [*=left] B6 - If what you're quoting from a specific source, make sure it is fully inserted in Mjydanlayn the sources listed below.

Rules and restrictions reply to topics:

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    If you wish to respond to a question or participate in a poll, you will note that this is a very different skill level users or those who may have questions for the survey is provided very basic clumsily. Abase users is immoral and contrary to the educational goals Mjydanlayn.
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    If you have a question or an answer in mind that this corresponded to an old topic, we first note to the last entry in his essays. For example, if a year has passed since the last entry in his blog, the topic is too old and should not be raised again. Therefore, do not respond in that topic, but if a similar topic Create a new topic.
    [*=left] C6 - if the download links have been disabled on an old topic, the topic ignore.
    The Internet is a dynamic environment and the old link failures are common. Mjydanlayn person or group in charge of reviewing, deleting and restoring the link is disabled, so please report broken links or to apply for re-uploading them strictly refrain and the arguments do not post anything unless Links new and have in your possession a valid and insert them later.
    [*=left] C7 - before answering other users do not respond to the last answer that you've created.
    To bring up a topic that you've created yourself, do not post inappropriate responses, to get answers from other users to be patient. Send inappropriate content and spam is extra and is strictly prohibited.
    [*=left] C8 - once in several threads do not post a duplicate answer.
    When a response is sent replication in multiple threads, you may Mjydanlayn these doubts arise for managers who are trying to increase the number of your posts and you have your spam As a result, according to the mistaken notion that going to confront you .
    [*=left] C9 - to protest the violation occurred or malfunctioning, do not apply directly to a user or administrator.
    If a violation has occurred posts or a user or administrator is not functioning properly, do not respond directly to the discussions. Direct appeal to members of the authority or responsibility of the users are reminded of the rules. Report to moderator button (
    ) To report the violation of your submission and if the operator or manager might not be appropriate, through the private message service is subject to general managers or administrators to report on.
    [*=left] C10 - only thanks to the posts or confirm an answer, do not write it in the topic.
    If you wish to thank the author or want to verify the authenticity of the story instead of sending the reply, thank button (
    ) That is beside the point of use.
    [*=left] C11 - only the quote button quoted text prolonged use.
    Quote out of a material that increases the length of a long and difficult topic of study is, therefore, if the text is too long, instead of quote button (
    ) Of the Reply button (
    ) Use the text is not quoted.

Rules and restrictions on the content of submissions:

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    Contrary to the custom of sending the images and discuss the issues that continue to make it difficult to strictly refrain Mjydanlayn website. See the list of examples of criminal content
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    If you put a request shall be stated in writing that personal information is not wrong, but in other cases, the specifications should be sent in writing to do with the subject matter it. To check your email address or personal website and other features only the signature of your User Submissions Do not use them in the following.
    To edit the content of the sign, see: Edit Signature
    [*=left] D5 - Training and files to the persecution of an individual or group must be provided.
    Presentation or training tools that are used to hack the computer or disclose confidential information to their users, tools or programming code or tools spam, viruses and also request or provide a list of the user's e-mail where is the abuse that you give to others is prohibited.
    [*=left] D6 - buy and sell trade and general discussions except domain and hosting services is prohibited in all other cases.
    The users can simply Mjydanlayn the introduction or application hosting and domain hosting services and website sales and services for any advertising or other products Mjydanlayn not allowed to make the discussion.
    [*=left] D7 - in case of disrespect and ridicule and insult a person or a group of users to deal with a serious violation occurs.
    [*=left] D8 - Go Iranian authors support, thus providing illegal Iranian products or the introduction of any lock-breaker (crack, serial number, activation code, etc.) is prohibited.
    [*=left] D9 - their link to download files that are offered, shall be encoded in the name of a site.
    Most Iranians password files download sites and download sites with the law Mjydanlayn their own names do not match. Note that files with these characteristics are presented in Mjydanlayn violation is and is not permitted, even if they refrain from pointing out Bvrshan password.
    [*=left] D10 - except for the explicit mention of the source link at the beginning or end of the story, in other words, should have an advertising link.
    If you introduce a file to download direct link is available for downloading, be sure to mention your direct link. Offer only indirect link to download the user refers to other sites is allowed only when there is a direct link to the file. Offering a combination of direct and indirect links on a page OKAY. Writing site or blog posts that are relevant to the topic, it is not the source site, please refrain. Also, if you intend to introduce a website or blog, just to mention one or two links and text content is not saturated with lots of links.
    [*=left] D11 - All content submissions are in Persian Persian Letters must be inserted.
    Mjydanlayn a specialized site users and especially Iranian Persian language and writing text Pynglysh (Finglish) bother users is prohibited. If for any reason you may not able to type in Persian letters directly, you can use the tool Google Transliterate: Type in Persian - Google Transliteration
    [*=left] D12 - the use of text and images that are difficult to read the article, please do not harass or eyes.
    Blinking pictures or images are too big and bulky, text font size is too big or the wrong colors are listed among those who should avoid using it. If images are very large, instead of displaying the contents of an attachment or insert a link to download.
    [*=left] D13 - Mjydanlayn content that violates the rules, without the knowledge of the author will be edited or deleted.
    Also, according to the status and history of violating the user may become delinquent fines, or in certain cases, his access to the site temporarily or permanently blocked.

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